"Okay, let's continue searching, and be alert for reconnaissance and pursuit." Special Forces No. 1 said.

The team continued to search along the route just now.

Ke Yong listened to Lu Fei's description of finding traces of prey at point 733 in Area A, which was closer to Li Feng. There was no expression on his face, but he was planning something quickly in his mind.

"Lu Fei, contact Captain Li Feng." Ke Yong said to Lu Fei.

Lu Fei nodded and immediately established a dedicated line with Li Feng using a mini handheld computer.

"Lu Fei, talk." Li Feng's voice came from their headphones.

"Captain, Captain Ke has something to tell you." Lu Fei said into the headphones, signaling Ke Yong with his eyes that he could talk.

"Captain Li, what's your situation now?" Ke Yong asked Li Feng into the headphones.

Li Feng and his team found a suitable place to hide. The other team members were alert to the surroundings. Li Feng was checking the PDA and said to the headset: "Captain Ke, I'm fine here. There has been no abnormality since we found the traces of the prey."

"Our team is searching forward. I will always be in the open and be a target in the open. Captain Ke, you should also pay attention to your side. I think other prey should be in your area."

"Captain! Something is happening." When Ke Yong wanted to say something else, suddenly, the special forces team member next to him shouted.


Lu Fei quickly operated the PDA. After a while, the thermal images of people within 30 meters around appeared on the computer.

Ke Yong cut off the conversation with Li Feng and looked at the computer screen with Lu Fei. One disadvantage of thermal imaging is that it cannot distinguish between enemies and friends.

Now there is no way to distinguish who is who with that large area of ​​red dots.

Fortunately, Li Feng heard the warning before the communication was cut off. He immediately wrote a program and sent it to the hunter's information channel.

Lu Fei quickly entered the program written by Li Feng, and soon, the red dots representing the people disappeared from the screen.

Then the red dots disappeared one by one, and finally there were nine red dots about a hundred meters away from them.

Lu Fei sent the location information of the nine red dots to the information network, and soon, three teams said they were in front of them, and they surrounded them together.

Ke Yong made a gesture to the members of the team to attack quietly.

The four teams quietly moved towards a place from different directions.

Zhang Pingshun took the palm computer and leaned against a tall tree trunk. It seemed casual but he also did the ultimate shadow hiding. Zhang Pingshun dared to say that if he hadn't released the location information of their team, he would have automatically canceled the shielding program he had compiled before.

Other places around Zhang Pingshun were also lying or standing, and some were hiding on tree forks, all staring at the surrounding situation with a serious face.

"Attention, there is a team coming to us at 2 o'clock, 5 o'clock, 7 o'clock, and 11 o'clock." Zhang Pingshun whispered in the headset.

The prey actors all heard Zhang Pingshun's voice through the headset.

"Okay. Brothers, our hunting game officially begins." The brisk voice of the little bee came from the headset to the ears of all the prey.

Everyone heard his happy and relaxed words, and was unconsciously infected by this relaxed state, and was full of confidence in the next action.

Even the nine-man team that was arranged to be cannon fodder was calm and calm now.

"Brothers, we are going to the battlefield. You must work hard and bring back the information and markers on Captain Li Feng." Zhang Pingshun replaced the things in his hand with his weapons, and he looked like a warrior who was about to fight to the death and enter the battle.

"Brothers, fight, we must have the momentum of the pioneer troops, and we must give the 'hunters' a spiritual hunting action!" Another special forces soldier in the team was also full of fighting spirit.

"Yes, let's fight. Even rabbits will bite when they are angry. We must let them know how powerful we are." The soldiers of the reconnaissance company were also emotional.

"Bang!" As the first shot sounded, the battle between the nine-man prey team and the four hunters officially began.

Ke Yong never underestimated the enemy in battle. Influenced by Chen Fan, he went all out even in training.

So even though he was confident in his ability and his team, he did not object to the other three nearby teams coming together to besiege the prey.

In the case of absolute advantage, there is no need to pay attention to fairness, and confrontation is like the tasks performed many times, which are unequal, so when practicing confrontation, try to simulate all the real scenes that will happen in actual combat.

But as the two sides exchanged fire for a longer time, Ke Yong felt that the situation was a bit wrong. With the number of prey and the matching of personnel, their firepower should not be so strong.

"The situation is not right, everyone be careful." Ke Yong said vigilantly into the headset.

He not only reminded the participants, but also reminded all the hunters that if the battlefield here was intentional by the prey, then there would definitely be actions in other places.

"Attention, we are attacked at 216, we are attacked at 216." An urgent voice came from the hunters' headphones.

The veins on Ke Yong's forehead jumped, and it was the kind of uncomfortable feeling that came from the realization of a bad feeling in his heart.

But soon Li Shuheng's voice came from the headphones: "The situation at 216 has been controlled, and no support is needed for the time being."

Ke Yong also said: "Accelerate the action and fight quickly and decisively."

The hunters' attacks were getting faster and faster, and more and more dense. It was becoming increasingly difficult for Little Bee and Zhang Pingshun's team of nine to resist.

"The captain is still so fierce. Brothers, you have to hold on." Little Bee's voice rang out in the headset again.

"So many main forces of the special forces are here, and they are concentrating their firepower on us. If I hadn't dodged well, I would have been shot." Scout No. 1 said with a breath.

"I can't hold on here." Scout No. 2 had just finished speaking when a loud gunshot came from the headset.

Everyone knew that one more person had been sacrificed.

Soon, despite the full resistance of the nine-man team's prey, they were all wiped out by the hunters.

Little Bee stood up from behind the bushes, holding his weapon, and stared at Ke Yong and other members of the special forces with resentful eyes.

As if accusing them of their ruthlessness.

"Don't look at it, you are now the prey, the enemy to be eliminated." A member of the special forces team looked at Little Bee and said with a chuckle.

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