While the prey were playing tricks, the captains were not idle either. They seemed to have withdrawn all the people like a net, but there were always a few teams lurking, waiting for an opportunity to move at any time.

But they didn't expect that two days and one night would pass, and they still couldn't end this confrontation.

In the deep and quiet jungle, the sun penetrated the layers of branches and leaves with difficulty, casting mottled light and shadows.

In the bushes, thorns intertwined, and sharp spikes flashed cold light. The ground was covered with thick fallen leaves, and a slight "crunch" sound was made when stepped on.

Teams of soldiers, holding weapons, some with heavy backpacks on their backs, shuttled through the jungle to search.

They were agile, their eyes were firm, and sweat slid down their resolute cheeks, shining with crystal light under the sunlight.

The wet military uniforms were tightly attached to their bodies. After a long period of jungle training, the training uniforms on their bodies were almost indistinguishable from their original colors. The high-intensity training also made their bodies and spirits exhausted.

But their eyes were bright and their faces were full of joy. No one could stop them from moving forward.

Li Feng led his team forward with a sharp gaze. He narrowed his eyes slightly and observed the movements around him vigilantly.

He and his team members moved forward carefully and quickly. They now had to change their previous plan of slowly chasing and needed to make a quick decision.

"Captain Jin Bian, Captain Li Feng, this confrontation must be ended before this evening. The day after tomorrow is the deadline of one month. We will have another contest with the team leader. Before that, let's take a final rest."

A few minutes ago, Ke Yong held a brief meeting with Jin Caiyue and Li Feng through the hunter's information communication.

Before the confrontation began, none of them thought that after a month of integrated training, their team members could achieve this level.

With at least ten times the number of people and combat effectiveness, after losing nine team members, the other eleven people were able to hide for a night and almost a whole day under concentrated search.

The three captains were both happy and anxious.

The happy thing is that the results of everyone's training are really extraordinary.

The anxious thing is that there is another big battle to be fought soon, and they haven't rested yet.

"Then let's fight quickly. I'm responsible for luring them out. Captain Ke and Captain Jin can make some noise and be ready to hunt at any time." Li Feng thought for a while and said.

"Okay, act now." Jin Caiyue said.

"Action!" Ke Yong also agreed.

At the command, all the hunters immediately moved, and the jungle that had been quiet for a night and a day immediately became lively again.

A group of team members passed by quickly from a corner of the jungle. They sometimes bent down and swiftly pushed away the branches blocking the road in front, and sometimes turned sideways to lightly avoid the thorns.

Everyone's steps were steady and powerful, and every step was accurate and firm. Every foot landed on the solid ground, not affected by the potholes at all, as if integrated with the jungle.

At the other end, a group of team members were trekking on a steep slope. The leader walked forward step by step with firm steps, and the soldiers behind him followed closely.

Suddenly, one of the soldiers slipped and was quickly grabbed by the collar by the person behind him. The soldier on the other side held the tree trunk next to him tightly because of the pulling and tugging, and continued to move forward after stabilizing his body.

Another soldier raised his hand to wipe the sweat from his face, gritted his teeth and quickened his pace.

There were also some team members climbing on the steep slope, using their hands and feet to grab the cracks of the rocks, and the soil and rocks under their feet rolled down with a dull sound.

The rushing stream was across their way forward. The soldiers jumped high and kicked their legs hard. The stream roared and hit their bodies, making a loud "gurgling" sound.

The mosquitoes in the jungle were rampant, making annoying buzzing sounds and biting their exposed skin. The soldiers just waved their hands casually to drive away the mosquitoes, unaffected at all, and continued to move forward firmly.

In a lively and lively environment, there were a few people who quietly and patiently lurked in one place.

Lei Ming and Ouyang Feng, as well as two other special forces brothers and two soldiers from the reconnaissance company, were like cheetahs hiding in the shadows, lurking quietly.

The jungle seemed like a huge green maze, with lush branches and leaves interweaving into a dense green sky, cutting the sunlight into small pieces, like golden silk threads.

On the ground, the thick layer of rotten leaves exuded a rotten smell, and occasionally there were reptiles shuttling between them, like little ghosts shuttling through a maze.

The training uniforms on Lei Ming and his men were camouflaged, perfectly blending with the surrounding environment. They lay on the ground, their bodies pressed against the wet soil, as if they were sculptures integrated with the earth. Muscles tense, eyes sharp and alert, like the cold stars twinkling in the night sky.

They had been lurking in this place for a day and a night. Before breaking out from 733, they had found this place and had been motionless.

During this period, they saw several teams of hunters passing by them, and also saw several teams searching in the place where they were lurking, but they were all safe.

Lei Ming lowered his body and silently conveyed his instructions with gestures. His movements were light and accurate, like an elf dancing in the dark. The soldiers understood, their eyes were firm and focused, and they also revealed a hint of excitement.

Moving in hiding is the most tiring, and after lurking for so long, it is finally time to take action.

A soldier from the reconnaissance company tilted his head slightly and observed the movement in front through the gaps in the leaves. Sweat flowed down his forehead, and the itchy feeling made him frown slightly, but he remained motionless, like a frozen stone statue.

Another special forces brother held his weapon tightly in his hand, his finger lightly on the trigger, ready to deal with possible emergencies at any time, his tense nerves were like a fully drawn bowstring.

The whole team was silent, with only the occasional bird calls and the rustling of leaves in the wind. After a day and a night of ups and downs, the soldiers have merged into the jungle around him, quietly waiting for the best time.

The PDA that Ouyang Feng had been holding in his arms stopped sending out three short and one long signals while they were quietly waiting.

At this time, Li Feng and his team also appeared in front of several people.

The accident and the assault happened in an instant.

"Captain Li!" Special Forces soldier A Bin shouted loudly to Li Feng, who was walking in front of the left and suddenly fell down.

Almost at the same time, the lurking Lei Ming, Ouyang Feng and their team all took action and attacked Li Feng and his team.

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