Beep beep beep.

Three of the five flying bombers carrying out low-altitude mine clearance made harsh mechanical sounds from their instruments.

"Report, the fighter-bomber No. 77 was hit by a missile and cannot return." The voice of the pilot of the bomber fighter-bomber No. 77 came from the earphones to the communication earphones of everyone in the fighter-bomber brigade.

"Report, the J-31 was hit by a missile and is unable to return." The pilot of the bomber J-31 also reported.

"Report, the J-25 was hit by a missile and is unable to return." The pilot of the bomber J-25 also said immediately.

Depend on! The battle has just begun, and the side with the absolute advantage has already lost three bombers, and the main fusion force only lost some randomly planted mines!

On the other end, hearing the information reported by the pilots of the three bombers, the people in the fighter-bomber group were about to explode, and various voices applying for combat sounded in the communication earphones.

"Destroy No. 5 and No. 10, agree to bombing, pay attention to avoid." Xiao Yonghuai's slightly angry voice came through the communication headset.

After receiving the order, the pilots of the J-5 and J-10 were immediately full of fighting spirit. Just now, they had narrowly escaped the anti-aircraft missiles of the J-5 and J-10.

Suddenly, they made a 180-degree U-turn and launched a burst of intensive shooting at the place where the anti-aircraft missiles had been fired. They fired bullets and artillery shells. It was free of charge and they were all fired at once.

Before it was over, the fighter planes that had been hovering in the sky in the distance were also sent over. For a while, the roar of the planes resounded through the sky.

"Li Feng, it's up to you." Ke Yong's voice came from the headset of the Fusion Force's communication system.

In addition to Ke Yong's expectant voice, there was also the sound of wind in the headphones, which was very fast.

Ke Yong and the fusion force members he led quickly evacuated after launching the first anti-aircraft missile. They ran as fast as they could in their lives, without any hesitation and could only hide. After this attack, they can have a second counterattack.

"Fusion team one, it's time for us to complete our mission." Jin Caiyue's voice also sounded in the communication headset at this time, which gave a rather heroic feeling like a hero breaking his wrist.

Li Feng's voice came out from the earphones at this time. His voice was very calm and normal: "Don't be so tragic. We have already knocked down three fighters and won the first blow."

"According to our plan, the fighter-bomber group and artillery armored battalion won't be able to get any benefit from us."

When Li Feng spoke, he didn't dare to stop the movements of his hands at all. The members of the information support team who launched the signal attack battle with him also had their fingers flying, and they didn't dare to stop for a moment. The first wave of signal shielding had been initiated, and then See how the other person responds.

"Report, there is an abnormality in the instrument and the command cannot be sent."

"Report, my instrument here is also abnormal and I cannot send commands."


In the fighter-bomber brigade, the fighter planes that flew into the signal shielding range all had instrument problems, and all instructions could not be executed. Thanks to the fact that the pilots were well-trained and experienced in many battles, even if they lost their direction guidance, they could still fly. Steadyly hover the plane in the sky.

Chen Fan's fighter plane was hovering behind him. Looking at the dozens of fighter planes circling and losing direction in front of him, he raised a smile at the corner of his mouth and said to Xiao Yonghuai:

"Captain Xiao, you didn't expect this move, right? When the fusion force took action, they not only captured three fighter planes, but they also seemed to have successfully disabled the fighter's combat power."

Xiao Yonghuai's head was very big now. Listening to Chen Fan's slightly proud words, he said a little speechlessly:

"Captain, the palms of your hands and the backs of your hands are all flesh. You must treat them equally. And in this confrontation, you are still the commander. Now that the fusion troops have come and hit you, your wise and powerful image has been somewhat damaged."

Chen Fan looked at Xiao Yonghuai and felt that he must not be able to bear the loss of three fighter planes as soon as the war started. He was still unable to recover from the blow, and said: "Yes, so I can't provide support to you now. The signal is blocked. , what should you do if you seize the time."

Xiao Yonghuai could see it clearly. As the regiment leader said before setting off, he would not participate in the confrontation in the early stage. He would only be responsible for giving orders to the fusion troops in the later stage before cooperating with the frontal attack.

So now it also means that the three teams they participated in the confrontation have to complete communication and cooperative actions on their own.

Xiao Yonghuai thought for a while, then said in a deep voice: "Fight J-3, attack, activate signal shielding. Fight J-5 to J-16, keep the aircraft circling, pay attention to signal changes, and escape as soon as possible."

On the battlefield, everything is changing rapidly, fighter planes are circling, and the crisis is very great. You can become the target of the enemy at any time.

"Captain, there is strong signal interference approaching." Lu Fei reported.

The signal interference was stronger than they expected, and the sense of oppression in the air was getting stronger.

Although the information support team was disguised and kept a certain distance from each other in the jungle, and some were even nestled in the trenches, they could still feel the pressure from the air.

Jiang Zhiyue and Deng Jingxi, two good comrades, are currently nesting together in the trench. They are sitting back to back on the ground, their backpacks are placed in front of them, and their guns are placed on their right sides, where they are most easily accessible. location.

The handheld computer was placed on the backpack. At this time, their fingers typed commands faster and faster, and there were almost residual images.

Gradually, not only did the speed increase, Jiang Zhiyue's forehead also had beads of sweat, and Deng Jingxi's face was so cold that it was about to freeze into ice.

"Captain, I can't hold on any longer." Gao Wenhe's nervous voice reached the ears of the information support team.

"I'll fill it in first." Lu Fei's voice sounded, and it can be heard from his tone that he was a little relaxed.

In this way, the battle for signals was extremely fierce.

So far, this is a confrontation between humans and artificial intelligence. The J-3 is currently the most advanced fighter in the military, equipped with the most advanced technology, and even the system inside is a new weapon derived from the previous stealth fifth-generation fighter.

At the beginning, that fighter was able to block all the signals in the test flight unit during the test flight, which shows how powerful it is.

Now, the information support team, in order to break through and control the signal again under the latest technology fighter signal blocker, must show their outstanding results that they have never achieved before.

Chen Fan was sitting expressionless on fighter plane No. 1, watching the battle from afar, but he was muttering in his heart: "Li Feng, information support team, what are you going to do now? There are always endless problems to solve. Only by breaking through this biggest barrier can you be considered truly invincible."

The same model partner of the small fighter plane represents strength. Breaking through it means standing at the top of technology.

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