Special Forces: I, Private! Destroy the Wolf Fang at the beginning

Chapter 951 Conquer the fighter plane! The confrontation is over!

"Commander, the fusion force's information transmission mission behind enemy lines has been completed." Staff Officer Gao's voice reached Chen Fan's ears through the earphones.

At that time, Chen Fan was leading the soldiers from the engineering company and artillery armored battalion to pursue the fusion troops in the jungle to play tactics.

"I understand." After listening calmly, Chen Fan turned to the pursuit unit communication and said: "Soldiers, the fusion unit's information transmission mission has been completed, and our pursuit will be accelerated."

"Feng Zetao, take the first platoon of the engineer company to continue the pursuit to the east. Jiang Yusheng will take the second platoon to the west and hand it over to you. Yao Kai and Lu Chengcheng will divide them into four teams. You will be responsible for the entire area to the south and north. Soldiers The third platoon of the engineering company followed me and attacked from the front."

"Yes. Come to me from the engineering platoon." Feng Zetao spoke first and shouted, and the soldiers from the first platoon quickly followed and headed east.

Jiang Yusheng, Yao Kai and Lu Chengxing also divided into five groups and went deep into the jungle from different places. Although the group was large, the sound and noise were not very loud.

In the jungle, after several rounds of pursuit, the fusion troops had been exhausted and there was not much combat power left.

"Attention, fusion troops, fight separately from now on. It's time to show the regiment leader the results of our fusion training." Ke Yong lay prone in the grass, staring ahead. A group of pursuit troops ran past him. He His eyes flashed, and he whispered into the earphones.

"Understood. Information Support Team 2, give up the confrontation with the fighters and evacuate in an orderly manner. Zhang Mingyuan, Xiao Ping'an and Ouyang Feng will leave first." Li Feng was the first to reply to Ke Yong in the earphone, and then immediately arranged the action.

Zhang Mingyuan, Xiao Pingan and Ouyang Feng immediately put away their electronic devices, picked up their guns, and said, "Yes."

Looking at the three figures running into the jungle without looking back to contact the others, Li Feng continued: "Before we retreat, let's give the regiment leader's pursuit force a gift."

"Okay, Captain, we are here." Gao Wenhe said loudly and excitedly.

The information support force, which had been deprived of two-thirds, suddenly exerted force and crushed Fighter 3 with all its strength. Fighter 3 struggled and buzzed for a while before being completely tamed.

Immediately afterwards, Fighter No. 3 actually turned its nose and fired practice bombs at the armored vehicle.

After a burst of fire, the armored vehicles under the wings of the aircraft warfare all emitted white smoke, and the signal to withdraw from the exercise also appeared.

The artillery armored battalion, who stayed behind in the armored vehicles and stood ready to support the pursuing troops, was suddenly attacked by their own fighter planes, and they were all stunned.

A burst of thick smoke blew by. The people in the armored vehicle looked at the very annoying words "Exit the exercise" on the precision display of the armored vehicle. They gritted their teeth and got out of the armored vehicle angrily.

"Holy crap! Is this fighter plane crazy?" An observer on the armored vehicle jumped out of the vehicle, waved away the thick smoke that lingered in the air, and said angrily.

"Our own fighter planes attack our own armored vehicles. What is this?" The operator of another armored vehicle also looked angry.

"We are here. We must have died before we left. None of the fusion troops were chasing us, and they were all wiped out." Observer No. N said, "That's not a large-scale weapon exercise." It’s all useless?”

"Haha, I don't understand what the situation is now." The operator said.

"But to be honest, the people in the Information Support Force are really awesome. I have heard that the three new fighters that have been transferred are the latest technology, and they have not been made public yet."

"You said, not all members of the information support team are still here, right?"

"What? Are you still thinking of attacking them? Don't forget, you have been sacrificed now and are already a 'dead person'."

"Oh, don't be so serious. If you don't beat them, you can't go and see them."

For a time, the people left behind in the armored vehicle gathered together, chatting and discussing various things. The anger and injustice at the beginning gradually evolved into curiosity.

At that time, they were quite open-minded. Even after an exercise, they only made some contributions to clearing mines and were all wiped out by their own fighter planes, but they could still afford to take it up and let it go. After all, they all If this is the case, what else can be done?

Curiosity made the soldiers a little eager to go into the forest to check, but there was another thing that made them curious.

"Hey, Fighter, don't you claim to have the latest technology? How come you can't tell the difference between us and the enemy?" There was a man who was very curious and had a mean tongue, and he started teasing Fighter.

Fighter No. 3 buzzed, and its fuselage trembled.

"Hey! Are the fighters protesting?" The joking soldier asked the surrounding comrades in surprise as if he had discovered a new world. "

"It seems, that's what happened." Those who were also paying attention to the fighter plane also looked like they had seen a ghost, with incredible eyes, and they were speechless.

In the sky above, Fighter Three buzzed again, and suddenly fired another round of strafing at the people below, but this time, it was fired at the grass next to them.

In the jungle, just as they were about to evacuate, the eyes of several members of the information support team, including Li Feng, also shone with light.

"Captain, just now, Fighter No. 3, did it fire on its own?" Jiang Zhiyue swallowed and asked in a stuttering tone.

"Yes, I heard that the latest fighter planes have some 'self-awareness' of their own, and they have a bad temper. I will count to three, and the information shielding will end immediately. Everyone, leave here as quickly as possible, understand?" Li Feng said in a serious voice.

"Ah, fighter plane, why are you still shooting at us? If you want to shoot, shoot at the jungle. We are not controlling you." The armored soldier yelled, and he was about to be killed by a row of bullets that suddenly shot at the side.

Just after he finished shouting, before he put down his hand holding his head, a burst of bullets sounded again. The soldier listened and tensed his body with a conditioned reflex.

But it was not over yet, another row of shells exploded in the jungle.

Feeling that the sound was wrong, the soldier put down his hand holding his head, stuck his head out, looked around, and found that fighter plane No. 3 was facing the jungle, the area where people might be hiding, and bombarded it wildly.

For a moment, bullets and fire flew around the jungle, and grass and mud were splashed everywhere. The forest that was directly hit by the shells was also charred at this time, and the scene was in a mess.

"Fighter No. 3 has started self-driving." Chen Fan looked at the direction of Fighter No. 3 and murmured.

Sure enough, the soldier who was supposed to be the pilot of Fighter No. 3 immediately reported in the headset: "Report, Fighter No. 3 is out of control, should we take emergency plans? Please instruct."

Chen Fan thought for a while and said: "No, the fighter just refused to be forcibly controlled and was stimulated. It will calm down soon. Stay alert and return."

"Yes." The elite pilot answered immediately.

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