Chapter 75: The Shape?What the Hell Is That Thing?【7/15!Subscribe Only!】

Chen Shanming felt that at this time, looking for Li Hao, a guy who made him a little embarrassed, would lose face again, but in fact, this was just his own feeling, Li Hao didn't want to embarrass him at all, he sent it himself......

But at this time, Chen Shanming didn't care so much at all, just at this time, Li Hao came out from the place where the lights were turned off, with the help of the shadow, it was obvious that he was avoiding the enemy's shooting perspective, of course, he did not avoid the perspective of friendly troops.

Chen Shanming lowered his voice and shouted: "Li Hao!"

Li Hao suddenly heard someone calling him, he was slightly stunned, followed the voice, and found that it was still the captain of red blood cells, Chen Shanming?

Doesn't this guy have a bad impression of me?

Of course, Li Hao did not hesitate, directly and quickly avoided the enemy's shooting sight and crawled over.

"Captain Chen, is there anything wrong with you?" He knew that at this tense time, Chen Shanming couldn't call himself meaninglessly, there must be something!

Chen Shanming said solemnly:

"We have confirmed the location of the local core personnel, thirty degrees north-west of the camp, the enemy does not know how many there are over there, but it is certain that there is at least one good sniper, and now, you tell me, are you willing to kill it?"

Li Hao didn't think about it, and said: "I can't ask for it! It's not a way for us to defend like this, we have to break the game, if there is a chance, I naturally won't miss it!"

Chen Shanming took a deep look at Li Hao, the danger in this, of course he knew that if it was so easy to break the game, would it still be called a breakthrough?

One person kills the position of the opponent's core personnel, and the number of enemies at the target location is unknown, it is very likely that rushing over will only send him to death!

But Li Hao agreed without hesitation!

This made Chen Shanming's perception of Li Hao change all of a sudden!

After all, the reason why he was unhappy with Li Hao was because Li Hao's performance when he threatened him before, acting as if he didn't value the lives of his comrades.

But now it seems that this is not the case, how can a person who does not value the lives of his comrades-in-arms take on a task with a very high risk factor?

Chen Shanming nodded heavily at Li Hao and said, "Then, please!

Although Li Hao didn't know what Chen Shanming was talking about, his tone changed suddenly, but he still nodded towards the other party and said:

"Female soldiers, get rid of you, please be sure to protect yourself and protect them at the same time!"

Chen Shanming nodded solemnly and said, "Don't worry!"

Li Hao nodded slightly, and then, with a sweep of his gaze, the whole person moved quickly, burrowing into the bushes when he first sneaked into the camp!

At that time, he sneaked in from this route, which is familiar, and now it is safer to go out here, after all, the familiar route, once an abnormality is found, it means that there must be someone!

He only sneaked in at night, and if there was no one, then there should be no change on the route!

After clarifying the enemy's location in his heart, Li Hao followed the route he came in and began to sneak out, and on the way, he disguised the sniper rifle with branches and leaves by the way.

Although the black gunfire is not noticeable at night, it is safer after camouflaging it with branches and leaves.

And for the time being, he can't use a gun yet, he wants to infiltrate silently, what he has to do is more important than shooting a few enemies!

Therefore, you must not reveal your whereabouts!

Follow the bushes, move under the shadow of a tree, then move back and forth between several shades, and finally dive into a bush, the whole process, silently, like a ghost, this is his ability to be the king of the jungle!

The jungle is his territory!

Just as Li Hao was wandering between one tree and another and came to the edge of the valley, he suddenly stopped!

Because the next foothold on his route was obviously trampled on!

At this time, Li Hao didn't feel that this was trampled on by a wolf or some beast, only a human being!

In this position, at this time, the people who appeared, do you still need to guess the results?

Li Hao immediately stopped, calmed down, and began to observe carefully.

In the next second, he found that there was a tree next to the trampled grass, and there was a slight movement on the tree.

If Li Hao didn't listen carefully, he really wouldn't have found out.

With the help of the faint moonlight, Li Hao looked up and observed carefully, and sure enough, he found a figure!

The man probably didn't think that anyone would approach, so he didn't mean to hide it at all, so he sat on the branch so generously, and at the same time, carefully assembling something.


A slight metal snap crash sounded, and Li Hao slowly approached, without making a sound, while staring at the person on the tree, ready to hide at any time.

After two seconds, Li Hao had already come to the bottom of the tree, looked at the person above, and was slightly stunned, that shape? Could it be?

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