Chapter 137 Surprise Mission

"Looking at it like this, it's much more energetic, and they are all handsome spiritual guys. Your minister also said that I was asked to train you, and to be honest, I didn't want to train you, because I might as well abuse them to train you. I don't know how many of you will make it to the end at the end of the day. “

"However, since I agreed, I will train you well, my training is much stricter than your own, you must be prepared to endure hardships, if there are people who want to quit come out by themselves, naturally someone will buy tickets for you. Everyone thinks for five minutes. "

Soon five minutes passed,

"If there is anyone who wants to quit, just leave the queue on their own. Lin Feng asked.

"Okay, since no one has quit, let's start the training course. Tanks!Start training!" Lin Feng shouted.


"Rookies, I hope the next hard days will help you, they are all a bunch of pumpkins, and they come here to suffer if they are not clear-headed. Not to mention more, the formation of two meters on the left and right, and three meters in front and back is scattered. "

Soon the rookies separated in the required formation.

"Today, let's not do much, let's have four groups of one thousand. A thousand push-ups, a thousand sit-ups, a thousand squats, a thousand duck jumps, go!"

When the bitter moment came, the rookies also knew that the minister spent a lot of money to invite the military special forces to train them in order to build them into a special force of the police. So everyone gritted their teeth and persevered.

After the rookies completed their tasks, it was time for dinner, and then the three hundred rookies quickly wiped out the dinner in front of them like the reincarnation of the evil ghosts.

After dinner, the rest was half an hour, and Lin Feng organized the rookies to conduct shooting training at night, in short, they couldn't let them spend every day easily.

Trained until midnight, and then everyone went back to rest. The exhausted rookies returned to the dormitory and fell asleep on the bed, but in the instructor's office, the members of the shadow team gathered together,

"Captain, you really have to train like a special soldier!" Niu said hard.

"Since I have taken over this task, I want to build them into a sharp knife for the police, and let's take the training of the special forces, of course, the amount of training will be reduced accordingly, but the training subjects will be mainly urban anti-terrorism. The old rule, let them get up at half past three in the morning to start a day of training, Hell Week has been experienced by everyone, so I don't need to say more. “

"Alright, let's go rest, or we won't have the energy to deal with these rookies tomorrow!"


At half past three in the morning, the instructor group all got up, each with two tear gas canisters in their hands.

"Tell the rookies to get up!" Lin Feng waved his hand.

Then the crowd immediately separated, each of them chose a room and threw two tear gas canisters into it, and closed the door.

"Ahem, ahem...... These instructors are too ruthless!"

"I'll go, cough, cough.. What time does it start torturing people?"

Then someone ran out of the door without getting dressed, and was driven in by the shadow squadron outside.

"Get dressed and come out!" and the rookie is then driven back to his room to get dressed in tear gas.

On the dark playground, Lin Feng looked at the rookies in front of him with the faint light,

"Some people will wonder why I would get you up at this time to get ready for training. To tell the truth, in the training of special forces, this is called Hell Week, this week is the training of physical fitness and will, those who can persist through this week, and those who have no accidents can persist until the end. Because you're a police officer, that's why I'm talking to you so much, and we used to train that to say that. Well, without further ado, today's training begins. "



"Everyone, turn right and run!"

The next day of training began, and as the name suggests, Hell Week was a high-intensity training, a test of strong will. In the eyes of ordinary people, this is simply abuse!

Since the police high-level wants to build a special squad that belongs to the police, then Lin Feng will definitely train a police urban anti-terrorism special operations team in strict accordance with the training model of the special forces.

As Hell Week progressed, the number of rookies decreased day by day, some were problems with willpower, and some withdrew due to physical fitness problems.

The training of Hell Week made the rookies miserable, and they couldn't say what they were suffering from, and their physical fitness gradually changed, from the original white and tender to the current bronz, and they were a lot healthier.

With the passage of time, the number of rookies has also become more than 120 people, and this elimination rate is still very large.

After Hell Week, Lin Feng began to teach them various tactics, although some of them were trained by the original SWAT team, but there was still a difference between what Lin Feng and Lin Feng taught, and the special forces taught were more authentic.

And Lin Feng also taught them how to deal with explosives, they can't wait for other departments to help with everything, since it's a special forces, then the special forces will, they have to know a little, of course, the learning can't be compared with Lin Feng and their perverts, after the tactical training began, the rookies began to be eliminated again, and in the end there were only 84 people left, divided into 8 teams, some of which were 11 people, and let them start confrontation training after they were divided into good people.

When Lin Feng was training the police SWAT team, he sent a message to Li Yi when he had nothing to do, and made phone soup, of course, he was not as strict with the army outside, Lin Feng completed the mobile phone monitoring system developed with the help of Xiao Nai and them, and waited to return to the army to report for testing.

When Lin Feng was organizing confrontation training, he suddenly received a call from He Zhijun,

"Ghost, lead the troops to return quickly, urgent mission!"


Then Lin Feng gathered his team members to salute, and handed over the training police officers to the person in charge of the base, and then quickly rushed back to the wolf tooth with the team members!

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