“With a fist, is that okay?”

Qiansen’s cold and piercing voice echoed in the room, both arrogant and domineering! Boom.

Yujiro Fan Ma knew how to cooperate very well, and punched the iron door beside him into a huge pit, which frightened Hobbes.

He originally thought that strength was okay, and after seeing the freak of the falling hammer, he knew what strength was.

Seeing that Hobbs did not speak, Qian Sen shrugged his shoulders, looked down and asked, “Seifer. Zakhaev, do you want to live? ”

Seifer: “??? ”

Everyone: “??? ”

Zakhaev? The name is thunderous!

Because of the Epicalypse, a Mao bear terrorist organization that has been active all over the world for the past two decades, its leader is Imran. Zakhaev.

Hobbes wondered: “Chanson, this woman is Zakhaev’s daughter?” ”

Qian Sen ignored him and looked at Seifer with a smile.

At this time, Seifer was in a state of confusion, and a few drops of cold sweat broke out on his forehead. Is this Qiansen a man or a ghost? Why do you know your origins?

The falling hammer also has hatred with the apocalypse, if it were not for Qiansen handing over the ICBM deployment map to the beautiful country, the current apocalypse would not have lost its resistance after the loss of ICBMs!

No, I can’t admit it.

If it is admitted, the consequences will be even more serious, and the beautiful country will not spare Zakhaev’s relatives, one hundred percent.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about!”

“Is it? Seifer. Zakhaev, born in country W, his mother is Zakhaev’s servant, has shown an intelligence beyond ordinary people since childhood, has been addicted to computers since he was a teenager, and dreams of becoming a super hacker who can control the Internet all over the world! ”

“Well, you are very talented, and you have done it, gaining Zakhaev’s attention, and specially giving you 500 million meters of gold to set up a hacker organization, escorting the apocalypse, but also doing some shady things!”

“For example, the power outage in country F six years ago was instructed by Zakhaev to do it, in order to paralyze the capital of country F and carry out terrorist attacks, and in just 24 hours, country F died more than 10,000 people due to terrorist attacks!”

“There are many, many tragedies, all related to you, only later your brother Victor. Zakhaev stole the semi-finished artificial intelligence ‘God’ from me and returned to the apocalypse, and you felt that your status was threatened, which split the apocalypse and formed the SSP Hacker Alliance! ”

“This time you are planning to grab the nuclear bomb launch box, I guess you want to launch a nuclear bomb to attack the beautiful country, provoke a war to help Zakhaev save the defeat, right?”

“In order to achieve the goal, he did not hesitate to kidnap Dominica. Toretto’s lover and son, you are also good enough. ”

Seifer: “??? ”

Everyone: “??? ”

Seifer was confused, how did this Qianson know? That’s right, all of the above are facts, and she did it.

But every time she does something, she cleans her tail, and there will never be the slightest mistake, how did Qian Sen find out?

I was puzzled, and I was confused when I scratched my head.

As everyone knows, there is a red queen to collect information, except for the database of various governments can not enter, others can come and go freely, want to find Seifer’s information is not too simple.

Hobbes and the others were terrified.

Good fellow, this crazy woman actually wants to provoke a war between the furry bear and their beautiful country, it’s too crazy, right?

If you think about it, if she takes the nuclear bomb launch box, the conspiracy is really possible.

Seifer also knew that he couldn’t put it on, after all, Qianson almost ripped off her bottoms.

She sneered: “Qian Sen, don’t be proud too early!” SSP is a hacker group, there is no combat effectiveness, what about the umbrella? Do you think the umbrella will spare you? ”

“Umbrella President Felix has sent Team T and secret weapons to N City, your end has come!”

Secret weapon?

Lying groove, it won’t be Tang Xinyi, right? Grandma has a leg, this woman is not dead yet?

Thinking of Tang Xinyi’s terrible, Qian Sen was terrified, and in the next second, he hurriedly shouted: “Hobbes, leave here with the Eye of Heaven, assassin Demon King Otto, grab this woman, let’s withdraw…”


As soon as the words fell, a rocket hit the outer wall, and the blast wave of the explosion smashed everyone in the house to the ground.

Qian Sen hid behind the load-bearing column to avoid the shock wave, and when he looked sideways, a black figure descended and slowly entered the house.

Two meters tall, slender body exuding a gloomy and cold aura, who else could it be if it wasn’t Tang Xinyi?

I’m Nima, is this woman Xiaoqiang? 200 kg CL-20 will not be killed.

Tang Xinyi slowly walked to Ramsey, who was dizzy by the shock wave, bent down to find the Tianyan system chip from the backpack that fell on the ground, took it in his hand and looked at it, and handed it to the T team member who had just descended.

At this time, the atmosphere in the house is very strange.

No one dared to move, nor did they dare to speak, and they were calmed by Tang Xinyi’s cold and cruel aura.

Qian Sen didn’t dare to move, because he had an intuition, and now Tang Xinyi, even Fan Ma Yujiro could easily handle it.

It’s only been a long time!

Could it be that in that night’s explosion, Tang Xinyi could still absorb the explosion energy and become stronger? Well, this possibility is not ruled out either!

“Chanson, we’re meeting again.”

After a moment of silence, Tang Xinyi spoke, her voice was as harsh as scraping steel, and she was full of resentment.

The last explosion almost killed her, and if she hadn’t sunk to the bottom of the sea and was caught by the rabbit military police, she would definitely die.

After recovering, she returns to the umbrella, and Dr. Al learns that she has self-healing functions and the surprising discovery that she becomes stronger when beaten, so he customizes a set of high-tech equipment for tempering flesh.

The equipment is very advanced, and the robotic arm about the thickness of the excavator punches over, and can hit a huge force weighing tens of tons.

She, she was hammered and almost exploded! It hurts even more.

But thinking of revenge, he gritted his teeth and persevered, and was hammered for three days! In the past three days, the whole body has 1943 comminuted fractures, self-healing and reorganization-break… Self-healing reorganization – broken… Self-healing reorganization – breaking, cycle after cycle.

In the amazing willpower support, the power skyrocketed to thirty tons! Don’t talk about killing people with one punch, it’s no problem to blast people alive.

Thinking of the suffering he had suffered, Tang Xinyi’s hatred soared to the extreme and gradually lost his mind.

The cold and piercing murderous aura filled the air with a strong smell of blood, and Qian Sen chuckled in his heart, and couldn’t help but scold his mother.

I’m special, every day, what a broken thing!

“Tang Xinyi, can’t we shake hands and make peace? You can’t kill me, and I don’t want to spend time with you, it’s pointless. ”


Tang Xinyi mocked: “Qian Sen, my appearance of not being a ghost or a ghost today is thanks to you, and it is solved with a handshake?” ”

“No, it’s impossible, I have to skin you and cramps to relieve the hatred in my heart”

Well, soft ones don’t work, so come hard.

Qian Sen turned his head and shouted: “Demon King, do it!” ”

With an order, Fan Ma Yujiro, who had already been ready to attack, jumped a few times and kicked Tang Xinyi’s chest.


The kick made a loud muffled sound to the flesh, and the building seemed to tremble a few times. But strangely, Tang Xinyi took two steps back, and the imaginary scene of being kicked and flying did not appear.

She said with disdain: “Just this little skill? ”

Yujiro Fanma: “??? ”


Yujiro Fan flew and hit the wall all the way upside down, falling to the ground and coughing hard.

“Boss, the strength of this monster has increased again, at least more than thirty tons, run.”

Groove!!! Thirty tons?

Chanson Otto Assassin’s scalp is numb!

Hobbes and the others were so frightened that they almost fell to their knees!

I thought that the drop weight mercenaries were fierce enough, and it turned out that there were monsters more powerful than the drop hammer.

“Otto, take Seifer and run!! I entangled Tang Xinyi with the Assassin Demon King! ”


Otto also knew that he had to go, and grabbed Seifer and rushed towards the gap that had just exploded.

Tang Xinyi’s goal this time is not only to grab the Sky Eye system, but also to save Seifer, because without Seifer, the umbrella does not know how to use the Sky Eye system, after all, the SSP strength is still very strong.

Seeing that Otto was carrying Seifer away like a chicken boy, Tang Xinyi signaled Team T to block the three of Qiansen, and she rushed towards Otto.


Appearing behind Otto at a speed incomprehensible to ordinary people, he stretched out his claws and grabbed the top of Otto’s head.

The nails on the claws were at least fifteen centimeters long, shimmering with a faint blue light like steel, which was very oozing.

Tested to make it easy to pierce a cold-rolled steel sheet five centimeters thick, this claw is as sharp as an alloy tool.

If Otto is caught by her, he will definitely die! Swish.

“Don’t!!! Otto!!! ”

“Damn it! Tang Xinyi, I’m going to kill you!!!! ”


The three of the Chanson Assassin Demon (code name Yujiro Vanma) roared. But they were entangled in ten T-Team members and simply did not have time to rescue.

Just when Otto was about to die, appeared out of nowhere. Xiao suddenly appeared behind Tang Xinyi, holding a sleeve made of steel cable the thickness of a big finger in his hand.

“Go you!”

The sleeve was precisely put on Tang Xinyi’s neck, and in the next second, the steel cable suddenly straightened. Boom.

The external elevator outside the wall fell down at great speed, and Tang Xinyi was violently dragged out.

“Ah!!! I’m going to kill you… Rumble! ”

In Tang Xinyi’s scream, the elevator crashed to the ground.

Chanson: “??? ”

Everyone: “??? ”

Everyone in the house was. Shaw’s tumultuous show has arrived. Is it okay to be like this?

The Demon King punched the last member of the T Team and gave a thumbs up and praised: “Yes, cow beep!!! ”

Assassin: “Thank you, Otto owes you a life.” ”

Chanson: “. Xiao, the falling hammer owes you a personal favor, if necessary, whether it is a knife mountain and a sea of fire, it is duty-bound! ”

Otto wiped the cold sweat on his forehead: “. Shaw yes, thank you thank you, if you need help in the future, I Otto will do my best to help, thank you. ”

He knew how thrilling it was just now, if Xiao Wan was so many tenths of a second, Tang Xinyi’s claws would give him a headshot.

Xiao’s head was dizzy at this time, because Qian Sen actually said that the falling hammer owed himself a favor and would help no matter what.

Praise be to God, this is the favor of the hammer!!! How many people can’t dream of something that they can’t ask for, they accidentally get it.

Hobbes glanced at Xiao enviously and hatefully, and urged: “Hurry up, the helicopter will pick up on the roof!” ”

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