“That, commander, Doctor Jiang saved Yuri’s life, we promised her not to kill Liu Shizhen…”

Hearing this, Qian Sen let go of the hand of the gusset machine and looked at the ghost Xiaoqiang in surprise. Did Jiang Twilight save Yuri?


“Yes, when Yuri was brought here, his life was already hanging by a thread, if it weren’t for Dr. Jiang leading the rescue, Yuri would have died~ undoubtedly!”


Qian Sen did not doubt the words of Ghost Xiaoqiang, thought about it, and put down the pistol.

Seeing this, Jiang Twilight, who was drenched in cold sweat, including the medical team, all breathed a sigh of relief.

Just now, Qian Sen’s ruthlessness shocked them.

The Alpha squad that had been together for ten days and nights was shot in front of them, and the people in the medical team were trembling, and their hearts were even more afraid of Qian Sen.

Kill, see you for the first time today!

Similarly, for the first time, they knew that human beings could still be so strong, completely standing at the top of the pyramid, holding the power of life and death!

“Liu Shizhen, who is the Fuso special forces who is operating with you?”

Liu Shizhen was neither surprised nor puzzled.

He had long guessed that Qian Sen would inevitably seek revenge on the Fuso special forces.

“kamikaze special forces, which should now be in the barracks of peacekeeping forces 100 km away.”

Kamikaze? Huh.

This dog-like Fuso country still doesn’t know how to repent!

“Who ordered the ambush of the falling hammer?”

Liu Shizhen was silent, and a big question arose in his heart. Does Chanson still want to kill the person who gave the order?

“Mr. Qian, it was our Supreme Command who gave the order, you…”

“Okay, I see!”

Qian Sen understood the meaning of Liu Shizhen.

The order given by the Supreme Command of the Stick Country means that the top level of the Stick Country and the umbrella cooperate, otherwise the order will not be given from the Supreme Command.

I am very curious, what price the umbrella offers to the stick Fuso, and it can actually make the stick Fuso desperate and directly shoot at the falling hammer.

There is an unspoken rule in the world, generally no country A will take action against mercenary organizations, because this is not only a bit of a bully, but also easy to attract retaliation.

Last August, the Essele border guards somehow sent a battalion of border guards to surround and kill seven top mercenaries from the world’s fourth-ranked mercenary organization, ‘No. 1′.

The battle was fierce, and the Israeli army killed seven No. 1 mercenaries at the cost of more than forty casualties!

The result?

The next day, the Israeli army was retaliated, first six border posts were attacked by No. 1 mercenaries, killing and wounding two or three hundred soldiers, and then Israeli civilians were also targeted, and more than a thousand people were slaughtered by No. 1 mercenaries in 24 hours!

This revenge killing, which shocked the world, made Israel angry and headache, because they could not find the No. 1 mercenary.

These extremely powerful battlefield ghosts, put down the gun is the common people, can you still investigate one by one?

In the end, the barefoot is not afraid to wear shoes, and the country has no choice, but can only reconcile with No. 1 secretly.

At this point, no country A will directly strike at the mercenary organization, it is not worth it! At the same time, they are afraid of retaliation.


Qian Sen turned and prepared to leave.

In the big battle in the town of Kubaman, it is impossible for the stick army not to know that someone should be sent to support.

However, at the moment he turned around, Yin Mingzhu, who had a broken mentality, suddenly picked up a pistol from the ground.

“Bastard, I’m going to kill you!!!”


The attentive iron rider kept staring at Yin Mingzhu, and rushed over the moment she picked up the gun, kicking and flying!

Yin Mingzhu is a military doctor, not a soldier, and his physical fitness is not bad, he was directly kicked and vomited blood, lying on the ground in pain and breaking out in a cold sweat.

“Doctor Yin…”

Jiang Twilight ran over and checked the injuries before turning back and begging the iron rider who was about to shoot.

“Please, don’t kill her!”

The iron rider did not move, and looked back at Qian Sen.

Otto muttered: “Iron Rider, look at the commander why, this woman wants to sneak up on the boss, damn it!” ”

Fuze: “yes”, kill her, damn it! ”

Several people said in a variety of ways, without exception, they all suggested killing Yin Mingzhu. However, Qian Sen knew Yin Mingzhu’s identity and had a good idea in his mind.

Or, tied Yin Mingzhu Jiang Twilight Willow Shizhen, and that sweet and cute Cui Min Shi?

If you tie up these four people, you can extort a large amount of money from the stick country.

It is not very good to take revenge on the stick country, because more than four hundred stick soldiers have been killed today, and the revenge is also rewarded, if you continue to retaliate, it may force the dog of the stick country to jump off the wall.

The monks who can run can not run the temple, although Falling Hammer Island is guarded by S600 air defense missiles, how can it resist the stick country with a naval fleet?

Therefore, asking for a sum of money is the best choice!

Give the money, reconcile, and when the falling hammer is strong, go to the country of the stick to take revenge!

“Don’t kill her! Otto Demon King Soap Broodtail Fox, you take Doctor Jiang, Liu Shizhen, Yin Mingzhu, and that little nurse with you, and evacuate quickly. ”

Drop Weight:??? Medical:???

Liu Shizhen’s face changed, he knew what Qian Sen wanted to do! But know what? Can you still resist?

So, Otto and several people stepped forward, carried chickens, and grabbed four people.

The medical team was stunned, and seeing Jiang Twilight and the four people being taken away, they were anxious to come out and block it.

But seeing Qian Sen’s cold eyes, he was too scared to move.

Soon, Qiansen and his group left the basement, and the medical team breathed a sigh of relief.

“What to do? Doctor Jiang, they were all arrested, could it be that they were taken out to kill them? ”

“It’s impossible, the falling hammer doesn’t mean to hurt ordinary people, arrest Dr. Jiang, they should be hostages, and ask our headquarters to lose money!”

“Losing money? How can it be! Tonight, the Falling Hammer Regiment destroyed more than 400 soldiers, will this hater endure it? ”

“I don’t know, there is a high probability that there should be revenge, but have you thought about it, the falling hammer has come and gone without a trace, how difficult it is to catch them?” Moreover, the falling weight is too strong in combat power, and you want to destroy them, unless it is a large force dispatch. ”

“Also, drop the hammer to hide, no one can find it! You can also jump out and sneak attack at any time. ”

“Stop talking, let’s hurry up, in case some soldiers are not dead yet, it is still time to rescue them.”

“Yes, yes, go~”

The medical team finally reacted and hurriedly brought medical equipment and flashlights to the ground.

At this time, the station had turned into ruins in the explosion, and the fire was thick and smoked! Everything that can be ignited is burning.

Between the ruins, the mutilated corpses lay horizontally and vertically, like hell on earth.

As soon as the medical team came up, they were stunned by this bloody and terrifying picture!

“God, it’s like I’ve come to hell!”

“Hiss… It’s terrible, it’s all dead? ”

“Don’t look, hurry up and search, there should still be people alive.”

The elder Dr. Cui took the lead in examining the soldiers’ bodies one by one to see if there were any vital signs.

Seeing this, the rest of the people also endured fear and nausea and began to act.

Soon, the medical team found four or five seriously wounded and dying soldiers.

That’s just these four or five, most of the corpses in the peripheral positions are in a state of fragmentation, or corpses that have been burned into char by cloud bombs, and there is no need to check at all.

“Quick, carry back to the basement to prepare for surgery.”

At the same time, the news of the attack on the peacekeeping force station in Kubaman Town caused an uproar in the Supreme Commander of the Stick Army, because there were also peacekeepers from other countries around the peacekeeping force station in Kuba Man, and the details of the war went viral internationally at a very fast speed.

As soon as the exciting news came out, the whole world was stunned!

The nine falling hammer mercenaries led by Qian Sen took the initiative to attack more than four hundred elite soldiers, although there was an element of sneak attack in it, but this was a real hard-to-head battle!

As a result, the stick army was defeated, more than four hundred soldiers were killed in half an hour, and the falling hammer mercenaries retreated with their whole bodies.

Outrageous, very outrageous.

I know that the drop weight is very powerful, not weaker than the world’s top special forces, or even stronger!

But nine people slaughtered more than 400 heavily armed troops in half an hour, right?

The Falling Hammer became famous in World War I and completely entered the attention of countries around the world.

And the headquarters of the stick army was shocked at first, and then it quarreled!

“No, we can’t swallow our anger, we have to take revenge and destroy the falling hammer!”

“How to retaliate? The drop hammer is hiding in the ZD area or the black state, we can’t find it at all, and even if we find it, how many soldiers do you think can kill them? ”

“So what do you say? Is it just silent? ”

“I just asked General T, he means to seek the help of the beautiful country, see if you can use the CIA’s intelligence system to find out the location of the drop hammer, and then chase and kill!”


Hearing this, the conference room fell silent.

If the CIA is willing to provide intelligence, it will not be difficult to find out the whereabouts of the falling hammer. The question is, what if you find out? Send large troops to fire at other countries? It’s not realistic and can’t be done!

Yin Mingzhu’s father said in a deep voice: “I think, it’s better to send special forces to carry out chasing and killing missions, well… Send the black beret and you will definitely be able to destroy the drop hammer! ”

Black berets?

When it comes to special forces, it is natural for the world to think of the famous beautiful green beret special forces that showed strong combat effectiveness and anti-terrorist capabilities during the invasion of Grenada, Panama and participated in the A civil war.

And little is known about the special forces of the stick, in fact, the special forces of the stick are not inferior to the green beret in terms of individual combat effectiveness, and even in some respects only surpass it.

The first full-scale special forces unit of the stick was established in November 1955 and consisted of 32 members who had received formal special training in the beautiful country.

The Army Black Beret Warfare Division, the Navy All-Weather Special Strike Group and the prestigious Marine Corps Special Search Team are the main special forces of the stick.

Their tasks are roughly divided into four types: irregular warfare, special reconnaissance, target strike, and counter-terrorism.

Among them, irregular warfare is its core task, that is, to establish a second battlefield behind the enemy to fight guerrilla. Its operational principle is offensive quick victory, preemptive surprise attack to seize the initiative, thereby luring and dispersing the enemy, attacking the enemy before counterattack, and evacuating after completing the mission.

Thinking of the strength of Black Berey, all the generals of the headquarters were dazzled! Decided, let Black Beret go.

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