"As you wish." Lin Su listened, his expression darkened, and he hung up the phone.

  He shook his head involuntarily, it seemed that he was indeed in a hurry.

  But he couldn't help worrying about this matter.After all, it's not just his father-in-law, his family, but if Liang Minghe had an accident, it would have a great impact on Xia Guo.


  The phone rang again, and when Lin Su picked it up, Bach Lang said, "Mr. Lin, this is the first time I have met someone who dares to hang up the kidnapper's phone."

  "That's because others are giving you too much face. I'm sorry, it's not me that you tied up, why should I give you face? Paying the ransom is already the greatest kindness to you. Believe it or not, I am impulsive and directly disagree. Did you trade?"

  "Humph! Mr. Lin, if that's the case, then we can't guarantee Mr. Liang's safety, what do you think?" Bach Lang sneered.

  Lin Su: "Then I will use the 500 billion euros originally used to redeem people to offer a reward. I believe that in the face of such great wealth, there will definitely be thousands of killers, mercenaries, and some organizations that will come to pick them up. Mission. At that time, you will face the dark forces of the world."

  What about the kidnappers, he's so arrogant?

  Sorry, he is still threatening.work.

Chapter [-] The invisible big hand

  Hearing Lin Su's words, the other party was silent for a while.

  Then he said, "Mr. Lin, I will consider your opinion. But right now, the most important thing for us is to transfer, isn't it?"

  After speaking, the other party directly hung up the arc.

  Lin Su looked at the map display in front of his computer, and frowned immediately.

  When he answered the phone just now, he turned on the tracking device, but the other party's methods were very clever.

  "Kidnapper?" With a sharp light in his eyes, he said to himself, "What do you want?"

  The other party claimed to be the kidnapper, and Lin Su absolutely did not believe it.

  What kidnapper can kidnap Liang Minghe silently?

  What kind of kidnapper can evade all monitoring and tracking, and even tamper with information? "Seven One Three"

  Behind this group of people, there must be a powerful force supporting them.

  Suddenly Lin Su's mind moved, and he thought of an opponent, the Skeleton Club.

  The power of this organization is absolutely terrifying.If they want to kidnap Liang Minghe, it is really simple.These people have such strength and ability.

  But now he is only suspicious, after all, it may not be them.


  At this moment, Lin Su's satellite phone rang.Pick it up and see, it's Merck's.

  "Hey! Merck, I hope you can bring me good news." Lin Su continued.

  Merck was silent for a while, and said apologetically: "I'm sorry, Lin, I've let you down. I've asked everyone, but I haven't heard of this news. Whether it's white or black, I'll help you find out. It's over, no."

  Lin Su frowned, whether Merck was too blatant, and would it be detrimental to Liang Minghe.

  But without waiting for him to speak, Merck said: "Lin, you can rest assured that I have my own channel to inquire about news, and I will never spread it."

  Lin Su nodded: "That's good. Since there is no news, then you should treat this as never happened."

  After saying that, he hung up the phone.

  Things were more difficult than he imagined.

  What Merck can't inquire about, Chachai may not be able to inquire about it.

  Sure enough, after about an hour, Chachai's phone call came, saying that they had no clue. Those people seemed to suddenly fall from the sky, took Liang Minghe away, and suddenly disappeared.

  There is a sense of mystery and weirdness in this matter.

  Just as Lin Su was helplessly waiting, he received another call.

  "Mr. Lin, are you ready?" Bachran said over there.

  Lin Su: "I've already prepared it."

  "Very good." The other party smiled and said, "Then we will trade in Ruijinguo, which is more convenient for Mr. Lin, what do you think?"

  Hearing this sentence, Lin Su's hair stood up instantly.

  He didn't expect that his whereabouts were actually monitored by the other party.

  But the problem is, in addition to the route arranged by Xia Guo, all the military satellites, and the cameras on the way, have been tampered with by him.

  "No, there is also the satellite of the Xia Kingdom." Lin Su was instantly shocked.

  He thought of a possibility.

  After calming down, he smiled and said: "Since it is a transaction, I will naturally come out. Is it possible that you still want to do a transaction in Xia Guo?"

  "Haha! Mr. Lin's consideration is very thoughtful, but it is a pity that we are not in Ruijin Country, we are in Feizhou Uda River. I will give you a day, and I hope Mr. Lin can reach the designated location."

  Hearing the busy tone on the phone, Lin Su frowned.

  He picked up the satellite phone and called the country.

  "Hello! Commander." Lu Weixing answered the phone.

  Lin Su: "Report it immediately, and conduct a comprehensive network screening of our military satellites and civilian satellites. Once you find traces of intruders, don't attack the other party first, just pay close attention."

  "Yes!" Lu Weixing started to execute the order without saying a word.

  Lin Su took a deep breath, it seemed that those people had a lot of chess pieces.

  But what's more dangerous is that he said that now he doesn't know who the other party is?

  "Feizhou Uda River?"

  Lin Su pondered, absolutely not believing what that Bach Lang said.

  Because Liang Minghe said that he smelled the stinky smell of the dairy farm. In a place like Feizhou, there is a fart dairy farm? (I don't know if there is any, but according to the overall environment, it is impossible)

  But with or without it, he has to go once...  

  After packing up his luggage, he put on a set of acceleration mecha, and directly boarded the plane to the Uda River in Feizhou.

  The next morning, he left the Ouda River Airport.

  As soon as I walked out of the airport gate, a phone call came in.

  "Mr. Lin is very compliant, but unfortunately, we have just transferred, and now we are in Europe." The guy sneered.

  Lin Su's face sank, and he said angrily, "Are you kidding me?"

  "No! Sorry, we didn't mean to play you. Just wanted to try and see if there was anyone else around you," the guy said.

  Lin Su: "You know better than me whether there is anyone around me. I think you are playing with me. One last chance, I will give you one last chance. If you dare to play with me again, I will let you do everything. Can't get it."

  After speaking, Lin Su hung up the phone.

  He took a deep breath, rebooked a ticket, and prepared to go back to Europe.

  After a while, the plane took off and went straight into the sky.

  About five minutes later, there was a sudden violent shaking in the cabin.

  The shaking time was short, but Lin Su felt something was wrong.It seems... the direction of the cockpit, there is a very subtle sound.

  His advanced genetic constitution and five senses are very powerful, far exceeding ordinary people.

  To be sure, it was indeed the sound of fighting, and there was a slight 2.9 shot.

  With a condensed expression, he immediately turned on the IFF scan, and found that there were more than 20 red dots on the entire plane, each of which was not far apart, and most of these people were Westerners in appearance. There was an indifferent look on his face.

  The moment Lin Su saw these people, his heart suddenly trembled.He suddenly understood why, after calling one after another, the other party just didn't say a deal, because their real target was him.

  At this moment, people are in the sky, if there is any accident, no matter how powerful he is, there is no way to survive.

  However, that was in unexpected circumstances.

  A sneer appeared on the corner of Lin Su's mouth, he would never allow any accidents.No matter who the other party was, this time it was what really angered him.

  Taking a deep breath, he stood up. .

Chapter [-] The Dark Council

  Lin Su stood up with a faint smile on his lips, and walked slowly from the middle aisle.After coming to the side of a Westerner, he waved his hand gently, and then walked past that person.

  Seemingly waving his hand, just in the moment just now, the thumb and finger of his left hand slammed into the aorta on the man's neck once.

  This guy has been tensing his body, but facing Lin Su, he has no resistance at all.

  Following the same procedure, Lin Su made all the other five people close to the aisle faint.

  Then he came to the toilet in front.

  When he was just approaching the toilet, he sensed a beautiful flight attendant, who was a red dot, and was about to make a move towards him.

  Lin Su's eyes narrowed, then walked forward, and said casually, "Hello, beautiful lady, can you give me a cup of coffee? I hope I can drink it after I go to the toilet."

  "Okay." The woman listened, smiled at him, and went to make coffee.

  However, just 16 seconds after she turned around, Lin Su suddenly shot, grabbed her neck, and smashed her spine with force with his right hand.

  The space slowly fell to the ground, and Lin Su immediately took her into the toilet.

  At this time, the other party's hair fell out, Nima, there was a big bald man inside.

  Lin Su's mouth twitched, but his eyes lit up.

  He immediately took off the flight attendant's clothes, then swapped it with his own, then lowered his head and left the toilet.

  He pressed the cockpit's pager, and shook two water bottles in his face.


  After a while, the cabin door opened, and two big white men with indifferent faces appeared.


  Lin Su attacked instantly, first hitting the throat of the person who opened the door with one hand, and then quickly knocking out the pistol in the opponent's hand.

  Then one leg kicked out subconsciously, hitting the head of another big white man. The latter endured the shock of hundreds of pounds of terrifying force, and his head slammed into the seat, causing him to faint.

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