Hearing his father's order, Mike hurried back to the computer and quickly started working on it.

  After a while, the surveillance screen inside the castle appeared.

  Cameron couldn't wait to say: "Find that guy for me, hurry up, hurry up!"

  His father's urging caused Mike to make mistakes several times, but he still quickly recruited monitors one by one.About 2 minutes later, a figure finally appeared in the surveillance screen.

  When he saw Li Shaoyuan and the others watching a person throw a bomb into the deep pit from a distance, and then the crimson light continued to emit from the deep pit, Cameron only felt that his whole body was completely cold.

  "Father, that is... there is the location of the underground river, and the place where he threw the bomb is our retreat route!" Mike exclaimed.

  Cameron nodded, and then said to himself with a look of despair: "How could he know our retreat route? Impossible, our retreat route cannot be wrong."

  "Father...I..." Hearing this, Mike hesitantly opened his mouth, not daring to meet Cameron's eyes.

  "Speak!" Cameron roared almost hysterically.

  Mike hurriedly said: "It's me, I want to remodel the pier of the underground river, so I spent a sketch on ... our ... our family's intranet. But I set permissions at the time, but I didn't expect ... ...someone will attack our castle with a cyber intrusion.-"

  "Father... I'm sorry!" Mike said - finished, and lowered his head.

  Cameron listened and sat back on the chair.

  He knew that this matter had nothing to do with Mike.The matter of transformation is the order he gave, of course, these are not important.

  Above all, he made a mistake, an unforgivable mistake.

  A person who thought that he could do it easily, but burst out the energy of destroying the sky and destroying the earth.It was the man in the surveillance footage who destroyed their family.

  But all the reasons were caused by him trying to help the skeleton.

  It doesn't matter whether the culprit is the Skull and Bone Society, or himself.

  The important thing is how to let the Cameron family pass on.

  He was silent for a while, then raised his head and said, "Mike, are you willing to sacrifice for the family?"

  After listening to Mike, he nodded without hesitation and said, "Father, of course I am willing to sacrifice for the family. Every member of the Cameron family is not someone who is afraid of death."

  "Very good!" Cameron nodded and said: "Wait, you bring some unimportant family branches and follow me. We... go to the net."

  When he said the words "self-inflicted", Cameron's body suddenly became discouraged, and the whole person suddenly aged a bit.

  This was the last thing he could do for the family.

  "Father, I see." Mike replied.

  About 10 minutes later, Cameron and Mike and his son, with more than 50 branches that were not very important to the family, returned directly to the inside of the castle from the elevator of the underground building.

  "Huh?" Lin Su raised his eyebrows.

  When he came up to Cameron and others, he sensed the other party. After all, as long as the identification scan was within 3000 meters, everyone would be invisible.

  But he was surprised that those people actually took the initiative.

  After a little thought in his heart, he suddenly smiled.

  "It's a good idea, but it's a pity that what you want to hide can't escape my eyes. No, it can't escape my scan." With a murmur in his heart, he stood up and pointed his gun at the inside of the castle.

  Seeing his action, all the undead also aimed their guns at the wooden door of the castle.


  After a while, the wooden door was opened, and Cameron, who was covered in gray hair, took the lead to walk out.

  Then, one figure came out of it.

  Facing the muzzle of the undead, these people were honest and did not dare to move.After all, if they can survive, they still want to fight for it.

  Lin Su smiled and said, "I want to know, who is Mr. Bachlan?"

  Cameron: "There's no Bachron here, only Cameron. Young man, you win."

  When Lin Su heard his voice, he immediately determined that the guy on the phone was the so-called Bach Lang.

  However, he did not expect that such a high-level figure would actually personally intervene in the task of getting rid of himself.

  He smiled and said: "You seem to value me very much, and you actually intervened in the task yourself."

  Cameron: "I don't worry about others. Your vigilance is very high, and your strength is also terrifying, especially the troop under your command, which is too strong. Your weapons are also stronger than ours. My only The advantage is the so-called kidnapping."

  "But it's a pity, your national strength is also strong and your attitude is very tough, so although I kidnapped him, I can't really do anything to him? Isn't it ridiculous? Hahaha!"


  Saying that, he shook his head bitterly.

  The Dark Council, they are strong, but they are not united.

  The Isa family is in the same vein as the Knights of the Round Table, they are in the same vein as Cameron and the Gongji Hui, Habsburg and Solomon are in the same vein, and the Skull and Bones Club is in the same vein as Childe.

  8 forces, divided into 4 veins, how can they fight against Lin Su.

  "I hope my failure can give them seven reminders! If we don't stand up, we will be finished." Cameron sighed in his heart.

  When Lin Su heard Cameron's words, he smiled and said, "Let the interrogators in our country speak your words!"

  "You want to arrest me?" Cameron's expression sank, and he said, "You can't arrest me, you can only kill me."

  Lin Su: "Kill you? That's too cheap for you. And... if you want to commit suicide, your life may be more painful."


  Hearing this, Cameron's face turned pale.

  Lin Su spoke again and asked with a smile, "Cameron, can you tell me how many treasures your family has inherited for so long?"

  Cameron: "Treasure? Haha! Young man, you are too ridiculous, the treasure of our Cameron family, you also want to get involved, is it possible?"

  Hearing this, Lin Su smiled indisputably, and said, "What if it were exchanged for your family's 705 lives?"

  As soon as these words came out, Cameron and Mike trembled, and then their faces showed fear and panic.

  They have all been willing to take the initiative to come out, hoping to let the following clansmen escape, but they did not expect the other party to know so much about their family.

  Cameron moved in his heart and said, "Did you see our population in the clan record of the castle? But unfortunately, they no longer live here, and I have already arranged them all outside."

  Lin Su: "Old man, it's a set of lies. If they all leave, then let me ask, who are the 651 people in the underground fortress? If it's not from your Cameron family, then I'm just right Throw in this pack of bombs and make them disappear for good."

  After he finished speaking, he carried his rucksack and came to the edge of the deep pit. Inside the rucksack was a whole pack of explosive bombs.

  "Don't!" Seeing this scene, Cameron instantly lost all his support.

  Only now did he realize that in front of this young man, all his methods were ridiculous.

  Except for the first match where he won a game, in all the following matches, he lost the whole set.Door.

Chapter [-] Boss, come down and see for yourself

  651 people, when Lin Su said this exact number, Cameron knew that he had completely lost the meaning of resistance.

  The young man standing opposite him completely mastered the rhythm.

  No, he is a god who controls everything.

  Even, including the life and death of each of them.

  He looked at Lin Su with a pale face and said, "You win, offer your conditions, how can I let go of my family?"

  Lin Su's eyes flashed coldly, and he said, "Do you think it's possible to spare your family?"

  Cameron was not worried at all, he seemed to have made a decision, he smiled wryly: "You will definitely agree, I can give you all the wealth of our family, I just ask you to let our family pass on."

  "Your family's wealth?" Lin Su moved in his heart.

  This kind of huge family that has been passed down for hundreds of years, their wealth is immeasurable.Especially for people like Cameron, their family is prosperous anyway, otherwise it would be impossible to control a dark council.

  "Our family's wealth is beyond your imagination." Cameron looked at Lin Su, at this time he really regretted and went to provoke this person.

  But no matter what, family heritage is the most important thing.

  Their Cameron family, 11 generations of heritage, cannot go extinct in his generation.

  "Tell me, how much wealth do you have?" Lin Su sat down with a smile and looked up at Cameron.

  Cameron: "Our Cameron family owns a world-class bank, 6 top 500 companies with total assets of more than 9000 billion meters, and there are enterprises, laboratories, and even companies in many countries in the world. Military business.……"

  When the old guy reported all the properties of his family, Lin Su twitched fiercely in his heart.

  Those rich people who are not convinced by the rankings are nothing compared to the one in front of them!

  With the company shares in his hands, he can instantly kill those rich people on the list.

  In addition, his capital flow is also very terrifying.

  Lin Su waited until Cameron finished speaking, put on the mask expressionlessly, and said, "Let them all come out!"

  As soon as these words came out, Cameron's eyes instantly showed a look of horror, and he roared: "Why, isn't our family's wealth enough to buy their lives?"

  Lin Su: "Your family's wealth is indeed a lot, but whether they can save their lives depends on what they do."

  "Don't worry, I will let them go to different places, and make them swear that they will never take revenge for the rest of their lives, I..."

  "No no no, Mr. Cameron, you are wrong. I am not afraid of your clansmen's revenge, I just want to interrogate them. As for you, we will not kill you, but just wrong you, and come to us to take care of you. Tian Nian." Lin Su stopped him and said with a smile.

  Hearing his words, Cameron's face paled again.

  These words are already very obvious. Lin Su wants to put himself under house arrest for life. I am afraid that the rest of his life can only be spent in dark days, which is even more unacceptable than killing him.

  "Mike, let them all come out!" Cameron sighed and said to his eldest son.

  There is no other way if he doesn't come out. Lin Su can bring people in and kill him. Maybe the entire family will be slaughtered by then.

  Mike gritted his teeth and nodded, and then through a special method, he contacted the underground fortress, and after a while, all the people inside came up.

  With a total of more than 700 people, the population of the Cameron family is very terrifying.

  However, none of these people dared to move in the face of the dark muzzle, and all of them had a look of fear on their faces.

  Chandler originally wanted to find Lin Su desperately, but gave up when Cameron stopped him.

  Lin Su looked at Li Shaoyuan and said, "Go down and see what's inside the underground fortress."

  "Yes!" The latter nodded, then entered the castle and took the special elevator to the underground castle.

  About 20 minutes later, Lin Su suddenly heard Li Shaoyuan shouting in the headset: "Boss, we seem to have got a big fish. No, no, we got a blue whale. Hiss...Fuck... Oh my God! . . . I am... I have nothing to say, boss, you'd better come down and see for yourself."

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