"Instructor, give me one."

  "I also want!"

  "Instructor, please give me one too!"...

  Soon, all 47 international students took the medicine.After a few minutes, they were shocked.

  Especially the four specially trained guys. After they looked at each other, they secretly swore in their hearts that they must get this medicine formula. If they couldn't find the formula, they took the medicine back. .

Chapter [-]: The international students have started

  This potion is too powerful. After a group of international students drank it, they all felt a hundred times more energetic.

  The waist is no longer sore, the legs are no longer sore, and it is windy when walking.

  Especially the guys who were almost disabled from training, they almost cried when they drank the potion.

  They experienced a feeling of happiness from hell to heaven.

  "Jerry, how about it, think of a way? As long as we bring this thing back, we will definitely make a contribution to our country. At that time, the contract will be completely irrelevant." A big black international student quietly faced another brown said the skin guy.

  The latter nodded and said, "Tom, you're right. Let's discuss it and go through the withdrawal procedures as soon as we succeed."

  "Okay!" Tom nodded.

  "Oye-kun, I have secretly observed that those instructors took out the potions from a storage room in the building on the right side of the military major. As long as we bring the potions back, we can complete the task ahead of schedule."

  "Yes, Yamada-kun, we must leave this perverted place early." Another short yellow-skinned man said. ...

  These international students are pondering their own 710 thoughts.

  Of the 5 countries, Cowboy Country has the most people, and four more are trained.

  While people from other countries have never practiced, their minds are turning very fast.

  They believed that the reason why this student of Xia Guo became so powerful was because they had mastered this mysterious potion.

  As long as they can bring this potion back, they must have made great achievements, and they can reach the peak of life from now on.

  That night, 47 international students couldn't hold back their hearts and started to act.

  They are amazingly united, helping each other no matter what country they are from, no matter what colour they are.

  He quietly slipped into the reserve room next to the military teaching building, but the reserve room was on duty at night, and there were two teams of people taking turns to guard them, so they had no chance at all.

  Helpless, these guys can only give up and look for other opportunities.

  Early the next morning, Lin Su got up to wash and went to the cafeteria for breakfast.

  Just after he brought a breakfast, a figure sat beside him with a plate.

  In order to promote equal treatment of teachers and students, in Longdu Military University, all teachers and students eat together, which can not only bring some respect to teachers in the hearts of students, but also bring closer the relationship between teachers and students.

  Of course, some teachers will cook in their dormitories, but most of them still eat in the cafeteria.Because the dishes here are really good, there are eight major cuisines from all over the world.

  He Yuandao was the one who sat down in front of Lin Su.

  The guy grinned and said, "I asked the two teams who were on duty yesterday in the early morning, and they really went. These international students are too impatient to get things done on the first day. Do you want to beat them? "

  Lin Su rolled his eyes and said, "Director He, don't make trouble. If you beat them, won't they be very careful in the future? If they are too scared to make a move at that time, it will not be worth the gain."

  "Besides, I dispatched two teams of people to patrol alternately at the door. Anyone who sees it will think that the place is heavily defended, and there must be treasures hidden in it. Under such a strict defense, the less they have a chance to attack, the more they will believe it."

  "When the time comes to find a negligence, let them succeed, and then everything will be perfect, right?" Lin Su said, a sly smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

  He Yuandao twitched the corners of his mouth, took a bite of the soup dumpling in his hand, and said, "Those who oppose you really don't have a good end."

  Lin Su: "Of course, Director He, do you want to try it?"

  He Yuandao glared at him and ate breakfast.

  After breakfast, Lin Su came to the office, turned on the computer, read the emails sent from the surveillance side this morning, saw the dozens of sneaky figures, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

  "Don't worry, be patient, you (bgdb) will be successful."

  Then, the international students had another day of terrifying training.

  Hell Week and Death Month, that really kills people.Without Lin Su's medicine, even these students would not be able to resist.

  What about those international students?

  However, after these guys knew that they could drink that kind of medicine at night, they all gritted their teeth and insisted.

  At night, sure enough, Qiangzi came to them again with the potion and distributed it to them.

  Then the third day, the fourth day, the fifth day...

  For half a month, these international students have been trying to figure out a way every day.At night, they would go out to check the security situation of the reserve room, paying special attention to the patrol routes of the two patrol teams.

  Finally one day, Tom pulled Jack aside.

  "Jack, I found a situation. The two patrol teams will be rotated every seven days, and they seem to be the students of Xia Guo." Tom said excitedly.

  "Really?" Jack looked surprised, if so, they definitely had a chance.

  "Tom! What are you talking about?" a special student from Cowboy Country asked. The so-called special means that this guy has undergone special training and is a special agent.

  "Tuva, come on, I have found a way to enter the reserve room." Tom waved to the man.

  As soon as Tuva heard this, he immediately joined up.

  Tom then went over the situation carefully.

  Tuva frowned and said, "Even if we knew, we couldn't get in! We are all white, black, and mixed race, and as soon as we walked over, we were exposed."

  "No, we can use the two guys ono and Yamada. As long as they are willing to help, we will be able to complete the task. From now on, our five countries can also have this magical potion!" Tom said.

  Tuva: "Are you sure, those people don't know each other?"

  "I'm sure. And when I got up to pee once, I found that they only brought rubber rollers when they went to patrol, and they all came out from the right dormitory around 10 o'clock. As long as we set an ambush in advance, we could stun two people. , we can replace them."

  "That's right, that's right! And the two guys in Ono and Yamada also understand Xia Guoyu. If they make a move, they will definitely be able to deceive them. But remember, you can't kill people, otherwise the people in Xia will never let us go, they There will be a thorough investigation," Tuva said.


  Afterwards, a few people discussed a strategy, and came to Yamada and the two of them. Once everyone got together, they hit it off, and they started the action that night.

  "Boss, two students were knocked unconscious on purpose." In the office, Geng Jihui sat on a chair and watched the surveillance screen with interest.

  Lin Su smiled and stared at the two guys who were quietly pretending to be Xia Guo's students, and said with a smile, "I really think highly of them. This flaw has been exposed for half a month, and it's only now that I can do it, I'm incompetent!".

Chapter [-] We are going home...

  In the darkness, with the help of Tuva and other four trained guys, Ono and Yamada silently knocked out two students from the Xia Kingdom.

  Then the two men in front quickly changed into their clothes, put on their hats, took rubber rollers, and infiltrated the patrol.

  Tuva, Tom and the others watched silently, and after a while, the first patrol passed through a dimly lit corridor.

  A foreign student from the country of the dark country deliberately took out a stone and threw it into the corridor, making a slight noise.

  "Someone! Who? Come out!" The patrol team immediately rushed into the corridor, and after a while, the light of a flashlight appeared in the corridor on the second floor.

  "Quick drop! There is someone over there!" Ono let out a loud roar, and when he finished shouting, he realized that he had said the wrong thing.

  Hurry up, isn't that the tone of your own country's speech?I brought it into the Xiaguo language, I will suffer!

  But what he didn't expect was that the patrols of the Xia Kingdom rushed towards the corridor without saying a word.

  Ono and Yamada met and breathed a sigh of relief.The latter glared at the former fiercely, almost exposing it, this bastard!

  Although Tuva and others in the dark could not understand what Ono said, they were also nervous.

  No one noticed that when the patrolling students ran to the corridor, they were holding back their laughter so hard that they almost suffered internal injuries.

  In the office, Lin Su, who had been watching the surveillance, just took a sip of water, and when he heard the words "Quick Drop", he sprayed them all directly on Geng Jihui's face.

  The latter was opening his mouth to laugh, only to be sprayed.

  "Damn it!" Geng Jihui spit hurriedly, while rinsing his mouth with his own water glass.

  "Boss, although I admire you, but I don't like you, why do you feed me water with your mouth?"

  He said with a sullen look.

  Lin Su glared and said with a smile, "Go away! You think I'm willing, it's cheaper for you."

  Geng Jihui: "..."

  But after the two looked at each other, they couldn't help laughing.

  Hurry up, it's so funny.

  That dwarf from the South is simply a brainless monkey!

  In the surveillance screen, Tuva and others rushed into the reserve room quickly.

  As for the key... sorry, this place has just been built, there is no key, even the door is a temporary wooden door.

  In less than 20 seconds, Tuva and the others came out, and then they quickly rushed back to the bedroom.

  On the other hand, Ono and Yamada quickly took off their clothes and threw them beside the two students who were knocked unconscious.

  After about 5 minutes, everything was quiet.

  The two students lying in the grass opened their eyes, looked at each other, and smiled.

  "Mad, those idiots, I almost couldn't help laughing." Ning Zishan said.

  The man next to him also smiled and said, "If you laugh, we will help you. When the time comes, the principal won't take care of you."

  "Haha!"...The two smiled at each other, stood up directly, put on their clothes, and joined the previous patrol team.

  Early the next morning, the team of international students protested collectively, saying they wanted to go home and refused to study at Longdu Military University.

  Geng Jihui pretended to be gloomy, but under such circumstances, it was impossible to stop him.

  He said, "Are you sure?"

  Tuva raised his chest and said, "We're sure, we're going home. Your training here is so perverted, we refuse to study here."

  "Yes! We are not studying abroad, we are going home."

  "That's it! Your school is inhumane, we want to go home."...

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