As soon as he felt relieved, he felt as if all his energy had been taken away, and he was too tired.

  As for the other undead teammates, they all softened, and the injured teammates were all carried by the navy on the two warships to rest in the cabin for treatment.

  "Brother, how is it, you have avenged your ancestors, how do you feel?" Gao Yun asked with a smile.

  Lin Su: "Very cool!"

  Gao Yun: "How many of them did you kill?"

  Lin Su shook his head and said, "This is not clear."

  "But there are at least 3000 people in the three special teams. In addition to the subsequent assaults, I estimate that there are [-] people."

  "Hi!" Gao Yun took a deep breath.

  What kind of army is this?

  A hundred or so people killed more than 3000 people. Such a record can definitely be recorded in history.

  At this time, Lin Su said leisurely: "In the middle of the way, he also solved a special team in the Cowboy Country, about a few hundred people!"

  "What, you also killed a special team in Cowboy Country?" After exclaiming, Gao Yun felt that the only thing he could do was give a thumbs up.


  Do not!There are no words to describe their sturdiness, if there is, it is four words: awesome burst!


  Just when Gao Yun was shocked by Lin Su's record, suddenly there were bursts of harsh sirens from the warship.

  Then a colonel rushed in front of Gao Yun and said, "Captain, a fleet has rushed over in the waters of Nanguo, and their weapon system has locked us."

  "We are in our own waters, can they still dare to shoot?" he said.


  At this moment, a muffled sound rang from the sea more than ten kilometers away, and a few seconds later, a shell landed on the sea less than 300 meters in front of the warship, blasting waves dozens of meters high.

  "Really dare?" Gao Yun glared at the colonel and shouted at the colonel without saying a word: "Warn them, if they dare to provoke our navy again, it will be regarded as a declaration of war, and we will fight back 々'!"

  After the colonel heard it, he immediately went to the bridge to contact the other party.

  Soon the other party responded, saying that they suspected that their wanted criminals were hidden on Xia Guo's warship, and they wanted to come up and search!

  Gao Yun's face was ashen, and he said angrily: "They think they are something, but they dare to provoke the Navy of the Xia Kingdom, Mad, kill them!"

  Angry, even if there is only one warship on his side, and the other party is a small fleet of 6 warships, including a small aircraft carrier, Gao Yun couldn't help but want to fight.

  He was originally a cannonball temperament, and although he has calmed down a bit recently, the provocation of Nanguo made him intolerable.

  When Lin Su heard Nan Guoguo's answer, the expression on his face was also gloomy.

  What do they think they are when they want to go aboard and search?

  This sentence, even the cowboy country, which is known as the world's policeman, would not dare to say this to Xia Guo now.

  "Kill them!" Lin Su roared.

  Then he said to Gao Yun: "Old Gao, do you dare to do it? If you dare, I will use the computer to invade their weapon system so that they can't hit us. And you... just need to put all our weapons Shoot them out and fuck them hard for me."

  Gao Yun listened, without saying a word, nodded and said: "nonsense, of course you dare to do it. Brother, what do you do, you say, I will cooperate."

  If Lin Su hadn't spoken before, Gao Yun would still be a little apprehensive.It's not that he is afraid of the other party, but he is afraid that the above will punish him.

  After all, this kind of battle needs to be asked for instructions.

  The above orders to attack, he can fire without hesitation.

  But with Lin Su there, it would be different.

  Lin Su is a baby bump, not to mention they still take care of this matter.

  "Give me the computer!" Lin Su shouted, and the paratroopers immediately brought over a military computer.

  Lin Su began to operate on the computer, and soon invaded the other party's military satellite.The whole process takes no more than 5 minutes.

  An undead member of the network center who saw this scene couldn't help taking a deep breath.

  He had never seen Lin Su hacking with a computer, but only heard from Lu Weixing and the others that the boss was very perverted.

  When I saw it today, it was indeed a metamorphosis.

  In just 5 minutes, a military satellite was invaded. This kind of strength is simply abnormal.

  However, what Lin Su did next made him incomprehensible.Not only he couldn't understand it, but the rest of the members of the Undead Network Center who came around to learn about it couldn't understand it either.

  The corners of Lin Su's mouth twitched, it's no wonder they can understand.

  Because the codes he entered were all messed up, and his real reliance was his own skills.

  When the advanced misdirection skill is turned on, the missile will be misguided as long as it enters a certain distance of its own position.

  He hit the enter key, and the computer went black immediately.

  Then he raised his head and said to Gaoyun: "Old Gao, it's alright, fuck them!"

  "Okay!" Gao Yun immediately asked the colonel to return to the bridge and said, "Tell them to leave the territorial waters of the Xia Kingdom immediately, otherwise I will consider them an invasion and open fire directly."


  After the colonel returned to the bridge, he sent it verbatim according to Gao Yun's words.

  Nan's fleet heard it, completely ignored it, and even fired another shell to threaten it.



  Lin Su and Gao Yun almost shouted out two words in unison.

  Bang bang bang! ...


  The warships that were already ready to attack suddenly burst into flames, and at the same time, missiles flew into the sky and rushed directly to the battle armor of Nan's country.

  "Eighth, you dare to attack us and sink them for me!" On the warship in Nanguo, a navy admiral roared and ordered.

  Their artillery shells and missiles also fired immediately.

  However, after the missiles flew for a certain distance, they found out in despair that the missiles had strayed from their original trajectories and flew directly to a place more than ten kilometers away to explode.

  "Eighth! What's going on?" the admiral (Li Nuo's) scolded.


  At this time, a shell hit his command ship, and a large hole was blown out of the deck of the warship. Several navy members were killed alive, and some were injured by the air waves.

  However, at this time, a missile with a flaming tail fell from the sky.

  Since the shells landed first and directly killed the warship anti-aircraft gun shooters on the deck responsible for air interception, at this moment, their air defenses were useless.

  A large number of the navy and officers of the southern country could only watch the missile helplessly. After 7 seconds, the missile slammed into the deck of the command ship.


  The warship shook, and then a large hole more than [-] meters long appeared on the right side of the deck, and the entire hull was torn apart.

  Their warships, began to tilt, began to slowly sink bars!

  "Cool! That's how it should be done!" Gao Yun couldn't help roaring when he saw the slowly sinking warship through the telescope. .

Chapter [-] Compensation or not, war, we will accompany to the end!

  When the command ship was devastated, Nanguo's fleet command was paralyzed in an instant.

  At this moment, several more shells landed on a warship, and then a missile came down and slammed into the bridge.

  boom!boom! ...

  After a series of explosions, the warship was completely scrapped.Although it did not sink, it also lost its maneuverability and could not move if it was completely floating at sea.

  Seeing this scene, Gao Yun couldn't help but waved his hand fiercely again.

  This kind of naval battle is so exciting that his blood is full of enthusiasm.

  Especially when he saw the navy soldiers in the southern country thumping and calling for help in the water, and there were many corpses floating in the sea, he couldn't help crying out in joy.

  "These bastards also have today." He said fiercely.

  Lin Su smiled and said, "They have already started to retreat, and the personnel on the warship that lost its power were also sent to another warship."

  Gao Yun heard the words and looked at it. Indeed, the other party's warships were already retreating.

  "Don't they retreat and wait to die?" He grinned and said to Lin Su: "I have to say, brother, you are awesome. Their weapons can't hit us, but we can completely use them as targets. Yes. Now, what is your secret to controlling their firepower system, it must be taught to our navy."

  950 The corner of Lin Su's mouth twitched, and he knew there was such a thing.

  It's just that he can't teach this thing about the system, and he can't even mention it to others at all.

  Otherwise, there will be an ending, and I will be caught and sliced ​​for research.

  He didn't want to be ripped off.

  He said: "Old Gao, some things depend on talent. Let alone your navy, even the network experts I trained myself can't do it. So, you should give up!"

  As soon as these words came out, the members of the Undead Network Center who had been trying to learn from behind Lin Su suddenly looked disappointed.

  They thought they had the opportunity to learn from a teacher, but they never thought that they would not be able to learn at all.

  "Let's go! Go home!" Lin Su glanced at the wreckage of a warship billowing thick smoke in the distance, and the silent command ship Nanguo, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

  This is what provokes Xia Guo.

  If they keep their guard up, don't kidnap themselves, and don't do anything to the students, maybe he can let them go.

  But these guys are so unscrupulous that they have to teach them an unforgettable lesson.

  "This time the bibe briefing is a headache!" Gao Yun patted his head.

  Lin Su: "If you have any trouble, just tell the truth. If there is something, I will carry it with you."

  "Haha! That's what you've been waiting for!" Gao Yun laughed, then dragged Lin Su towards the cabin.


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