"Hiss!"... The exclamations and gasps of cold air around him made Jeff fall into boundless panic.

  When he saw with his own eyes that Xia Guo's Type 21 heavy tank directly pulled the speed to a terrifying speed of about 8 miles after 120 seconds, his eyes were about to pop out.

  120 miles!

  At such a terrifying speed, the average tank could not hit the target at all.

  Even in the forbidden state, it is extremely difficult, not to mention hitting the target in the sports state, it is almost impossible.

  The opponent's speed can disappear from the center of the tank's periscope in two seconds.

  And even if the driver drills his head outside to command, he may not be able to give an attack parameter at the first time.

  "Even if we can't hit their tanks, it's absolutely impossible for them to hit us at such a fast speed."

  Jeff began to speak, and his mind was a little more balanced. 28

  But the ideal is full, the reality is very cruel.

  When the Type 21 tank, which was circling from the right side at a high speed, flicked its tail and turned around in a drifting posture, suddenly the muzzle was slightly adjusted.

  Seeing this scene, Jeff only felt that his heart was about to jump out.

  He and Xia Guo signed a non-responsibility contract.No matter if anyone on either side dies in the battle, the other side doesn't need to be in charge.

  But even though it was a non-responsible contract, his people were sent by the military.If something goes wrong, the military will definitely trouble him.

  Not only that, the Lockheed Company will also trouble him.At that time, he will not be able to eat the ending.

  So when he saw Xia Guo's tank adjust the angle, his legs were shaking.

  Just when he thought that Xia Guo was about to attack, suddenly Xia Guo's tank started to drive at high speed again, as if he was just teasing the people on his side.

  "Fake, they don't fire, is it because they haven't found the armor weakness of our tank?" Jeff suddenly had a flash in his mind.

  Tank armor has weaknesses.This is clear to everyone in the world who is familiar with tank construction.

  "Hmph! You probably don't know, our dealer doesn't have any weaknesses." Jeff snorted coldly. If the other party still needs to find weaknesses, then Xia Guo will definitely lose this time.

  However, just when he was full of self-confidence, the tank that Xia Guo told the driving suddenly adjusted the gun muzzle to the angle of his own tank.

  Then only a flash of fire appeared from the muzzle of the tank, and the next moment, three consecutive shocks entered everyone's ears.

  "Fake!" Screenshot's eyes and pupils shrank violently, he cursed loudly, and then laughed: "These idiots, do you think they are launching guided missiles? Haha! It's ridiculous, at a high speed of 120 miles, hitting Our tanks, do it during the day..."

  Jeff's last word could no longer be uttered, because at this moment, the three rays of light in his sight were turning, and then, as if a tracker was installed, they ran directly towards their company's tank.

  "What? How is that possible? Their artillery has a guidance system?" Jeff felt that hell was already beckoning to him.

  The only thing he is looking forward to now is that Xia Guo's artillery shells are not very penetrating and cannot do fatal damage to his tanks.

  However, when his idea was just born, three shells were directly plunged into their company's tank.


  Three firelights appeared, and then in the next moment, a large firelight appeared from their tank, and debris flew everywhere.

  Looking at it intently, the main body of the tank has been completely torn apart, the barrels have been detached, and the raging fire is burning.

  The four soldiers in the tank were already dead and could no longer die.

  "Oh my God! Their shells are actually fired in bursts, three shells in bursts!"

  "It's terrifying. This speed can be compared to a car that's telling you to drive."

  "The most important thing is that their terrifying missile guidance system is actually equipped on the shells. This is a very crazy and genius design."

  "It only takes one shot to destroy the Lockheed company's tank. This tank is too powerful. We must buy a batch."...

  Countless exclamations and exclamations sounded.

  At this moment, the military representatives of the cowboy country and other powerful countries have shocked expressions in their eyes.

  They had a hunch that a new generation of land war kings had appeared.Compared with this tank of Xia Guo, those tanks of theirs are simply pieced together garbage.

  Several representatives of the Northern Alliance, as well as the representatives of Snow Bear Country and Mu Hei Country, all looked at each other, and they all saw shocked expressions in each other's eyes.

  "We must get the technology of this tank." The representative of the Cowboy Country swore in his heart.

  His oath is also the voice of representatives of several other countries.

  As for Jeff, he is now slumped to the ground, unable to speak for a long time.


  He is dead!

  No one can lose him.

  Unless, he can get this tank technology of Xia Guo.

  As soon as his heart moved, he immediately thought of a friend of his who also came to participate in this exhibition and wanted to buy a batch of equipment.

  "Damn, I want you all to die here." Jeff said coldly in his heart, and then quickly disappeared into the crowd. 990

  The Type 21 main battle tank soon returned to the exhibition hall, and at this moment, the tank with some dust on its body attracted onlookers from all directions.

  In less than half an hour, Lin Su and the others received a large order of nearly 550 billion meters. The arms trade was so terrifying.

  The commander was so happy that he could not close his mouth. He kept praising Lin Su without stopping.

  After half a day, the tank order is almost complete.

  At this time, the business of the Type 20 assault rifle was also driven up.

  After learning about the performance of this rifle, more than a dozen countries began to plan to equip this weapon on a large scale.

  In one afternoon, there are more than 10 orders.

  As for A2 bulletproof suits, there are about 10 sets.

  On this day, Xia Guo's booth was endless.

  The transaction volume directly completed has reached more than 700 billion rice coins.

  As for profits, there are nearly 500 billion.

  What is profiteering, that is.

  However, if there is no black-hearted businessman like Lin Su, let the commander do it himself, there is absolutely no such big profit.

  The time of the day passed quickly, and the next morning, it was an exhibition of flying equipment.

  Compared with equipment such as tanks and artillery, helicopters and fighter planes are the real highlight. .

Chapter [-] Cooperate with them and be transferred from the tiger to the mountain.

  "Lin Su, I always feel that we are too ostentatious, something may happen!" In the hotel room, the commander of the Southeast Theater said with a sad face.

  Lin Su smiled and said, "Commander, it's not possible, but something will happen. So, we have to be prepared."

  "How to prepare?" the commander asked.

  Hearing the commander's question, Lin Su did not answer, but took out a box of cosmetics from his suitcase.

  "You..." The commander was stunned for a moment, but at this time Lin Su quickly took out the cosmetics and painted the commander's outfit.

  The commander also understood that this guy wanted to disguise himself and leave the cowboy country.

  "What about you?"

  Lin Su smiled: "Commander, what else can I do? Of course, I'm flying back in the fighter plane. But under this premise, you have to leave safely."

  The commander frowned, stood up immediately, and said, "No, I can't leave. If I leave and something happens to your kid, how can I go back and explain?"

  "Don't worry, Commander, nothing can happen."

  "Don't worry! In short, we have to go back together." The commander said, took the makeup pen in Lin Su's hand and threw it aside.

  Hearing this, a wry smile appeared on Lin Su's face.

  "Okay, Commander, you have the final say. But before the enemy makes any move, we have to go back to the airport. I asked Geng Jie to set up defenses around the airport, so no one should be able to touch it."

  "Sure, then go back to the airport." The commander nodded.

  The two quickly left the hotel and went straight to the airport.

  Just as they were on the move, in the high-level conference room of Cowboy Country, the leading student had already received the news.

  "Humph! Destroyed our country's tanks and killed four of our soldiers. They can't get out of here alive." A general patted the table fiercely.

  Hearing this, a bald think tank said, "General Giselle, you have to think about it. That's a three-star general and an ace pilot. If something happens to them, Xia Guo will go crazy."

  "Humph!" Giselle snorted again and said, "Joseph, you don't know how important that ace pilot is to Xia. According to my investigation, that person is the only one in Xia who can withstand 15 overloads. A fighter pilot with a G value or higher."

  "In other words, this person is the only Xia Guo pilot who can fly the J31. If he is finished, then the J31 will not be a deterrent to us at all."

  "Moreover, we can use this opportunity to get the technology of J31, killing two birds with one stone."

  As soon as these words came out, the eyes of everyone present lit up.

  If Xia Guo's only ace who can fly the J31 fighter is gone, then no one can drive the J31 at all. At that time, the fighter aircraft of the Cowboy Country will still be the number one in the world.

  The leader's eyes flashed coldly, and he said, "Giselle, I agree, you can go ahead and implement it! But it's better to do it seamlessly, so that Xia Guo thinks it was done by other countries."

  "Understood." A gloomy smile appeared on Giselle's face.

  Xia Guo's special forces, they are indeed not opponents.But among the people who came from Xia Guo this time, except for a few special forces who were mixed into the air force ground service, there was no one else.

  They can use some means to transfer those people out.

  Giselle picked up her mobile phone, made a call, and said on the phone, "It's time to act!"

  After a word, he hung up the phone.


  At 10 p.m., Lin Su and the commander were about to arrive at the airport on the outskirts of the city.

  But at this time, a large area of ​​cattle and sheep appeared ahead, blocking the road.

  Seeing this scene, a smile appeared on Lin Su's mouth.

  "This is about to start!" The commander also noticed that something was wrong, and his eyes were full of anger.

  Lin Su: "Commander, you should have thought of this situation when you came here, right?"

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