“All the participants got off the bus and assembled, changed cars, quickly!”

I don’t know how long it took, just when everyone in the car was confused and about to fall asleep, the military card suddenly stopped, and a special soldier with a camouflage face stepped forward and patted the military card and roared.

“Brother, don’t sleep, get to the place.” After Lin Bei woke up a soldier next to him who was about to have saliva coming out, he jumped off the military card.

At this moment, they are on a wide mountain road, surrounded by green mountains, and in a clearing ahead, a group of neatly arranged soldiers gather, that is, the military uniforms on their bodies look a little uneven, not only the army, but also the air force and navy personnel.

“Line up in two lines, go over there and line up, hurry up!” The special forces who told them to get off urged.


Lin Bei and Chen Pai served as the leaders of the team, leading the team to converge with the large army, and the military boots stepped on the sandy road and made a neat sound.

They are not the first to arrive, nor are they the last to arrive, behind them from time to time there is a military card to send the trained rookies to this place to assemble and transfer, standing under the sun for most of the hour, and when they are sweaty, all the rookies participating in the training have arrived, Lin Bei probably glanced at it, and the preliminary estimate will not be less than two or three hundred.


At this moment, a violent throttle roar came from far and near, and a car dragon composed of military cards appeared in front of everyone’s eyes, and each car was driven by special forces with camouflage faces.

The Wolf Tooth Special Warfare Brigade is a strictly secret unit, and within a radius of twenty kilometers from the base area are military restricted areas, in order to prevent unnecessary trouble, the military cards sent by ordinary troops can only be sent here, and the rest is the responsibility of Wolf Tooth’s own convoy.

“One car every two trains, speed me faster!” A special forces soldier who appeared to be in charge roared.

“Brother Lin Bei, see you later.” Chen Pai smiled at Lin Bei and said that although they came from the same military card, according to the distribution system, his column was not the same as Lin Bei.

“Okay, I’ll see you later.” Lin Bei also replied with a smile, and then chased after his teammates who had already set off first.


Because he had just chatted with Chen Pai, he changed from the original head of the team to the end of the team, and when he boarded the car, the car started immediately.

Instantly a momentum struck again, fortunately this time he was already guarded, except for a swaying by inertia, the whole person did not move like a mountain, even did not move his steps, the same place, he would not fall twice.

“Ouch, I’ll go.” However, the people next to him were not so lucky, a paratrooper holding a sniper rifle did not stand firm, and the whole person fell straight back.

When he was about to fall out of the car, a hand grabbed the harness in front of him and forcibly pulled him back.

The paratrooper patted his chest, soothed his beating little heart, and then shouted loudly at the front of the car: “Can I drive, I am an eagle in the sky, what should I do if I break it!” ”

After venting his anger, he remembered something, hurriedly looked at Lin Bei on the side, and grinned: “Brother, thank you, my name is Deng Zhenhua, the eagle master, if you encounter anything in the future, just tell your brother, brother covers you.” ”

Are you sure?

Lin Bei looked at the paratrooper suspiciously, at this moment he already recognized who this cargo in front of him was, Deng Zhenhua, codenamed Big Tailed Wolf, the best strategic sniper, his life is uninhibited and loves freedom, of course, this is all information on the surface, in fact, this goods is like this….

Deng Zhenhua, nicknamed Ostrich, one of the funny responsibilities of Lone Wolf Group B, uninhibited love freedom in the first half of his life, and the second half of his life… The naked wife is strictly in charge, Xia Lan let him go east, he never dares to go west, Xia Lan let him steal dogs, he never dares to touch chickens.

Of course, this is just a metaphor, in a word, about the authenticity of this product saying this, Lin Bei feels that it is very necessary to consider.

“Brother? Hey, bro. The paratrooper stretched out his hand and shook it in front of Lin Bei’s eyes.

“After that, it will depend on you to take more care, my name is Lin Bei, from the 769th Regiment.” After Lin Bei came back to his senses, he smiled and then stretched out his hand.

Although he knows that nine out of nine of the paratroopers are bragging, as the saying goes, people are not difficult.

“It’s good to say, when will I go to the territory of our eagle division, report my Deng Zhenhua’s name, don’t dare to say anything else, good wine and good food are definitely enough.”

“Dude, I didn’t expect your name to be so famous in your division?” A soldier seemed to be unable to stand the paratrooper’s pretense, and said with a hint of a smile in his tone.

The paratrooper glanced at him, and then raised his eyebrows: “Don’t believe it?” When I have time to go to the eagle division one day to inquire, my Deng Zhenhua’s great name, who does not know, who does not know! ”

Lin Bei nodded secretly on the side, he knew that the paratroopers did not brag, Deng Zhenhua’s name, not to mention the entire eagle division, it is estimated that the entire airborne army knew.

Because he created the history of the whole army, he became the only paratrooper in the history of the airborne army to parachute and jump into the women’s toilet of the people’s school.

Most importantly, he was also discovered, and then he bragged with people, he was an eagle in the sky, a heroic warrior, who stunned the group of little sisters, and finally not only came out alive, but also harvested a wave of fans, and once again unlocked an achievement – the man who walked out of the women’s toilet intact!


As soon as he thought of this, Lin Bei couldn’t help but laugh.

“Brother, what’s wrong, you don’t believe it either?” The paratrooper looked back at Lin Bei.

“No, I believe what you say.” Lin Bei forced a smile and nodded solemnly.

“Righteous enough.” The paratrooper gave him an appreciative look, and then turned his head to look at the soldier who questioned him just now, “See no, buddy I never brag.” ”


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