Bang bang!

Quickly shot and killed an old bird in the tent, and Lin Bei and Qiangzi rushed into the tent.

As soon as he saw the appearance of the two of them, the gray wolf who was lying on a stretcher, rubbing ketchup on the corner of his mouth, pretending to be a wounded pilot, asked with a confused look: “Why did you guys come in, what about them?” ”

As the gray wolf spoke, he put his gaze behind them, if he remembered correctly, this camp light and dark sentry combined, at least there were more than a dozen old birds, but how come the gunfire just sounded for less than ten seconds, and then stopped, and Lin Bei they also broke in directly!

Could it be… They killed all those old birds?

This bold idea suddenly appeared in the gray wolf’s mind, but it was quickly vetoed by him.


This idea is really crazy, even if the old bird guarding here is not strong, it is a real special forces, how can it be killed so easily by a few rookies, and it can be done in just ten seconds.

Wait a minute!

The gray wolf suddenly noticed something, the two little rookies in front of him, wearing clothes that seemed to be… Old bird’s!

Lie in the groove, they won’t repeat their tricks, disguise themselves as old birds, and then when they get closer, suddenly launch a sneak attack!

Catching the old birds off guard, in this way, it is not impossible to succeed….

However, the sentry on the bright side can still be solved in this way, and how to get the secret sentry in the secret?

The gray wolf thought for a while, but never understood what kind of method these two rookies used to appear in front of him so quickly.

“Squad leader, look at what you said, of course we came in to save you, but you… It’s really the first time I’ve seen such a strong pilot! Lin Beiqiang held back his smile and didn’t let himself laugh.

“They have all been killed by us, squad leader, we have to quickly withdraw next, the old birds nearby must already be on their way to rush over when they hear the gunfire from this side, and there is not much time left for us.”

Saying that, Lin Bei patted the hadrons beside him, signaling him to go forward with him to carry the stretcher, they really don’t have much time now, once they are dragged by the old birds nearby, when the time comes for a steady stream of old birds to rush over, they will definitely die ugly.

Don’t look at their smooth life along the way, killing a lot of old birds, just think that the strength of the old birds is very weak.

In fact, it is not at all, on the contrary, the strength of the old birds is very strong, you must know that the Wolf Tooth Special Combat Brigade is the ace force of the Southeast Military Region, if the soldiers inside are like this, then how can it be worthy of the identity of the trump card.

The reason why they performed so badly was mainly because they were too careless, and they all treated this as a game, a game of old birds catching birds!

Most of them have an entertainment mentality and are not serious at all, let alone valued!

If it is a real war and you want to disguise yourself as the identity of the enemy, how can there be such a simple, password, certificate and a series of other things to prove identity, how do you get it?

Because the old birds all regarded this as a game, naturally they did not set up passwords and other things to verify their identities, which allowed Lin Bei and them to exploit loopholes.

But now it’s different, Lin Bei and the others directly took their old nest and wanted to take the pilot away.

Once the pilot is rescued, it means that all the old birds will be slapped in the face this time, at this time, they will definitely not be able to hang their children again, they will become extremely serious!

Think of this as a real war, and Lin Bei and others are their enemies, in the face of the enemy, they will turn into wolves, form an invincible wolf ride, and constantly kill Lin Bei and others until they completely strangle each other!

So Lin Bei, they must now take advantage of the fact that the old birds have not yet figured out what is going on, and quickly slip away!

Hearing Lin Bei’s words, the gray wolf froze, the old birds outside were actually killed by the rookies?

It seems that those little guys are going to be miserable when they go back, the dog-headed old high will not let them go easily, running an extreme off-road is light, it is likely to directly let them go back to the furnace and rebuild!

“Wait, wait, I’m seriously injured now, I can’t move.” Seeing that Lin Bei and Qiangzi were about to carry themselves away, the gray wolf quickly wailed a few words, and then closed his eyes, tilted his head, and fainted.

He didn’t forget what the dog-headed old man told him before he set off, once the rookies really rescued him, he had to find a way to make it difficult for these little rookies, such as what to delay time, let the support of the old birds arrive, anyway, don’t let them send him back to camp within 48 hours.

Of course, it is not that the dog-headed old Gao wants to eliminate all the rookies, in fact, from the moment Lin Bei finds the pilot and exterminates the old bird that imprisons him, they have already cleared the level.

The remaining requirement that the pilot must be brought back alive was specially added by the dog-headed Laogao, in order to make them unable to finish, so that the dog-headed Laogao would have reason to reprimand them, let them not be too inflated, and understand that their strength was far behind.

Then find a reason to keep them and continue their hard training.

As the saying goes: slap a sweet date!


Seeing the pompous acting skills of the gray wolf who was still alive and jumping alive one second, and directly pretended to be dizzy the next, Lin Bei couldn’t help but twitch slightly at the corner of his mouth.

Where would he not know what the gray wolf meant, didn’t he just want to delay time, but unfortunately, how could he let it get his wish!

“Squad leader, can’t you really move?” He asked suspiciously.

“Yes, I am now seriously injured, unconscious and unable to move.” The gray wolf closed his eyes and said nonsense, and after speaking, he continued to tilt his head and pretend to be dead.

You forced me, squad leader!

Without saying a word, Lin Beier directly slashed at the gray wolf’s neck with a hand knife, and then tried to call: “Squad leader, squad leader? ”

No one answered, good!

“Let’s go, the squad leader is seriously injured and unconscious, we have to quickly take him back for rescue!” Limbi said and lifted the stretcher.

Qiangzi swallowed his saliva, did not dare to talk nonsense, and quickly followed and lifted the stretcher at the other end.

In this way, the two took the seriously injured and unconscious pilot Gray Wolf away.

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