Chapter 600


Just as Dinning was speaking, a roar of a car suddenly came into each of them’s ears, and they all closed their mouths immediately, and straightened their bodies and looked forward.

The military vehicle quickly appeared in their field of vision, and quickly came to their front and stopped.

Zi Zi Zi

There was a spark of friction between the wheels and the ground.

After the military vehicle stopped, the door was suddenly opened, and two colonels and a major walked down from above.

One of the two colonels is Mi Lan, the captain of their Red Eagle Battalion. As for the other colonel, it is needless to say, it is naturally Lin Bei.

“Team Lin, this is our Red Eagle member. Except for a small number of people who are on duty and performing tasks, they are all here!” Mi Lan smiled and looked at Lin Bei when he got out of the car.

The Red Eagle Team can be said to be her pride and her trump card!

She was able to become the only female colonel in their group army and the only female deputy brigade commander, in large part because she created the Red Eagle Brigade.

The Red Eagle Brigade, strictly counted, belongs to the position between the scout unit and the special forces unit, that is, the semi-special force unit.

Of course, this semi-special force also depends on who it is compared with!

Compared with the rest of Xia’s special forces units, they are of course half-hearted, but if they are compared with the special forces of those small countries, they are not inferior at all.

Ahem… It’s a bit overwhelmed, so I’m back to the topic.

In the Southeast Military Region, there is only the Spike Special Forces in the army!

And the tasks that Spike needs to perform are so many that it is impossible to be able to cover everything!

Therefore, sometimes some smaller tasks will be handled by the special operations brigade or reconnaissance brigade under the command of each army group.

Since the establishment of the Red Eagle Brigade, it has completed such tasks many times, and even a small number of people have been sent to the Spike Special Forces Brigade for training because of their exceptional performance, bringing back better tactics.

The person under her hand completed the task beautifully, and she, the captain, naturally has that kind of credit!

Over the years, these achievements have gradually changed her from a major to a colonel today.

The Red Eagle brigade has also changed from a small team that was less than a class to a brigade of hundreds of people today.

So this time, when she received an order from her superiors and learned that Lin Bei, the captain of the Shadowwind Brigade, came to guide her and guided the Red Eagle Brigade, she didn’t know how happy she was!

The strength of the Red Eagle Team becomes stronger, not only is the team members guaranteed when performing tasks, but also closely related to her own interests!

As the saying goes, you don’t want to be a general’s soldier, not a good soldier!

She went from being a small soldier to being a female colonel who is now unable to find a second female colonel in the entire group army.

Naturally it is impossible to be willing to just sit in such a position, the general… she has no extravagant expectations, after all, she is not young this year, even the general is not a step away!

But this big colonel can still compete!

In this way, her Milan name can be regarded as left in the military history of the Southeast Military Region!

At least…For now, there has never been a female general in the Southeast Military Region, and being able to reach a female colonel is already the pinnacle!

Hearing Mi Lan’s words, Lin Bei did not reply, but quietly put his eyes on Dinning and the others, and began to look at them.

There are several faces in it that are familiar to him, but if you want to say the most familiar words, it is Dian Ning!

In my memory, this little guy did a good job, not only in official career, but also in love!

He is Xia Xia’s future husband!

Who is Xia Xia?

If you talk about the current Xia Xia, it may be quite hypocritical, and the temperament of the eldest lady (Zhao’s), but after two years of military experience, Xia Xia’s personality will be completely changed, not only looks beautiful, but also has a crisp and neat personality. , There is a mine at home.

Dianning is able to marry her, and it is safe to be a winner in life!

“¨Report to the captain, the Red Eagle Brigade should have 135 people, but actually 113 people. The remaining personnel are absent from tasks, please give instructions 〃〃!”

Just as Lin Bei was thinking this way, a voice suddenly awakened him.

I saw the hundreds of Red Eagle players in front of him, all of them closed their legs and stood straight, and then the deputy captain ran out and reported to Mi Lan salute. Judged.

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