“Hey, don’t blame you, then can it be that you still blame me, right? You’re a bastard! The paratrooper said and quickly walked over, directly into the hygienist’s ass and two feet, while chanting in his mouth: “I let you quibble, I let you quibble.” ”

Kick seems to feel a little uneasy, ready to step forward and continue to kick a few times.

“Squad leader, forget it, he didn’t mean it, why should you be angry with him.” Seeing this, Qiangzi and Lao Cannon immediately stepped forward to pull the paratroopers away, just acting, kicking two kicks, how can you keep kicking.

“You two don’t pull me, don’t teach him a lesson today, he won’t remember for a long time, how many times have he taught the knowledge of skydiving, and he can’t learn it.” The paratroopers struggled vigorously, and finally had a chance to teach the hygienist, but they didn’t have to kick twice, and there was no shop in this village.

“Hehe, what the hell is going on with you guys, let’s talk about it, don’t do it!” The ensign hurriedly stopped the paratroopers, there were so many vehicles coming and going, in case it was seen by which chief, he would have to be scolded, who let this checkpoint be in charge of him.

“Chief, I seriously suspect that this guy is a traitor sent by the Blue Army, this time our mission is to parachute into the 343 area, and when he gets on the plane, he sits on the outermost, and according to the custom, he is the first to jump.

Then just flying and flying, he suddenly said that 343 had arrived, and then jumped down without saying a word, and his jump, so that we also thought that we had arrived, this no, jumped down one by one.

As a result, you also know, this is not the 343 area at all, he is delaying the fighter, and he is going to be shot on the battlefield!

I am very suspicious of his motives for doing so, so I strongly recommend that you detain him and interrogate him well, maybe you can dig up a series of secrets! The paratrooper’s tone was full of firmness, as if he was convinced that the hygienist was the traitor of the Blue Army.

“Squad leader, didn’t you let me sit outside, you also let me say to you after I arrived, you have to squint, now what happened to me how to put the responsibility on me…” The hygienist seemed very aggrieved, nonsense, to put aside your two feet for no reason, you also have to be aggrieved, this dead ostrich, declare a personal vendetta, the start is really ruthless, now the butt still hurts a little.

“Hey, do you see it, he’s still quibbling, don’t stop me, I have to let him remember it for a long time this time!” The paratroopers said that they were about to rush over.

Unfortunately, Hadron and the old cannon were like a mountain, and they stopped him to death.

“Okay, okay, all of them are making trouble, let me get out, I want to fight somewhere else, don’t get in the way here!” The ensign said and waved to the sentries behind him, signaling them to let them go.

He never doubted the identity of the paratroopers and others, how could the blue rats dare to act under their noses so openly, this is not a birthday star eating arsenic – living impatiently!

The reason why he stopped the paratroopers was only because of routine inquiries, plus he was really curious about how these guys ran from the 343 area to the 353 area, and now it is clear what is going on, naturally they have to be let go.

He didn’t even bother to check the documents, if the two guys of paratroopers and hygienists really fought here, it would have to be him who was unlucky, and now he only has one requirement, these few goods, how far to give him a roll!

And what about the Eagle Division, the soldiers of the Eagle Division are of this quality?

Hearing the ensign’s words, the paratrooper’s heart blossomed, but his face was silent, as ugly as ever: “Why are you all stunned, don’t leave quickly, and I’ll clean you up when I go back!” ”

After saying that, he took the lead and walked up, and Lin Bei and the others behind him did not ink, and quickly followed.


However, at this moment, a roar of the accelerator sounded from behind, and a military vehicle quickly whizzed past them, and then stopped sharply.

Zizi Zi Zi ~

The wheels rubbed against the ground with a little spark, and before the military vehicle stopped, a lieutenant colonel wearing an airborne camouflage uniform stepped down from the co-pilot, looked at them sharply, and said in a deep voice: “Why are you a few here?” Which company is it? ”

“Report, we are from the company of heroes and accidentally jumped in the wrong place.” When the paratrooper said this, his finger subconsciously tightened the trigger, and the lieutenant colonel in front of him was actually wearing an armband that was an eagle.

That is to say, the other party is the eagle master, this luck, simply drunk, just out of the mouth of the tiger and into the wolf’s den … Heh, no, they are wolves, they should have just come out of the mouth of the tiger and entered the eagle’s den, fortunately, this lieutenant colonel he has no impression, he should not have seen it when he was in the eagle division, now it depends on whether he can fool the past, if not, it is inevitable to have a vicious battle.

At the same time, several other people also put their fingers on the trigger, together with Lin Bei was no exception, this scene in front of him was familiar to him, if memory serves, the lieutenant colonel in front of him would bring the ostrich and the hygienist to the division headquarters of their eagle division and become an accomplice of the destruction of the eagle division headquarters.

But this is the real world, the original two have also become their current eight people, Lin Bei does not dare to guarantee that the other party will not be suspicious, so he must do a perfect plan, it is naturally best to mix with the division headquarters of the eagle division, if not, he can only fight.

These two results, Lin Bei prefers to be the former, really want to start a fight is not the slightest benefit to them, the lieutenant colonel in front of him is not alone, behind this military off-road vehicle, followed by two military cards, it is always impossible to be empty, it is likely to bring a platoon of soldiers.

In addition, the Red Army fighters on the checkpoint also have about half a platoon, so that they add up to a platoon and a half, and if they fight with a platoon and a half at such a close, there is a high probability of casualties on them!

Special forces are also people, and a bullet still has to die!

The most important thing, whether they can quickly kill these guys, will not avoid revealing their identity, but on the main road, there are so many military vehicles coming and going, by then there will definitely be a steady stream of Red Army soldiers rushing over and strangling them!

There will be no surprises!

After all, eight of them can fight a platoon and a half, can it be that they can still fight a company?

If one company is not enough, what about one battalion?

Or maybe a regiment?

Here is the big rear of the Red Army, some of them are people, not to mention a regiment, if you really want to transfer, a division can be transferred to you at any time!

Crushing their eight-man squad is as simple as crushing an ant!

The reason why special forces are feared is because they are highly hidden, able to hide in the dark like a poisonous snake, and when you relax, give you a fatal blow!

But once this poisonous snake is exposed to the bright side, it often only takes a brick to kill it!

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