At this time, there was a sound behind him, Ye Zeming turned around immediately, raised his gun to fire, but Li Shiyun quickly raised his hand to surrender, and said with a smile: “I think you may need someone to help calm the students?”
“That’s right.” Ye Zeming said flatly, “I will temporarily clear out the terrorists in this teaching building, and then find a way to disarm the C4 bomb in the teaching building. Before that, I ask these students to stay in the classroom. ”
Qiao Muxue, Qiao Muyu, Sitong and others also came out of the classroom at this moment: “Let’s help too.”
In the classroom he dealt with just now, due to fear, the students were still sitting in place and did not dare to come out to observe what happened. Ye Zeming nodded and told the six people: “Don’t worry, I will clean them up all the way. .”
“Where’s Xiaoye?” Qiao Muxue pulled Ye Zeming back and asked.
Because of the change of hairstyle and hair color, and the fact that the Deceiver’s team uniform is a suit, which is too different from his usual casual clothes, and the Deceiver’s mask also changed his voice, Qiao Muxue didn’t recognize him for a while.
“He’s helping in other places.” Ye Zeming said flatly, and jumped off the fence beside him.
The beauties behind me exclaimed: You know, this is the sixth floor! But Ye Zeming didn’t jump directly, but turned somersault in mid-air, drew an arc, and landed on the railing of the fifth floor. A terrorist spots him right away, but kills him before the gun can be raised.
This time he acted very simply. After the terrorist fell to the ground, the other terrorists didn’t even notice. So Ye Zeming tidied up his clothes, then came to the end of the corridor, walked slowly along the classroom, and shot when he reached the classroom door. Shoot down the terrorist inside and then walk to the next classroom. When you reach the last classroom, the bullets just run out.
The terrorist inside reacted and raised his gun to shoot, but Ye Zeming immediately pressed the black tooth’s magazine buckle, and the empty magazine slipped out of the gun stock. Then he waved his right hand, brushed off his suit jacket, and put the gun stock on the back. Buckled on the quick-reload ammunition bag on the back waist, the reload was completed in an instant, and the moment the gun was reloaded, the two of them raised the gun at the same time.
“Tudu!” “Pfft!” Gunshots sounded, and Ye Zeming stepped aside while firing. The opponent’s bullet hit the door frame beside him, but his bullet accurately hit the terrorist’s heart.
“Cleaning is complete.” Ye Zeming came to the stairs, just met Qiao Muxue and others who were going downstairs, so he pointed behind him and said lightly, then rushed downstairs.
With the cooperation of the students, Ye Zeming quickly dealt with all the terrorists in the entire building, leaving only two terrorists guarding the C4 bomb at the door, who are still reporting safety to the leader at the door through the earphones.
“Finish?” Ye Zeming said abruptly just as the two of them cut off contact, the two found a man in a black suit and a mask standing behind them at some point, and almost had a heart attack from fright! It’s a pity they didn’t have the chance to raise their guns.
After two slight gunshots, Ye Zeming dragged the bodies of the two people aside, squatted in front of the c4 bomb, turned on the scanning function of the contact lens, and uploaded the structure diagram of the bomb to Lao Mo: “Old Mo, it can be dismantled ?”
“Of course, sir. The most common handmade C4 bomb is very easy to disarm.” Lao Mo said lightly, “Please follow my instructions. As long as you don’t make mistakes, there will be no danger.”
Under Lao Mo’s instruction, Ye Zeming quickly disarmed the detonators of the two C4 bombs.
And the next job is much simpler. He only needs to find a way to deactivate the c4 bombs in front of all the buildings, and these terrorists will have nothing to threaten the police. The terrorists in the building can also be eliminated.
Just as he was rushing to the next teaching building cautiously, a familiar voice suddenly sounded in his earphones. Yang Ziqing asked in the earphones, “Hello, is that you? Fraudster agent?”
“It’s me, let’s talk.” Ye Zeming hid in the corner and observed the two terrorists guarding the door of Building No. 4.
“I heard that you are involved in this case, how is the situation?” Yang Ziqing asked.
Ye Zeming asked Lao Mo to pull out the satellite image of the school, then observed it, and replied: “I am trying to disarm the C4 bomb in the teaching building.There are still four teaching buildings left, and teaching building No. 6 is completely safe. You can send the police to sneak in to replace the terrorists I killed, and then wait for my signal. Until then, stall for as long as you can. ”
“Understood, we told them that they are sending Zhang Qiming back, it will take about an hour, hurry up.” Yang Ziqing said in the headset.
The latest full version:,,,,,,,,,,
Chapter 61: Campus Terrorist Attack 4
“Zhang Qiming?” Ye Zeming frowned suddenly. Isn’t this the guy who was sent to prison by himself last time? Indeed, it seems that the leader said before that he wanted the police to release the former boss of the Third Ring Enterprise.
“My good fellow, you’re really rich, to spend such a large amount of money to find these people to save yourself, but you are destined to fall into my hands in this life…” Ye Zeming sneered.
His ammunition is limited, and the one-time quota is only ninety-six rounds, and there are at least over one hundred terrorists, so it is better to save some. Taking advantage of the fact that the other party didn’t notice his position, Ye Zeming took out two crescent darts from his cuffs.
The two crescent darts were spun and nailed to the backs of the heads of the two terrorists. They suddenly groaned, fell to the ground, twitched twice and then stopped moving. Ye Zeming came to the door, and as before, after being scanned by Lao Mo, he dismantled the bomb under his instructions.
While continuing to dismantle the bomb, Ye Zeming paid attention to the news in the earphone.
“Building No. 6, report the situation! Building No. 6! Are they all fucking dead!?” At this time, the leader at the door shouted angrily into the headset, but after a while of silence, the leader realized something was wrong.
“Where’s the brother in Building No. 6!? Old horse! Old dog!? Old cat!?” The man kept calling out names one by one, but no one answered. Ye Zeming knew something was wrong.
“Damn! Something went wrong!” As he spoke, there was silence for a while, and after a while, the leader said in surprise: “Damn, why didn’t the bomb explode!? Building No. 5, let me go to Building No. 6.” have a look!”
Well, now it’s time to fight head-on. Ye Zeming sighed helplessly, the building he was in was Building No. 5, the terrorists upstairs would come down soon, and he had to deactivate the bomb before that.
“You bastard, who are you!?” A dozen terrorists rushed down from upstairs. Ye Zeming just cut off the last lead wire, stood up without saying a word, raised his gun and knocked down the three terrorists in front, and then Rolling sideways to the back of the bunker, the terrorists immediately raised their guns and fired wildly, pressing towards him.
Ye Zeming lowered his head to avoid this round of strafing fire. Taking advantage of the weaker firepower, he used the ability to move the cover to nimbly turn around and came to the back of a Marx statue. At the same time, he raised his gun and shot two of the terrorists over.
Although these terrorists were fully armed, they had not received professional training. Their shooting accuracy was mediocre, and they had no cooperation at all. A group of people fired at each other, and then they all ran out of bullets, and then stopped to change bullets together.
Ye Zeming shook his head helplessly, flashed out from behind the cover, and raised his gun. At this moment, one of the terrorists was poking the fuse of the grenade and was about to throw it at him.
“Bingo!” Ye Zeming grinned, and shot the man on the elbow. The man couldn’t help letting go, and the grenade fell to the ground. The group of terrorists were stunned, and then stopped They fired a change of bullets and fled in all directions, but it was too late, the grenade exploded, and the six or seven people flew out and fell to the ground motionless.
But the grenade will attract the attention of the surrounding terrorists. With a thought, Ye Zeming dragged one of them to the hiding place, changed his clothes as quickly as possible, put on his headgear, then pretended to be injured, and staggered down. Dong Lou walked over and threw himself into the arms of a dozen or so terrorists who were checking the situation.
“Hey! Are you okay, brother!? What happened?” the terrorists asked.
“A guy wearing a mask came in, not a policeman, but very powerful… Many brothers were injured…” Ye Zeming said with difficulty, pointing in a random direction and saying, “When you see you coming, run away there It’s…”
The clothes were still stained with blood from the previous terrorist, so the terrorist who supported him had no doubts when he saw the blood on his hands. After leaving one person to take care of him, the rest pointed to the I found the direction.
Seeing the terrorists walking away, Ye Zeming sat up from the ground, knocked out the terrorist who stayed behind to look after him, and then turned his attention to the c4 placed at the door…
An hour later, the leader at the door looked at the time and became annoyed.
“Hey, it’s been an hour already!? Where’s Zhang Qiming, the former boss of the Third Ring Road!? I can’t see anyone, I’m going to start killing hostages!” The leader at the door looked down at the time, and shouted angrily to the policeman outside the door .
“Give up, all the brothers in you have been killed.” A strange voice sounded, and then the terrorist behind him strangled his neck, pointed a gun at his head, and threatened the people around him : “Everyone put down their guns.”
The leader was so surprised that he didn’t notice that Ye Zeming sneaked in without knowing when: “Who the hell are you kid!? When did you sneak in!?”
“That’s not something you should worry about right now.” Ye Zeming said coldly, with the pitch-black teeth pressed against his chin, “Tell your men to put down their guns, or I’ll shoot.”
The leader snorted coldly, raised the detonator in his hand and said with a smile: “I want you to put down the gun! Otherwise, if I press this button, at least hundreds of students will die! And it’s all yours.” wrong!”
The Gate of All Saints
Qiankun Sword God

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