He now knows that protecting the hostages is their first choice now. They don't care about anything, and they must be responsible for the safety of the hostages to the end.

He still doesn’t know exactly what happened inside the international bank. He doesn’t know if the terrorists have completely died. If the terrorists chase it out or shoot down from upstairs, they must fight back as soon as possible to protect everyone. Security issue!

In the distance, outside the cordon, there are many people watching these people, most of them are family members of the hostages in the international bank. At this moment, after seeing the hostages in the international bank come out, they all burst into cheers. Many people even couldn't help crying and wept with joy.

Because most of these hostages are the family members of these onlookers!

"Director! Chief! All the hostages have come out safely. After counting, there are more than one hundred people in total. There seems to be no casualties!"

Captain Wu Ling swiftly pointed into the headset at this moment, reporting the situation to Zhang Hailong, and there was an unconcealable joy in his voice.

On the other side, Zhang Hailong, who had been anxiously waiting for news in the command post, saw it just now. The hostages came out on their big screen and saw the appearance of all the hostages for the first time. They were surprised and left quickly. The command post rushed to the outside of the International Bank and he wanted to go to the scene!

He knew that in this situation, the team members led by Lin Yu must have completed the task and successfully rescued all the hostages. Otherwise, it would be impossible for these hostages to come out like this.

Lin Yu, they actually completed the task!

Before, they just had the mentality to try, a dead horse as a living horse doctor, without much hope that Lin Yu could really complete the task, after all, this task is too difficult, they have done a lot. Personnel-preparation for casualties.

However, who would have thought that Lin Yi and the others had actually completed this rescue mission so well. The more than one hundred hostages should have no casualties, and all came out of the Bank of International Industry!

The remaining members of the ghost squadron also all laughed. They were actually very confident. If their captain leads the team, there will be no problems, and they will definitely be able to complete the task brilliantly.

So there is nothing to worry too much about. The only regret is that they perform tasks together, and they are a little uncomfortable.

On the other side, inside the building of the International Bank, the shooter was already beaten up in a disbelief.

His face was bruised and swollen high, and it had become a pig's head!

The blood kept flowing from him, and he almost fainted with pain a long time ago, and he didn't have any consciousness anymore.

In this short span of less than ten minutes, they suffered a brutal beating that they had never touched in their entire life!

Wang Yanbin withdrew at this moment, sighed in relief, wiped the sweat from his head, turned his head to look at Lin Yu who was sitting aside, and said: "Captain, I don't think he is conscious anymore, do you want to continue fighting? "

After Lin Yu heard this, he said lightly: "Kill it."

After the voice fell, the other few people also stopped one after another.

"let me do it!"

Song Kaifei took out his pistol at this moment, and then quickly pulled the trigger.

With a bang, he shot directly at the bloody hand's head.

In an instant, the blood hand was directly blasted and killed, completely dead, without any vitality, blood mixed with brain plasma slowly flowed out of the head.

"Okay, call it a day."

Lin Yi at the moment. With the members of the ghost squadron, they left the international bank and went outside.

Outside, Zhang Hailong, the head of the public bureau, who had just calmed all the hostages, saw that Lin Yu had walked out of the bank with his subordinates, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

He just said that after the hostages were pacified, he would quickly dispatch police officers to the International Bank to check the situation. He didn't expect Lin Yu and the others to come out like this.

With a smile on his face at the moment, he quickly greeted him.

"Captain Lin Yu, you really did a great job this time, saving the lives of more than a hundred hostages!"

He is really laughing from ear to ear now, because Lin Yu really helped him this time, more than a hundred hostages were rescued unscathed, and this time the terrorist abduction incident is basically over. NS.

Of course, several lives were lost, but this is the least harm!

"By the way, are all those terrorists dead?" He still had some questions.

Lin Yu said: "All are dead, let your people go in and clean the battlefield, and there is a time bomb under the middle table on the fourth floor. Let your people arrange it."

After hearing the news that all the terrorists had died, Zhang Hailong couldn't help being shocked.

In any case, the actions of Lin Yu and others this time are very surprising.

He still doesn't know how Lin Yu did it. He can sneak in and kill all the terrorists silently, which is a bit weird.

But now that he had completed the mission, he didn't want to go further. How to fight and how to kill these terrorists, he didn't care much about her only, and he was satisfied when he achieved what he wanted.

"He is our hero!"

"This is the real God of War!"

"How can the years be well? These comrades are carrying the burden for us!"

Many people in the distance looked at Lin Yu and others ahead at this moment, and they all couldn't help but sigh.

At this moment, they felt the sense of security from the motherland, police officers and soldiers, and were proud of being born in Kyushu, China!

After Lin Yu and Zhang Hailong talked a little bit, they took the members of the Ghost Squadron onto the plane and returned to the Spikes Brigade.

Although this time successfully completed the task smoothly, but unlike before, Lin Yu did not have any color of joy.

Because what the bloody hand said before he died was really not just talking, these terrorists could do anything!

Although the mission was completed this time, no one could do anything about it. It is guaranteed that there would not be a second, third, or fourth time. You must know that this blood slaughter organization has several small teams, and there are hundreds of people in the organization!

After returning to the Spike Special Forces Brigade, the rest of the team members went back to the training base to pack their things and return to their training base. As for Lin Yu, he came to He Zhijun's office.


Lin Yu knocked on the door of He Zhijun's office.

"came back."

He Zhijun said with a smile at the moment.

Lin Yu reported the situation to him after completing the mission, so he knew that Lin Yu and others successfully completed the mission, rescued all the hostages, and killed all the terrorists.

He is in a very good mood. Lin Yu, this kid, is really the strongest soldier under his hand. As long as he takes action, he can succeed in any task, basically there will be no mistakes.

·· ··Find flowers 0 ·········

However, Lin Yu looked solemn at the moment. He sat opposite He Zhijun, looked at him, and said, "Brigadier Commander, this time the terrorist organization is a team of the Blood Slaughter Organization. The team leader is called the Blood Hand."

"Yeah." He Zhijun nodded and listened to Lin Yu.

Lin Yu continued: "This blood massacre organization has close ties with the K2 organization and the Asian Black Operation Group. After reviewing data, it was found that they had even jointly launched terrorist attacks abroad before."

After talking about this, He Zhijun, who was still calm and composed, suddenly frowned.

"It is related to the K2 organization and the Asian Black Action Group?"

He frowned at this moment, because he didn't know about this before, but he heard Lin Yu's brief report that the mission was completed, but he didn't expect to be connected with these two teams?

Lin Yu continued at this moment: "Furthermore, according to the investigation, this blood massacre organization and many squads are all abroad. I even suspect that the K2 organization may have been completely wiped out, and they all remain."

....... ...... .......

After talking about this, watching He Zhijun's gradually solemn expression, Lin Yu continued: "I even suspect now that these terrorist organizations may have a common leader."

When the voice fell, He Zhijun's eyes narrowed slightly, and then he looked at Lin Yu and said: "In your mind, these terrorist attacks were actually promoted by a person behind them. It is not that three different terrorist organizations have fully developed. Three terrorist attacks with different purposes?"

After hearing this, Lin Yu nodded and said, "Yes, I think so. Of course, the veracity of this guess is not too great."

At this moment, He Zhijun put his hands on the table and thought slowly.

He didn't know the information before, but now Ting Linyu knows the relationship between it.

Although it sounds unbelievable, after all, these three terrorist organizations have not existed for a short period of time. Each terrorist organization is an internationally famous existence, which makes Interpol a headache.

As a result, now Lin Yu said that the three terrorist organizations were probably created by one person.

This speculation is indeed very shocking. If it is true, then it is absolutely terrifying.

Because, to be able to build these three powerful terrorist organizations, the leader behind them is absolutely more terrifying, and even this person is extremely mysterious and has never appeared before.

He Zhijun looked at Lin Yu and asked, "Do you have some more credible evidence?"

Lin Yu said: “Not for the time being, but these three terrorist organizations are indeed related, and this time, the terrorist attack launched by the blood massacre team was even part of the purpose of revenge for the black cats of the K2 organization. If it is only a friendship, I don't think I will be so desperate."

After hearing this, He Zhijun nodded and said, "The question you mentioned is indeed possible. It is worthy of in-depth investigation and study."

"In the past, those foreign terrorists basically would not carry out terrorist attacks on China's Kyushu."

"Even if there are, there are very few. Never before has it been like this. Three terrorist attacks have occurred in less than a year, and these three terrorist organizations are all related to each other."

"This has to make us take it seriously!" Nine.

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