【The screen rotates again】

【Ankh ran around on the road with Yingsi】

【Suddenly, Ankh saw red feathers on the ground】

【"Hey, that's……"】

【Eiji rarely sees Ankh interested in things other than coins and popsicles.】

【Ankh picked up the feather, glanced at it, threw it away, and continued running】

【Eiji followed and thought to himself:"The reason why Ankh can only resurrect his right arm is to create Ankh's Yummy's Greed. That will be……"】

OOO world.

Ankh watched the video, his face was horribly gloomy, as if he could drip ink:"Could it be that...my body……"

Seeing this, Yingsi couldn't help but ask:"Ankh, are you okay?"

【At this time, Kazari appeared in front of the two of them】


【Eiji was stunned when he saw this】

【"Are you tracking this?"】

【Kazari crossed the barbed wire fence with a red feather】

【"nothing dealing with you!"】

【Ankh doesn't want to talk to this cunning guy】

【"I have the impression that eight hundred years ago……"】

【Kazari started talking to himself.】

【"I'm very interested in the guy who scattered this thing"】

【Ankh didn't want to be held back by Kazari, so he said:"Kazari, I don't have time to talk nonsense with you here.……"】

【"I'm also interested"】

【Ying Si, who has always cared about Ankh, quickly came up to interrupt Ankh.】

【"If you know anything, I'd like to hear the details"】

【Ankh was a little unhappy and said:"Ying Si……"】

【"It's very interesting. It doesn't hurt to tell you.……"】

【Kazari's body glows with yellow light, and ordinary coins begin to reconstruct his body】

【"However, before that……"】

【Then, Kazari waved his hand gently and saw a yellow tornado blowing, destroying the building directly and causing the two of them to dodge quickly.】

【"Still so awesome"】

【Eiji, who hid aside, sighed.】

【"This is the only way to deal with that guy."】

【Ankh threw the coin to Eiji】

【Looking at the bird connection group in his hand, Yingji quite agreed:"Indeed"】

【Later, Eiji completed his transformation……】

【Ankh:"My core coin!"]

OOO world.

Ankh raised his eyebrows:"If there are four pieces, my body should……"

【Seeing this, Kazari not only was not worried, but encouraged:"Well, it just needs to be so gorgeous."】

【As he spoke, he rolled his eyes and saw his left arm hidden in the dark.】

【Ankh seemed to have a feeling, and quickly walked out and saw the red feathers flying in the sky.】

【Then, Eiji and Kazari started fighting. The two fought back and forth, and they couldn't tell the winner.】

【At this time, red feathers began to fall from the sky, like a heavy downpour.】

【Such a vision made both Eiji and Kazari stop subconsciously.】

【Kazari was a little surprised and said:"Here we come.……"】

【Then, he looked into the sky】

【The fiery red light suddenly lit up, and flames like red lotuses surrounded the light. A figure with only one wing slowly fell down, like an angel with one wing.】

【The substantial red pressure erupted, dispersing the flames around him, revealing his true appearance - Ankh·Lost (Lost Ankh)】


【After landing, Ankh·Lost said in confusion】

【When Ankh, who had climbed to the top, saw this, his face turned extremely pale.】

【After Eiji saw this figure clearly, he saw the left arm that was the same as Ankh's, and couldn't help but be surprised:"That arm"】


【Kazari directly expressed Eiji's inner doubts】

【"Where am I?"】

【Ankh·Lost's confused heart could not understand the environment, and directly attacked Kazari and Eiji】

【Flames like a forty-meter-long knife spurted out from Ankh Lost's left arm.】

【Then, Ankh Lost directly attacked Eiji who was fighting with the power of his core coin, trying to find the missing part of himself.】

【Eiji was stunned, and the other party took the advantage.】

【However, with the idea of ​​​​confirmation, he temporarily restrained the other party and said:"Sure enough, it is the same as Ankh."】

【Then, the two began to exchange flames, and the scorching hot air waves instantly melted the surrounding steel.】

【"Hey, Eiji, kill that guy!!!"】

【Ankh, who was at a high place, reacted and shouted to Eiji like a roar.】

【"But that guy is……"】

【Eiji was a little hesitant. He knew that this was Ankh's body, and he was afraid that it would have any adverse effects on Ankh after being killed.】

【"Get rid of it! Must be killed!"】

【Ankh roared hysterically】

【Seeing this, Kazari couldn't help but feel a little proud and said:"It's exactly what I thought. That's why Ankh only had his arms resurrected."……"】

【After Yingsi got repeated confirmation from Ankh, he directly started a fight with Ankh Lost.】

【With no winner or loser between fists and kicks, the two of them immediately launched their ultimate moves.】

【The red feathers and the shining peacock feathers began to clash, and countless explosions sounded.】

【Under the cover of flames, Eiji took the lead in launching the Knight Kick, preparing to strike first, while Ankh Lost was not to be far behind, causing both of them to suffer losses.】

【However, after fighting Kazari for a period of time before, Eiji's physical strength could no longer support the use of the Bird Link Group, and the transformation was cancelled.】

【At this time, Ankh walked down and looked at Yingsi who fell to the ground:"Yingsi!"】

【When Ankh·Lost heard this voice, he looked at Ankh as if he had telepathy.】

【"found it!"】

【Ankh·Lost’s voice revealed endless joy】

【"it's me!"】

【Then, directly attack Ankh】

【After Ankh landed, he looked at Ankh Lost with a ferocious expression:"What 'I'? Who is 'I'?""】

【Ankh·Lost still said to himself:"It's me!"】

【After Ankh heard this, he turned his head and sneered:"Stop being funny! You are 'I'!""】

【After saying that, Ankh and Ankh·Lost launched attacks on each other at the same time, trying to absorb each other into their bodies.】

【However, it was obvious that Ankh, who had only his right arm left, had no advantage at all, and was instantly pulled out of the ordinary coin.】

【Seeing this, Ankh·Lost increased its absorption efforts and prepared to take down Ankh in one fell swoop.】

【With the loss of ordinary coins, Ankh's face became more and more ugly, and his remaining right arm began to appear damaged.】

【"Ankh! Ankh!"】

【When Ying Si saw this, he got up and ran over to help Ankh.】

【Unfortunately, his body was still weak from the long-term use of the combined load, and he fell down after just a few steps, looking quite embarrassed.】

【And Ankh's arm became a lot more charred at this moment, as if it would disintegrate and be completely absorbed by Ankh Lost in the next moment. ]

PS: Please give me flowers! Please review! Ask for a rating vote! Please give me a reward! If you think this book is too short, you can read my two old knight books"Kamen Rider: I Am Ankh" and"Kamen Rider: Please Call Me Adam".

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