【Shotaro:"Any more?"】

【Kisaragi Gentaro:"Hey, it turns out there is more, will it be our story this time?"】

【Nozama Tomoko:"I feel a little uneasy."】

【JK:"But, I’m also curious about what our story will be like!"】

【《About the girlfriend being an alien slime!》】


【Daimonji Falcon:"My girlfriend is an alien???"】

【Philip:"Sounds interesting."】

【The screen changes】


【Shotaro is chasing Consortium X's car】

【"Hey, stop it!"】

【Shotaro shouted a few times】

【Philip:"Huh? Fengdu?"】

【Shotaro:"It seems that we are also related to this video."】

【Then, Shotaro turned around and blocked the road, causing Consortium X's car to stop.】

【"Hello! Really, very dangerous!"】

【Shotaro takes off his helmet】


【Afterwards, a dozen masquerade dancers and members of Consortium X in white suits got out of the car.】

【"That white dress……"】

【Shotaro took out the W drive】

【"Philip, it’s Consortium X!"】

【"Shotaro, I'm looking into something more interesting right now."】

【"Do you know something like senbei boil?"】

【"Aomori Hachinohe……"】

【"I know I know……"】

【Shotaro is really impressed by his partner.】

【"I'll deal with them myself!"】

【Later, the Lost·Driver was re-equipped】

【Seeing this, the members of Consortium X threw an ordinary coin into their heads and gave birth to Yummy】

【"What are the intentions of your consortium X?"】

【"Joker! (trump card!)"】


【"Those who make this city cry are unforgivable!"】

【Later, Shotaro defeated these enemies one by one.】

【"You stinky brat!"】

【"It hurts a little!"】

【The people from Consortium X were holding a container and preparing to evacuate.】

【Seeing this, Shotaro kicked a masquerade ball over and knocked the container to the ground.】

【At this time, Solu fell out of the container and entered the sewer.】

【Amagawa High School】

【Tiangao Festival scene】

【Fengcheng Miu:"It's our story, and, looking at it like this, it seems to be the Tengao Festival"】

【JK:"Speaking of which, it seems like the Tengao Festival will be held in a few days."】

【Kisaragi Gentaro was about to enjoy the Tengao Festival when he was almost dragged by Mr. Oshirt to become a tool man.】

【The screen changes】

【on the square】

【Gentaro and others were wearing the knight costumes they made to promote Kamen Rider, but they saw the students gathered together and looked at the sky】

【They looked up and saw a beautiful figure falling from the sky】

【"My girlfriend is here!"】

【Seeing this, Gentaro took off his knight uniform and shouted】

【Then, he rushed over to catch the female high school student】

【Kisaragi Gentaro:"Huh? Are you talking about me?"】

【Singer Xianwu:"It looks like you, and it doesn't look like an alien slime or anything like that.""】

【Fengcheng Miu:"Yes, this is obviously a human, how does it look like an alien slime?"】

【JK:"Although I don’t want to admit it, this girl is so cute! Gentaro-senpai is so enviable!"】

【Nozama Tomoko:"Have you forgotten? Solu fell into the sewer before!"】

【Philip:"I'm afraid this is why Consortium X is pursuing Solu."】

【Narumi Asukiko:"Hey? Philip, didn't you go to the Earth Library to check for senbei boiling?"】

【Afterwards, Gentaro and Solu looked at each other affectionately, as if they could see stars in each other's eyes.】

【The screen changes】


【Gentaro and others are trying to find out Solu's identity】

【Suddenly, the Stardust Ninja burst in】

【Seeing this, Solu also ran out.】

【After a chase, they discovered that the target was Solu, the female high school student they now call Misaki Nadeshiko.】

【Later, Xentaro completed the transformation and fought with the enemy】

【"3! 2! 1!"】


【"The universe is coming!"】

【"Kamen Rider Fourze! Come and challenge yourself!"】

【Seeing this, Tomoko Nozama couldn't help but complain:"How can this be a one-on-one challenge?""】

【Suddenly, Solu, who had been watching the show, took out a belt】

【"Could it be that……"】

【When Xianwu saw this, he was stunned for a moment.】


【Kamen Rider Nadeshiko (Nadeshiko)!】

【"The universe is coming!"】

【Solu yelled in a super cute pose】

【Immediately afterwards, the two easily defeated the Stardust Ninja.】


【"Where did you get that belt?"】

【Gentaro was about to ask】

【"Can you give her to us?"】

【Virgo, one of the twelve apostles, came over wearing a cloak】

【"Absolutely not!"】

【"The one with the cloak! This is trouble!"】

【Xianwu and the others also rushed over.】

【"give it to me!"】

【Gentaro rushed forward】


【Virgo took off his cloak, the cosmic energy on his body exploded, and the white wings spread out behind him】

【Then, he hit Gentaro with the wand in his hand and knocked him away.】

【"It's really strong!"】

【Gentaro sighed and used the power switch】

【However, under Virgo's gravity attack, Gentaro soon fell into a disadvantage.】

【And Solu came over, and the two used the rocket switch together】

【"Double·Rider·Rocket·Punch! (Double Knight Rocket Punch!)"】

【The two attacked at the same time】

【"What? ? ?"】

【Virgo couldn't react in time and was directly punched away】

【Seeing that the situation was not good, Virgo distorted gravity, opened the space door and left】

【Singer Xianwu:"No way???"】

【Miu Fengcheng:"Opos! Two Rockets!?"】

【JK:"It's so powerful, it can actually defeat the Twelve Apostles in cloaks!"】

【Shotaro:"I don’t quite understand, but is a female Kamen Rider born now?"】

【Kisaragi Gentaro:"Ah, my girlfriend is a Kamen Rider! It's so cool!"】

【Asukiko Narumi:"Sorry, my employee and boyfriend are also Kamen Riders!"】

【Terui Ryu:"Boyfriend? Does the director have a boyfriend?"】

【Narumi Asukiko:"Long-kun, it's you!"】

【Hino Eiji:"I don’t know what’s going on, but it looks very warm."】

【Izumi Hina:"I almost thought it was like the previous video again."】

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