【"So what?"】

【Long Ga was already very angry, so I gave him a thought hammer with extraordinary effect.】

【"I didn't kill anyone"】

【The calming dragon, I picked up the can of coffee and started drying it】

【"So what's going on? You killed Katsuragi, right?"】

【Kishida Tatsuya looked at Ryuuga strangely】

【"I only saw his body"】

【Longga said calmly】


【"Unjustly accused?"】

【"is that a lie!"】

【Kishida Tatsuya seemed to have thought of something and stepped back.】

【"If you didn't kill anyone, that is to say……"】

【"I went back"】

【Kishida Tatsuya went back to his apartment in a panic】

【The screen changes】

【War Rabbit versus a Smash】

【Soon, Zhantu used his new form to solve the problem and rescued Tatsuya Kishida.】

【"Rachiya, are you okay?"】

【"yes, Sir"】


【Kishida Tatsuya apologizes to War Rabbit】


【However, Kishida Tatsuya stopped Zhantu and asked what he wanted to tell him.】

【"Big brother 340, the reason why big brother went to work in a place that develops new drugs is because I am short of money."】

【"Brother, I…"】

【"I want to be of use to my brother"】

【The side effects of transforming into Smash made Tatsuya Kishida extremely painful.】

【"But, I didn't do it"】

【"I'm a hopeless guy, I'm really sorry"】

【Zhan Rabbit didn't feel very good hearing this.】

【"Okay, stop talking"】

【At this time, Ryuuga came over on a motorcycle and knocked down Zhantu with one punch.】

【Then, I saw Ryuuga turning Kishida Tatsuya into Smash again】

【"If you change back to Smash, you can find their base."】

【Kiryu Zhantu:"Hey, Wan Zhang, what are you doing, you bastard? That's Rachiya!"】

【Wan Zhang Long Ga:"Didn't you hear? Find their base! Besides, there's nothing wrong with this!""】

【Shotaro:"Hey, your thoughts like this are very dangerous. Call me Wan Zhang Long.""】

【Shotaro:"He is a human being, not your toy. Kamen Rider protects human beings.""】

【Philip:"Yes, and becoming Smash should have serious (cgaf) side effects. It's not a good idea for you to do this.""】

【Hino Eiji:"You are really going too far, Wan Zhang-kun."】

【Ankh, humans are the kind of guys who do whatever it takes to realize their desires."】

【The screen changes】

【faust base】

【After Zhantu rescued the experimental subjects here, one person suppressed the Smash that Kishida Tatsuya transformed into】

【"The nebula gas injected into him exceeds the limit, and it will explode in another minute."】

【Shotaro:"You see, Wan Zhang, if you are not careful, others will die because of this. Don't let others lose their lives because of your playfulness!"】

【Shroud:"Zhuang Ji? If he knows that you have grown up, he will be very happy, even if it is at the cost of his life"】

【Wan Zhang Long Wo:"I know"】

【"The art of wind escape!"】


【Zhan Rabbit used the Four-Gate Ninja Sword to release the excess nebula gas from his body.】

【Moreover, because the Blood Stalk penetrated the ceiling before, the Faust Base was on the verge of destruction.】

【With no other choice, Zhantu quickly used his own body to protect Kishida Tatsuya】

【Then, before being completely destroyed, he escaped with Tatsuya Kishida.】

【The scene changes. 】(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【On the bridge】

【War Rabbit supports Kishida Tatsuya】

【"Is this back to square one? Can it really clear my name?"】

【Long Wo couldn't help complaining when he saw that everything was in vain.】

【"Well, there's actually something I didn't tell my eldest brother"】[]

【Kishida Tatsumi suddenly stopped and lowered his head】


【"Actually, that……"】

【Kishida Tatsumi hesitated for a moment and stood by the fence, not daring to look at the war rabbit.】

【"In fact, on September 5th, when my eldest brother disappeared to work in a new drug factory, I was the one who drove him there."】

【"That, there is……"】

【"That's Katsuragi Takumi's house"】

【The screen changes】

【Taro Sato, who made a killing, got out of the car】


【"Brother, have a nice journey"】

【"Let’s go have barbecue tonight!"】

【Taro Sato said with an extremely twisted posture】

【"Ah ha ha……"】

【After saying that, he let out that miserable laugh.】

【Madasaki Wakana:"I'm disappointed, I shouldn't think this guy is cute"】

【"No, but the time when Katsuragi Takumi was killed was……"】

【"I originally thought it had nothing to do with eldest brother"】

【Kishida Tatsumi suddenly became incoherent.】

【"However, if people are not killed by ten thousand feet,……"】

【Wan Zhang Long Ga:"Could it be said that the murderer is War Rabbit?"】

【Ishito Misora:"Stop talking nonsense, how could Zhan Rabbit kill someone!"】

【Wanzhang Ryuuga:"According to Kishida Tatsuya, there were only two suspects at that time, him and him. If it weren't for me, wouldn't there be only Sento?"】

【Philip:"Your reasoning is correct, but I always feel that something is wrong."】

【Kiryu Zhantu:"Please tell me"】

【Philip:"It's such a coincidence. Kiryu-kun lost his memory, and Banzhang-kun went to jail. It feels like it was a little too deliberate.""】

【Philip:"Furthermore, looking at the previous situation, the boss Shi Dongsongyi seems to have good intelligence gathering skills. Why can a reporter find out things that he can't find out?"】

【Wan Zhang Long Wo:"What do you mean?"】

【Philip:"Think about it carefully, when did Smash appear and even hack into the GPS system? Is this really something that an ordinary coffee shop owner can do?"】

【Ishidomi Sora:"My father, he……"】

【"When was that? What time was it? ?"】

【Ryuuga instantly grabbed Kishida Tatsuya's collar in excitement, causing him to fall to the ground in panic.】

【"It seems like nine o'clock in the morning"】

【Kishida Tatsumi said almost crying】

【"When I went, it was an hour later……"】

【Long, I feel that I am close to the truth of the matter】

【Then, he looked at Zhan Rabbit, and his meaning was obvious.】

【"I...killed Katsuragi?"】

【Zhan Rabbit also looked unbelievable.】

【Philip:"It's really deliberate. Logically speaking, you two may not meet once in your life, so why is it such a coincidence?"】

【Philip:"It happened that I had just escaped from Wanzhanglong, and was met by Zhan Rabbit, and then I met Kishida Tatsuya."】

【Shotaro:"According to my detective's intuition, you have been exploited."】

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