Special Years

Chapter 180: Willows and Flowers Mingyou 1 Village

Many soldiers are familiar with this kind of pear, and they occasionally touch the mountain when they are collecting firewood in Feiyun Mountain. The taste is a bit sour, not too sweet, and the juice is not much, but it is always a fruit, which can quench thirst, which is the most important. of.

Everyone rushed up frantically, and in just a few minutes, the wild sand pears were all taken away.

He wiped off the brown skin with his clothes and took a bite of the Noyama pear. A strong sour feeling made Zhuang Yan immediately frowned.

However, stimulated by the sour taste, his mouth suddenly filled with saliva.

Although the juice of the wild mountain pear is not rich, and it is also a bit astringent, but the sweet and sour feeling is really thirst-quenching.

All the students in Class 7, each carrying a bag full of wild pears, nibbled pears as they walked.

Wild Yamanashi not only quenches thirst, but also brings some satiety like fruit. In addition, it is rich in vitamins. In the process of survival in the wild, it can be regarded as a treasure to supplement the nutrients needed by the body.

The slightly depressed mood was slightly adjusted, and the solemn steps on the mountain road were much lighter.

Humans are actually very easy to satisfy, and in a certain environment, their requirements for material things will change in a different way.

At home, even if it is imported high-priced fruit, Zhuang Yan will not look at it, let alone this sour, astringent, and small scum pear, but today, he feels that this kind of small wild pear. It is simply the best fruit I have ever eaten in my life, it is simply worthless.

No Yamanashi solved the thirst and desperate situation faced by the entire seventh class, and the strong sour taste effectively boosted the spirit of the human body, stimulated the nerves, and lifted everyone's spirits.

The speed of the march was restored, and when the time was nearly half past four, the goddess of luck came again.

In front of the team, in a small mountain, a small mountain pond with a width of more than 20 meters appeared miraculously!

This small mountain pond has been impacted by high mountains and flowing water over the years. The water quality forgets that it is a serious mountain spring!

"It's not far from the campsite, let's rest in place for 20 minutes!"

Seeing such a good environment, even Luo Xiaoming couldn't help but ordered to rest in place.

"Pack up the water, but don't drink too much right away, remember, it's the old rule, a little bit! Also, see if there are any fish! But remember, don't jump into the water right away, cool off on the shore first! If you want to die, just jump down and take a bath. If you have cramps and heatstroke, it is very dangerous here. If you can't get it out, you will die! Do you understand?"

"Understood, squad leader!"

"Okay, let's take a look at the water, catch fish, we can't guarantee it."

Everyone took off their backpacks, took off their 91-style tactical vests, and put their guns together.

Majestic ran to the water's edge, a tired face reflected on the clear water.

He picked up the cool water and washed his face.

The cool and cold spring water was applied to his face, and Zhuang Yan felt that it was more refreshing than going to the house to kill chickens ten times in a row!

Even if he is very thirsty, even if he is less than six kilometers away from the campsite, Zhuang Yan still has to hold back and not allow himself to drink a lot of water.

The mountain sky in summer is still very hot even at four or five o'clock. If you drink a lot of water, no one can guarantee that it will not cause dehydration in the next moment.

In addition to washing his face, solemnly took the water and gulps it into his mouth, so that the tongue and lips were moisturised enough, and then spit it out.

This can relieve the stickiness in the mouth caused by thirst, and also prevent drinking a lot of raw water.

Xu Xingguo finally saved his face by the pool.

He used the fastest speed to cut a branch more than two meters long in the nearby woods, cut it into a straight stick, and then broke eight cuts from one end in a plum blossom shape, the incision was about 30CM, and then used a stone to support the incision Open, sharpen each thorn that is stretched out, and the whole stick becomes a fork covered with a dozen thorns at one end.

"Old Xu! Can you do it?!"

Thinking of Xu Xingguo holding a fork by the river last night for a long time, and finally saying "it's too dark", and all the students in Class 7 were stunned and tender, Wang Jie was the first to make a questioning voice.

Han Tao also said: "Old Xu, why don't we find something to make a wooden hook, or catch it, there are probably earthworms around here."

Digging earthworms in the wilderness is indeed not difficult.

Under the shade of the bushes, where the soil is slightly wet, with a shovel shovel, one or two can be dug out in all likelihood. If you are lucky, it is not a problem to go down ten or eight with a shovel.

Xu Xingguo was a little embarrassed and retorted: "You guys know shit! It was really dark last night, and I couldn't see the fish in the water! Now you make the hook, and then you can go fishing after the hook is done, and you will be on the hook in five minutes. One is already extremely fast, and you can't get a few in an hour!"

Luo Xiaoming said: "Yes, I will only give you twenty minutes. After twenty minutes, I will set off as planned. I don't want to take the risk of marching in the jungle at night. It is too dangerous."

"Did you hear me?" Xu Xingguo said, "The squad leader said it, it's only 20 minutes! Don't pour cold water on me, or I'll stab a fish later, and I won't have your share!"

Zhuang Yan walked to Xu Xingguo's side, lit a cigarette, and looked in the direction where Xu Xingguo's fork was facing.

In the clear water, I saw four or five fish swimming in the water.

"Fuck! Brothers! There are really fish!"

Hearing that there are fish in the water, everyone hulas around them.

The harpoon in Xu Xingguo's hand waved for the first time at this time.

"Middle!" he yelled, startling the others.

Surprisingly, the fork at the end of the stick actually stabbed a fish!


"Fuck! Lao Xu is not bragging! He really has pee!"

"Humph! It goes without saying, when did I, Xu Xingguo, brag!" Xu Xingguo stood at the edge of the water and kept spearing out the harpoon.

Almost every hit must be hit, and he succeeded again and again, proving with his strength that he didn't brag last night.

The fish here are basically slender, thin scales, green back and white belly, with some dense small black spots on their bodies.

"Grouper!" Liu Ruiyong screamed first, "This is a good thing! We have a good time tonight!"

"Grouper!?" Zhuang Yan grew up by the sea, when did the grouper become a freshwater fish.

He looked left and right, and they didn't feel the same.

"Is this a grouper?"

"That's right!" Wan Yuelong next to him said with certainty, "This is a grouper, but in some places it's called Shizizi. The meat of this fish is fresh, tender and delicious. It's definitely a fine product! It's very valuable in our place. , Only in the mountain pools in the mountains will there be this kind of fish, and the places with slightly poor water quality cannot support it!"

Everyone was talking about it, and many people recognized the species of this fish.

Zhuang Yan stood aside like a fool, he really had never seen this kind of fish.

Now, he feels that his knowledge is not as good as his comrades in arms.

Today is the lucky day of the seventh class.

When I arrived at the campsite in the evening, although the beast traps found nothing last night, and there was no river around the campsite, the conditions were much worse than last night.

However, Class Seven had eight groupers in their hands.

When we arrived at the campsite, when we were cooking dinner at night, almost all the teams from other districts came to watch the seventh class.

Looking at the groupers that were sizzling with oil on the fire rack, the saliva of the students in the other districts almost dripped to the ground.

Wang Datong and the students from Class 7 got to know each other quite well, and they also came to join in the fun. They squatted by the fire for a long time and refused to leave.

Seeing his pitiful appearance, Zhuang Yan gave half of his fish to Wang Dazui.

The big mouth gobbled up and almost swallowed all the bones, and kept praising the deliciousness of the fish.

Although for these students who already have a large appetite, eight fish in three or four taels is not enough to satisfy everyone, and even everyone still feels a little unfinished, but in terms of maintaining the necessary calories, there is basically no problem.

Instead, the biggest problem lies with the students themselves.

There was no water around the campsite the next night, so everyone had to face a problem - no showers to wash.

At night, Zhuang Yan found a problem that was a little distressing and a little difficult to talk about. He began to have a slight crotch grinding phenomenon, and when he walked, there was a slight pain in the balls.

The crotch on the march is one of the most troublesome problems for soldiers.

In the process of long-distance marching, the two most common things are crotch grinding and foot blisters, which are basically difficult to avoid.

Wang Da, who had eaten the solemn small half of the fish, informed Entu Bao, but gave him a suggestion, that is, hang up and don't wear underwear.

This method is conducive to the ventilation of the crotch, and without the friction of the pants, the problem of grinding the crotch will be well relieved.

The third day's journey For the students who have passed the two-day field test, survival is not the biggest problem that plagues the march. , Seven sets of traps set up in the bushes near the camp finally broke the fast, caught two pheasants, one was dead, and it was immediately gutted and roasted in the morning.

However, the pheasant is not heavy, only less than a pound, and everyone is divided into a small piece, which is enjoyable.

Anyway, as long as you can eat everything you can eat, you can separate each person a little, and eat a little more to get some calories, which can withstand the challenges that follow.

Liu Ruiyong was very proud that he put the cover on. The pheasant that was still alive and could not be named was tied with a rope, as if he was holding a pet.

"Ruiyong, kill it, brothers and sisters."

"Yeah, I heard that the pheasants are very well replenished, and they eat dragons and tigers fiercely..."

The students in Class 7 watched around for a long time, talking at random. The pheasant was so frightened that it screamed and scrambled all over the floor, trying to escape.

After discussing for a long time, everyone said they wanted to eat, but when it came to discussing who would kill the pheasant, they were not willing.

Later, I made a serious proposal. Now that I have caught it, it is still a food, but everyone is not hungry for the time being, so I will leave this unfortunate little pheasant alive and take it on the road, and wait until I run out of ammunition and food before taking it. It's not too late to cut.

As a soldier ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ in everyone's mind, this is a profession that should be brave and not afraid of facing carnage.

However, no one could tell why they didn't want to eat the tempting pheasant, but everyone agreed to keep the gray-brown little guy.

Everyone unanimously named the pheasant caught by Liu Ruiyong "Xiao Gu", because no one could say what kind of pheasant it belonged to, and couldn't call it a scientific name, only that it cooed when it was frightened, so it had such a name.

On the third day of the march, Liu Ruiyong led his little pheasant to the front of the team, humming some folk songs from his hometown all the way, and pulled a little pheasant out of the German Shepherd's style.

When the pheasant couldn't walk, he put it on the rucksack and fastened it with the lid, showing its head,

Others even caught some grasshoppers and bugs to tease and feed it during the march. The appearance of this small animal became an unforgettable episode on the boring marching road.

However, no one thought that when the third afternoon was about to arrive at the camp, it was also because of this little pheasant that something big happened.

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