Special Years

Chapter 481: Finally got my own pistol

Of all the equipment, what Zhuang Yan liked the most was actually giving himself a pistol!

This is a Type 92 pistol.

When teaching the team, Zhuang Yan played with pistols, but they were all Type 54, and only officers were equipped with them, and soldiers were only equipped with other automatic weapons.

Due to the nature of the training team, the opportunity to play with guns is much more than that of the ordinary company.

The reason why Majestic Shooting maintains a high level actually has a lot to do with his staying in the coaching team.

In addition to the pre-provisioned squad leader training every year, there are also various temporary trainings, many of which are short-term training for officers, and occasionally there are co-construction units. .

At this time, Zhuang Yan, the coaches and squad leaders, naturally took on the task of guaranteeing them.

The so-called security is responsible for taking ammunition, pressing bullets, serving as a security officer, etc., and no need to report targets. That is what the brigade's public service class does.

So whenever there is a shooting activity at the shooting range, Zhuang Yan will always go with him, and he will have fun after a few shots.

Automatic rifles, light machine guns, etc. have long been played. As a squad leader, I can shake the gun loose with my eyes closed, reassemble it, and hit the target.

Pistols are the only firearms that Zhuang Yan is still interested in, so every time he sees someone shooting a pistol, Zhuang Yan will be cheeky and follow others to the shooting range, even if there is no mission guaranteed by him.

Anyway, when people go, they can always find bullets to shoot. Whether it is an officer or a local special policeman, when they see the soldier next to them, they will politely ask: "How many rounds will the squad leader come?"

At that time, Zhuang Yan never hesitated, let alone embarrassed, the sound was louder than the gong, just one word - hit!

Anyway, there are enough bullets, and you won't hit it for nothing, but you definitely won't hit it in vain, because the results you get out of practice are all yours.

Thanks to the shameless spirit of Comrade Zhuang Yan, his pistol shooting level is much higher than that of ordinary field troops.

But now this is a new 92-type 5.8 caliber standard pistol. I solemnly held it in my hand for a few times, and made a few shooting movements. I feel that the directivity and grip are better than those used before. The Type 54 is way better.

"Have you practiced pistols?"

Han Zizhen couldn't help but be surprised when he accidentally saw the solemn act of firing a gun on the side.

Because the solemn use is a frontal two-handed marksmanship that is not popular in field troops at present, but is popular in special forces.

The frontal two-handed gun is also known as the isosceles triangle gun method. The isosceles triangle requires the shooter to face the target according to the gun. The feet are slightly wider than the shoulders. The chest and shoulders are lowered to lower the body's center of gravity, the arms are naturally stretched out, the right hand holds the gun and the single arm moves according to the gun, and there is no need to close the other eye to aim when shooting.

The advantages of this shooting method are obvious. The advantage of the isosceles triangle gun is that compared with one hand, this gun position is easier to grasp, and the shooting stability and continuity are better. It is suitable for low light conditions or during the search process. Close-range shooting, or forced shooting in unstable situations, can be said to be a shooting method that is closer to actual combat.

The pistol shooting methods in field army officers and army textbooks at that time were sideways and one-handed.

Holding a gun with one hand sideways is an old-fashioned method of holding a gun. This shooting posture requires that the feet should be in a splay, slightly wider than the shoulders, the legs are naturally straight, the left arm is naturally drooping, or the left hand is on the waist to stand. , Grip, hold, stretch, turn five operations to shoot.

From a serious academic point of view, holding a gun sideways is the most scientific and basic shooting position.

Therefore, in international shooting competitions, athletes often use this method.

Zhuang Yan withdrew his gun and saw that Han Zizhen had noticed him, so he could only explain: "I learned it when I was teaching the team."

"Your coaching team also trains pistols and these two-handed pistols?" Han boasted that he couldn't believe his ears.

When did Teacher 1 become so arrogant?

Zhuang Yan said: "No, we often have training camps over there, and people often shoot guns. There is also the GA Bureau SWAT team in City S. They occasionally come to us to shoot guns. I learned from them."

Han boasted that he understood everything now.

In fact, a lot of people from the extra large retired and transferred to other places. Most of them also went to the GA bureau, and many went to the SWAT department. The SWAT team in the S city is one of the most advanced police SWAT teams in the country, and it is known as the SWAT team that is most willing to spend money. As far as he knows, there are many soldiers and officers who used to be retired from the special forces.

So it's not surprising that people in the SWAT team would use guns like this.

"So that's how it is..." Han said to himself, "How's your pistol?"

Zhuang Yan thought for a while and said, "It seems to be okay."

Han self-proclaimed and asked, "What does it seem to be okay?"

"It just means it seems okay!" said solemnly.

"Okay, let's try it later." Han Zizheng turned his head and said to Shen Fengyuan, "Scribe, I have a box of pistol bullets and a box of rifle bullets. There are still two hours before dinner, so I will take them to the shooting range. visit."

Shen Fengyuan looked at Han Zixuan and Zhuang Yan again, and couldn't help but said to Zhuang Yan, "Are you in such a hurry to practice guns? Rare! In the future, I'm afraid that you will vomit when you see a gun yourself~www.wuxiaspot.com~ After picking up the equipment and returning to the row room of the third battalion, Han claimed to have everyone put on TAC tactical vests, Kevlar helmets and pistol holsters, and then put all the other equipment back into their personal lockers. .

There are quite a few bits and pieces of individual soldier equipment for these individuals, including knee pads, elbow pads, climbing gloves, tactical gloves, bonny hats, and dome fleece caps.

20 soldiers are crazy happy.

In my old army, I have never seen these things. There are actually bulletproof vests. There are 91-style tactical vests, TAC imitations customized by the brigade, and various hats.

"Captain, can we wear a Penny hat?" Zhuang Yan touched the Penny hat, and the part-timer was reluctant to put it down.

Of all the equipment, he was most interested in this hat.

"Okay!" Han Zibo waved his hand and said generously: "Isn't it just a hat? Look at you guys!"

It took three minutes to place all the things, and came out to gather the team. Luo Pingan took him to the shooting range, and Han Zizheng followed.

Along the way, Luo Pingan raised his head, the big guy sang "Unity is Strength", and solemnly felt that today's singing was extraordinarily loud, his steps were extraordinarily brisk, the person was light and airy, and it felt like the wind was blowing under his feet.

At the shooting range, there are already other members of the extra large company practicing shooting.

Zhuang Yan really did not expect that the soldiers of these special brigade seemed to be a little different from what he imagined.

And the soldiers of the special brigade saw the new team brought by Han Zizheng coming, and their eyes turned to this side, like a new species in the zoo.


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