Special Years

Chapter 741: passing by?

The old white hair stared at the sight glass.

After slowly adjusting the multiplier, the effect of rain in the field of vision became clearer.

On the west side of the trail, two people wearing robes and turbans with donkeys came into sight.

Through the high-magnification observation mirror, it can be seen that the two seem to have their faces covered.

They walked slowly and cautiously up the dangerous trail.

"Two people." The old white-haired eyes did not leave the observation mirror, and he said, "Go, contact the headquarters and tell them to find the Pathfinder."

Zhuang Yan didn't dare to neglect, and hurriedly climbed to the front of the radio station, and immediately reported the situation that Lao Baimao had dictated to the front finger.

Information is sent continuously through invisible radio waves.


Somewhere, Command.

"Captain, there's something going on in Group 1."

The colonel stretched his waist and yawned.

In the past few days, I have been sleeping with half of my eyes open, a little tired.

Heard news.

The colonel regained his energy immediately, and drifted to the side of the communications sergeant like the wind, staring at the radio in front of him.

One of the radio stations is flashing, this is the channel of Group 1.

"What did you say."

"Discover Pathfinder."

"I still can't help coming out." The colonel said to himself: "I've waited for them for five days, and they really came. Immediately order No. 0, let him watch, and report the latest changes at any time."

"Yes!" The communications sergeant nodded, put on his earphones, and transmitted the colonel's order.

"Captain, do you want to gather other teams and deploy them to support them?" he asked.

The colonel said: "No need. The situation is not clear now. Now we gather other teams. If the other team is suspicious, isn't it a trap? Order other teams to pay attention and increase surveillance. The snake is going to come out tonight."

After speaking, he turned back to the conference table and stared at the screen and map on the wall.

The female captain in charge of the briefing came over and looked at the map.

The two watched for a while.

The female captain said, "Captain, do you need the reserve team to prepare?"


The colonel's eyes still did not leave the map.

"I think... I'm afraid it's not that simple."

The voice just fell.

The communications sergeant turned his head again and took off his earphones.

"Captain, all groups 2, 3, and 4 sent messages and found Pathfinder."

The female captain frowned: "All the Pathfinders found?"

"Yes, it's all the same." The communications sergeant was very sure.

The colonel took a breath and murmured, "Routines... three caves of the sly rabbit."

He turned around and said to the communications sergeant: "Let all the teams stay in place, looking at the situation, I'm afraid there will be big fish tonight. Order each team to pay attention to everyone who appears in the surveillance range, according to what they usually remember. information, and see if there is any of our 'old acquaintances' in it."



Its daybreak.

Zhuang Yan and Lao Baimao didn't sleep all night.

That's right.

All night.

Those two guys with their donkeys and their faces covered in robes have been spending the night behind a big rock in the valley since they crossed the trail last night.

According to the order of the front finger, the two must stand still and continue to observe.

Zhuang Yan couldn't help yawning, and said in a low voice, "Damn, I've been behind a big rock all night, and I'm not afraid of freezing to death."

"Do you think they are ordinary people?" The old white hair's face was as cold as the snow on the top of the mountain outside: "These people have been trained, I guarantee, don't think that he came here with a donkey, he looks very soily, with a long robe. Maybe it's full of automatic weapons, and the bag on the donkey's back, do you see it?"

During the day, Zhuang Yan can now use the telescope on his body to observe the situation outside.

Focus the camera on the donkey's back.

It's one of those kind of rides, with bags on both sides and a donkey's back in the middle.

"It's nothing special," said Zhuang Yan, "Is there no need for donkeys in this area?"

"Uh, donkeys are good at climbing." Old Baimao said: "Here, donkeys, horses, etc. are very popular. In the plateau area, mechanization is unreliable. This thing is more useful."

He added, "I'm showing you the bag on the donkey."

"Bag?" Zhuang Yan looked at it again: "It's nothing special, it doesn't seem to contain anything..."

"Isn't it loaded?" said the old white-haired man, "I took it out. I guess it's food and a sleeping bag."

The voice just fell.

Two figures suddenly appeared behind the stone.

It was the two guys who lay down all night.

The difference is that Zhuang Yan noticed two black fire sticks in their hands.

It is Akka 47.

"Honey!" Zhuang Yan smiled: "I finally showed my fangs..."

Turning his head, he asked Lao Baimai half-jokingly, "No. 0, do you want to—"

He made a gun gesture with his hand, imitating the act of firing a gun.

The old white hair was not nervous at all, and said, "Wait a minute, it's just two little soldiers, and the big man is behind."

"You said……"

Solemnly remembered the news reported by the former finger last night.

Said to be four points, all found the leading soldiers of the path.

"Which of our four points will they choose to pass?"


The old white hair suddenly exclaimed in a low voice in surprise: "Someone is here again."

He solemnly raised his binoculars and looked towards the trail.

I actually saw another team of donkeys.

Almost the same attire, a donkey.

The same robe, the same hood.

"Master is on the stage?" Zhuang Yan felt that the "target" was about to appear this time.

The old white hair remained calm.

"Don't worry, I see there is still a play."

There were sixteen people in the donkey team that had just entered the monitoring point.

When the two front soldiers saw these people, they raised their hands to say hello from a distance, and hugged each other when they came over.

"Send the message." The old white hair again ordered Zhuang Yan to immediately send the message to the front finger.

After the information was transmitted, the old white hair said again: "No. 23."

"What's the matter?" Zhuang Yan quickly responded.

The old white-haired man who had observed these armed men in the valley for a long time said, "I'll give you a task later. If this group of people leaves first, you should follow up first. Remember, just follow, not fight."

Zhuang Yan was stunned and said, "How about you?"

The old white hair said: "I don't think things are that simple. None of these people look like heads. I will continue to observe here. You leave a mark along the way, and I will follow you."

"What about our supplies?" asked solemnly.

If you track it, you will definitely not be able to take many materials with you, not to mention the problem of weight, and it will be too late.

"Put on guns and bullets, as well as your ghillie suit and rucksack, bring the necessities, and leave the rest here, and someone will come over after the mission."


front finger.

The colonel stood behind the communications sergeant, frowning.

The female captain said on the side: "The situation is getting more and more complicated. Among the four points, only one group of points has a large number of unidentified people, and the other three points seem to have only two leading soldiers. I think group one is that The side will be the real body."

The colonel didn't say a word, and walked to the map again, looking at the map again.

On the map, all four points are circled in red.

Now, are the people who want to mobilize the reserve support force to start approaching the No. 1 monitoring point?

Doing so is helpful for timely support in the event of a situation~www.wuxiaspot.com~ However, no one is sure now which point is true.

Suddenly, he returned to the radio.

"On number 0, I want to talk to him."

When you're done, pick up your headphones.

Signal is on.

The colonel asked: "No. 0, now at four o'clock, only you have a large number of armed people. Do you see high-value targets among these people?"

"No, no high-value targets have been found for the time being, and there is no important leader in our database." The voice of the old white hair came from the microphone.

"You only have two people there. Do you need me to send someone to approach you first, in case of emergency?"

"No need," said the old white-haired man, "We can handle it."

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