Speech Program: Crying Millions Of Parents At The Beginning

Chapter 21: It's Not Just The Post-00S Who Have Collapsed, But Also The 80S And 90S [Kneeling F

When the host said the topic of the third issue.

All the millennials in the audience froze for an instant.

Including the millions of millennials in the live broadcast room.

They stared at the screen stupidly one by one, and then became at a loss.

As for those who are not born after zero, a "rational discussion" began.

"This topic, uh... how should I put it, indeed!!"

"To be honest, the post-00s are indeed the beat generation."

"I feel the same!!!"

"As a post-90s generation, I feel that the post-00s generation is really broken. To put it simply, people of our generation, although naughty, are absolutely incomparable to the post-00s generation. The post-00s generation grew up with a golden spoon in their mouths. of."

"Well, let's not talk about anything else, let's talk about comparisons. I'll just talk about the child of one of my colleagues. His child is born after 00. Do you know how scary they are? The food and drink are all famous brands. Once you buy some bad The brand, the child will make a fuss, ask the child why, the child actually said that no one in his class eats this brand, eating this brand is like embarrassing."

"Post-00s really have no social responsibility, and their ability to withstand stress is pitiful. For example, a post-00s came to our unit a few days ago and worked for two days, because the boss said to him, oh, he didn't work the next day. coming."

"Beat Generation, there's nothing wrong with that saying."

"How should I put it, the post-00s have their advantages, such as being smart, but they can't bear to look at them directly when they do things. They don't talk about things sloppily, and they like to be lazy, and they don't work if they can."

"From my point of view, the most let down thing for me after 2000 is that they are so ambitious. When they first came out of society, they wished that they could earn 10,000 to 20,000 yuan. A commoner, but dreaming of a prince's dream."

"Leaving aside the post-00s, I am looking forward to Shen Fei's coming on stage. After all, he is also a post-00s. Regarding his topic, I want to see what he has to say, hahaha."


Under the "rational discussion" of everyone.

The millions of post-00s in the live broadcast room suddenly became angry.

Especially when you see all kinds of harsh words.

What selfishness.

What no sense of responsibility.

What love comparisons.

What is so ambitious.

Waiting for the vocabulary to appear in front of their eyes, they immediately began to swear.

"What about NM? You tell me, there are not many people like this in that generation? Leave all the blame to us 00?"

"I laughed. According to this, the post-80s still call you the beat generation after the 90s, what non-mainstream, what fights, at least we don't fight much after 00, and we won't go to Internet cafes like you, bar."

"What the hell is this?? How can you say that we are broken? What evil have we done?"

"Looking at the remarks in the comment area, I almost blew my blood clot out of my brain."


The post-00s who were yelling at each other became a little at a loss again after they finished cursing.

Because they don't know how to refute.

How to fight back against these people.

To be precise, their counterattack seemed naive and pale.

It seems to be sophistry, not justification.

In this case.

Post-zero is very angry, very angry.

Angry, they continued watching the show.

At this moment, they put all their hopes on Shen Fei.

Everyone hopes that Shen Fei can help them get back.

If they don't go back, they won't be able to sleep at night.

And in their expectations.

On the stage of the Normal High School Attached.

After the host finished speaking, he immediately said, "Next, let's invite the school's first student to come on stage, Shi Jiayu from Class 2 and 6 of the High School Attached to Normal University."


The audience applauded politely.

After the applause fell.

A student who was wearing glasses and looked very scholarly came up.

As soon as he comes up.

The first thing the audience can feel is that he is nervous.

But even though he was nervous, he still looked at everyone in the audience, glanced at the camera, and said.

"For the topic of "The Beat Post-00s"."

"What I want to say is."

"I think there is something wrong with what the host said."

"I admit that we do have many problems after 2000, but you can't just say us?"

"I heard from my grandfather that the generation born in the 1980s is said to be the Beat Generation."

"Because they like to go to the ballroom to dance when they have nothing to do, and then drink and fight, doing all kinds of evil."

"The generation born in the 90s, some people say they are the beat generation, that they are non-mainstream, addicted to the Internet, and have a bad temper."

"In this case, why do you say that only the post-00s are the beat generation?"

"If you want me to say, the post-80s and post-90s are all the beat generation, not just the post-00s!"


After this classmate named Shi Jiayu finished speaking.

for a moment.

Without saying a word, all the students in the school immediately stretched out their hands and began to applaud violently.

They thought that what this man named Shi Jiayu said was too good.

Indeed! !

You say we are the Beat Generation after 2000.

What about you post-90s? ? ?

In the eyes of those born in the 1980s, are you not the Beat Generation? ?

Non-mainstream behavior, dyed a colorful hair, pretending to be a social person every day? ? ?

And people born in the 80s should not think that they are good. They go to dance halls and skating rinks every day, and I don’t see them doing anything serious.

In this case.

Those of you who are not the Beat Generation? ?

Since you like to say, well, everyone suffers together.

Don't throw the blame on one person's head.

that's all.

Shi Jiayu directly received support from countless post-00s.

Especially the post-00 audience in the live broadcast room.

They were dropped by various numbers before.

After following Shi Jiayu's words.

One by one they started to get excited.

They fought back one after another.

"The post-90s are not mainstream, and the post-80s like to fight. What qualifications do you have to say that we are post-00s?"

"After 00, it's not good, and I won't go to the barber shop to dye my hair, and I won't go to the dance hall to fight every day!!"

"Hahahaha, what this brother said is too good, or they will collapse together, or stop beeping."

"XSWL, this wave is absolutely amazing!!!"

"I hope Shen Fei in the back can be like this little brother, just get up, don't be cowardly!"

"Shen Shen, the dignity of the post-00s depends on you to restore, scold me back quickly!"


When the live broadcast room is so lively.

The school leaders looked at each other one by one, and they felt that this topic was a bit heavy.

Something is wrong, at least for the kids.

But the matter has come to this point, they can't say much, they can only continue to read.

The chief director, Tian Ye, nodded his head after hearing the first student's remarks.

The reason for choosing this topic is not to intentionally cause mutual hostility.

But only this kind of topic can truly elicit the voices of the children.

Let everyone listen to what the children think.

Apparently, the topic did.

Shi Jiayu at the beginning was much sharper than those students in the previous period.

At least I dare not say anything else, all words are from the bottom of my heart, not guided by others.

From this point of view, the authenticity of the program is countless times higher.

However, while being satisfied, he glanced at Shen Fei who was not far away.

After seeing it, Tian Ye couldn't help but look forward to it.

Because at this moment Shen Fei is just like a normal person.

After hearing the host's words after 00, everyone in the audience was extremely excited and angry.

Only Shen Fei was alone, extremely calm, as if he had nothing to do with him.

Being able to have this expression can only mean two things.

First, he is a temperless person.

Second, he already has an extremely confident way to fight back in his heart.

Thinking of this, Tian Ye became more and more looking forward to it.

I really want to hear what Shen Fei thinks about this topic.

................................................... .........

[I beg all the readers to deliver some flowers to the little brother. As long as there are flowers, rewards, evaluation tickets, and monthly tickets, the little brother is willing to change ten or twenty every day. Please believe in my hand speed , The author is here to thank you! ! ! ! ! ! ! 】

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