Speech Program: Crying Millions Of Parents At The Beginning

Chapter Thirty-Three: How Do You View The Waywardness Of Young People In The Workplace?

Chapter Thirty-Three: How do you view the waywardness of young people in the workplace?

Time, 1:55 pm.

At this moment, Shen Fei and Li Xiaojing are sitting on the same stage.

The decoration of the stage is also very simple, with two corner sofas, Li Xiaojing sits on the right, and Shen Fei sits on the left.

In front of him is a small table with a plain vase on it.

In front of the two of them, there were more than a dozen camera machines.

Look at the time, when the countdown to the show's upcoming broadcast comes.

The two looked at each other, and then turned to the camera.

When the countdown ended, images of Shen Fei and Li Xiaojing instantly appeared in the live broadcast room, followed by four big characters "Celebrity Interview".

"Hi, everyone in front of the TV, in front of the live broadcast room, I am Li Xiaojing, the host of the "Celebrity Interview" program."

"First of all, let me introduce the people interviewed in this issue."

"He is a 14-year-old prodigy boy who has recently blown up all major circles of friends, social media, and other media!"

"Start with the boy."

"He told students all over the world about their daily burdens in a humorous voice."

"He used a sentence of heavy love to say those words that he dared not say to his parents for the children of the world."

"Later, he proved it for three generations."

"In a word, China has never had a broken generation since five thousand years ago, and it even blew up the entire network."

"And he is the guest of this issue, Shen Fei!"


The host introduced Shen Fei in a soft and gentle voice with extremely high professional ability, but in a soft voice, the audience was instantly drawn in.

And let's talk about the live broadcast room.

At the moment, there are less than 300,000 viewers in the live broadcast room.

For official programs, online viewership is already meaningless.

Because after the live broadcast of the program is over, it will be launched on major official platforms.

That's when the real feast is.

However, in this live broadcast room with low traffic.

When the netizens heard the host's introduction.

For a moment, netizens were dumbfounded.

Barrages also appeared on it.

"Fuck? Shen Fei???"

"This issue is interviewing Shen Fei???"

"Why didn't the authorities notify in advance?"

"Ahh! It's Shen Fei!!!"

"It turned out to be Shen Fei???"

After everyone learned that the person interviewed today was Shen Fei, all kinds of emotions came to their hearts, bewildered, shocked, astonished!

And under these emotions.

Netizens couldn't calm down anymore.

They soon began to publicize it.

Shared sharing, notifications in various groups, Moments, Space, Weibo, Douyin, and even the live broadcast rooms of major network anchors, all of which have the same barrage scrolling.

[It’s terrible, Mr. Shen that the boy said is currently on Yangtv’s celebrity talk show, come and watch it, everyone! ! ! 】

After this text appeared.

The user who was still browsing the circle of friends did not even reply for a moment, and directly clicked into the live broadcast room of the celebrity interview.

The people who were still watching the football match in a civilized manner on the major live broadcast platforms immediately left ruthlessly, no matter how the anchor acted like a baby.

Some anchors even downcast directly at the speed of light, and the reason behind it is that they want to watch Shen Fei being interviewed.

that's all.

In the natural water of the audience.

The number of fans in the live broadcast room began to skyrocket.

"one million!"

"Two million!"

"three million!"

"four million!"


In less than three minutes, the number of people in the live broadcast room had reached more than five million.

And this, there is still no advance notice at all, nor any official publicity.

Just rely on the yelling of the audience themselves.

Such data is enough to know how terrifying Shen Fei's traffic is today.

Let's talk about the show.

Shen Fei introduced himself again.

Immediately afterwards, Li Xiaojing, as the host, began to conduct regular interviews.

fifteen minutes.

Li Xiaojing asked some basic information about Shen Fei.

For example, ask Shen Fei about his studies.

For example, ask about Shen Fei's family situation.

For example, ask about Shen Fei's family education.

All kinds of questions are what netizens want to know.

But for Li Xiaojing, these routine questions are appetizers.

The real feast is left behind.

But she was not in a hurry.

When the dinner was about to start, her last question was to ask Shen Fei, why at the end of the show, she rushed up desperately and made so many remarks.

Regarding this question, Shen Fei would naturally not say that he was bound to the system.

He made up a reason at random, saying that he saw that the first five classmates did not tell the truth at all, and that he had been holding his breath recently, so he rushed up. Thinking of myself being so popular.

After answering this question.

Li Xiaojing nodded, this answer is reasonable.

After nodding, Li Xiaojing didn't say too much, and directly stated the real purpose of today's interview,

She looked at Shen Fei, and said word by word.

"Student Shen, your recent topic of "No Generation Is the Beat" has become popular all over the Internet, attracting countless people's comments."

"Among the many comments, almost everyone agrees with your remarks."

"But just yesterday, there was an almost whining voice."

"To be precise, a group complained about what you said."

"They are all successful people in all walks of life, or the bosses of their own businesses, or the general managers of companies under large companies."

"And their complaint is simple."

"First of all, they are very supportive of your previous remarks, and they don't think there is a problem there."

"But they feel that you're missing a very serious issue."

"The problem is the waywardness and arrogance of contemporary young people in the workplace."

"It is undeniable that the younger generation will stand up in the face of major issues of right and wrong, but in the workplace in life, the younger generation has not shown the responsibility and patience they should have."

"For example, an entrepreneur complained. He said that the post-00s who went to work here are like little ancestors. If something goes wrong, they leave the job directly without even saying hello!"

"For example, a self-employed boss said that they recruited a few post-00s, and they left without looking back just because they wanted to have a morning meeting."

"There are also complaints from the managers of major companies, companies, businesses, and personnel departments. They say that they can't recruit people at all now. The post-00s seem to have all employees earning millions a year. They only know how to enjoy themselves and let them come out to work. , it’s like letting them die.”

"Aiming at this phenomenon in the current society, combined with your previous remarks."

"I want to ask you a question."

"What do you want to say about this situation????"


Soon, Li Xiaojing asked the question she really wanted to ask.

When this question is thrown out.

In an instant, the audience in the entire live broadcast room became excited instantly.

This problem can be said to be commonplace in today's society.

It is also the most controversial topic in today's society.

In this case.

Everyone wants to hear what Shen Fei has to say about this matter.

While looking forward to it, the audience in the live broadcast room began to complain and complain one by one.

"Indeed, although what Mr. Shen said before was exciting, this problem is also a very common problem. Today's young people are really not as good as the older generation."

"In the face of major national events, no generation has ever lost face, but in the workplace, the performance of young people is indeed poor!"

"It's not just bad, is it? It's simply dizzy."

"There are a few young people in my company, and they are really ancestors."

"As a boss, I really want to vomit my bitterness to everyone. I just recruited six young people yesterday. Guess what? Just because it was almost the end of work, I asked them to summarize today's work. The result? Today Early in the morning, none of the six people came, I was really speechless!!!!"


Complaining, Shen Fei glanced at Li Xiaojing, then turned to the camera, and then spoke.

However, this opening made all the audience dumbfounded for an instant.

Even Li Xiaojing froze in place.

She looked at Shen Fei stupidly.

It was like seeing a ghost! ! ! !

................................................... .........

[I beg all the readers to deliver some flowers to the little brother. As long as there are flowers, rewards, evaluation tickets, and monthly tickets, the little brother is willing to change ten or twenty every day. Please believe in my hand speed , The author is here to thank you! ! ! ! ! ! ! 】

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