Speech Program: Crying Millions Of Parents At The Beginning

Chapter 62: Art Is Priceless, But Shit Isn't! 【Kneeling To Subscribe】

Chapter 62: Art is priceless, but shit isn't!

Accompanied by the host's words after finishing speaking.

Lin Xue was already out of breath.

Seeing this, the manager on the side didn't choose to help, but just covered his head and pretended to be thinking about the problem~.

To him, this Lin Xue was simply a person who couldn't become a master.

Don't you know that you are a million people now?

In this case, if you are scolded, you will be scolded a few times.

it's good now.

If you have to stand up by yourself, you will be slapped in the face by others, right??


"Apologize, you must apologize!"

"Yes, the host is right, you are slandering!"

"Hahahaha, this host is so relieved!"


"Host: Didn't expect that, I'll wait for you here!"

"As far as I am concerned, the host's words are more tactful, if it were me, it would be a slap in the face.

At this time, netizens on the Internet also began to help the host.

In this situation, Lin Xue was directly caught in a dilemma.

Under the embarrassing situation, Lin Xue still wanted to play a rogue and said: "Why do you say that I am slander?"

"Why?" The host sneered after hearing this.

Then he directly faced the thousand guests present, and asked loudly.

"Everyone, please comment, has she slandered our Mr. Shen?"

The voice fell.

In an instant, thousands of people answered in unison.


The momentum was so powerful that Lin Xue's complexion was extremely ugly.

"Can't a thousand of us bully you together here?"

"Apologize quickly, or I will disqualify you for defamation!"

Seeing so many viewers supporting him, the host suddenly gained confidence, and said casually but indifferently again.

As far as he is concerned, the person named Lin Xue used to leave the show as an excuse, and then made various threats.

Now it's all right, he treats his body with his own way.


"you you..……"

Where did Lin Xue suffer this kind of humiliation, but now she can be regarded as rushing the ducks to the shelves, and she couldn't say a word for a long time.

"What me? You what you?"

"Apologize to me right now!"

The host didn't give her any chance, and forced her to get up.

This forced palace.

Lin Xue, who was even more stubborn, was pulled by the manager's clothes, and then the manager showed a compromising look, as if telling the other party not to struggle.

In the end, seeing the manager's appearance, Lin Xue knew that it would be impossible for her not to apologize.

So, after hesitating for a few seconds, she

He lowered his proud head, and said with hatred.

"I'm sorry, I apologize for what I said before, I didn't slander anyone, it was just my emotions."

After apologizing and explaining, Lin Xue sat down.

I already hated this show, and Shen Fei and others to death!!!!

After she apologized, the host was satisfied.

When looking at Shen Fei, he made a flattering look on purpose.

Seeing this, Shen Fei also smiled knowingly.

The host is also a man of temperament.

But he didn't come here today to quarrel with the other party, his purpose was to slap the other party's face severely.

Although his character belongs to a person who does not contend with the world and lives his own life well.

But this does not mean that he is an existence at the mercy of others.

Therefore, after this episode is over.

Shen Fei spoke up.

"After finishing the speech, I really want to ask the audience a question."

"What is market value???"

"What is the market value???"

"First of all, according to the logic of market value itself, it is something that the market demands, which is called market value.

"If there is no demand from everyone, then this thing will not be valuable."

"It's like, you have a bottle of water in the desert and a bottle of water in the city."

"The market value of both will change dramatically."

"For the former, you can buy hundreds of thousands, or even millions, or even higher."

"The latter, you can buy it for only a dollar."

"Why is there such a big price difference?"

"The reason is simple, because of demand."

"So, as long as there is demand for something, then it has market value."

"For example, cars, houses, mobile phones, these are all essential things for everyone."

"Buy a house to live in, buy a car to drive and work conveniently, and a mobile phone to communicate."

"In this case, the value of the item is brought out, for which there are four words of market value."

"But what about the stars??"

"It is undeniable that celebrities have market value. They need to shoot various TV dramas, movies, and perform various talents to entertain the public and pass the time.

"But it's still my previous sentence."

"Stars with both virtue and skill are those who can do what others can't. These stars are valuable and can drive market value!"

"And those stars who only know how to cut out pictures, play big names, stir up popularity, and read numbers, what is their value???"

"What's wrong?"

"Is it difficult for ordinary people to learn how to cut out pictures?"

"Is it difficult for ordinary people to learn to lose their temper?"

"Is it difficult for us ordinary people to learn how to be hot?"

"Is it difficult for ordinary people to learn to read numbers?"

"It's not difficult!"

"Everyone can do this!!"

"Since everyone can do something, why do you have to pay so much money?"

"However, what really leaves me speechless, what makes me sad."

"When batches of old actors and veteran actors slowly build a market to be very valuable.

"Most of the money was taken by people who did nothing."


"Oh, the grueling thing is what they do?"

"Then you unscrupulous celebrities will take the matter of lying down and collecting money?"

"Is it poisonous???"

What Shen Fei said was directly aimed at the market value that Xue Lin said before.

When Lin Xue said this before, even though many people were unhappy with her.

But everyone also agreed with this statement.


The main reason why celebrities can get so much high salary is because they drive the market and make the market valuable.

But now, Shen Fei's words made everyone suddenly realize.

Celebrities drive the market and make the market valuable. There is nothing wrong with this logic.

But everyone overlooked one point.

Who makes the market valuable and who drives the market.

This question is extremely crucial.

Those who drive the market and improve the market are not others, but those old actors who have worked hard to perform a scene and even sacrificed their lives.

It's not the people who know how to play big names all day long, and then fool the audience to get high pay.

So, in this case.

The high salary should be given to those teachers, not to these misbehaving people.

As soon as this statement came out.

directly recognized by the general public.

All of a sudden, netizens began to sigh.

"I finally understand what is so great about Mr. Shen. His greatness is not because of his words, but because of the way he sees problems. He hits the nail on the head."

"Almost got fooled by that bitch."

"Yeah, I almost felt reasonable too."

"It's like, in a company, the founder gets a salary of several thousand yuan a month, and the shareholders below get a dividend of hundreds of thousands a month. This is totally unreasonable."

"Fortunately, Teacher Shen reminded us, otherwise we would really be fooled."

"This Lin Xue's level of flickering is still high. I didn't pay attention in a few moments, and I was fooled by him."

"That's it!"

"Thanks to Mr. Shen's help, otherwise, when I encounter this kind of problem in the future, I would really foolishly use this reason."

The audience was woken up by Shen Fei.

Lin Xue's complexion became even more difficult to look at.

Her previous remarks, she knew very well, were just to confuse the public.

Originally, she thought that Shen Fei would not be able to catch this loophole.

After all, this is her forte.

It can be seen that now, the other party has long understood where her loopholes are.

For this, even if she hates Shen Fei, she has to admire him.

At the same time, rejoice.

Fortunately, during the previous topic, I and my agent thought of this method.

If she didn't think of the current method, then she would definitely be abused like a dog.

However, when amazed at Shen Fei's talent.

Lin Xue couldn't help feeling a sense of regret.

It would have been great if I hadn't been so jealous at that time, but had observed the other party seriously.

At that time, she will definitely know that Shen Fei is really talented.

Knowing that the other party is really talented, she will not step on the other party's position.

Instead, find ways to make friends with each other.

Even, with his good looks, he can gradually develop a different relationship with Shen Fei.

That kind of ending is simply good without borders.

With Shen Fei's talent, his future life is definitely beyond his reach.

His debut was the brightest moment, and he not only became popular all over the Internet after his debut, but also managed to continue to develop.

If this kind of person can become his future husband, there will only be endless benefits for him, and there will be no disadvantages at all.

but pity!!!

Everything is gone.

All ideas come to naught in the end.

One wrong step, one wrong step, this sentence is a famous saying that has been passed down through the ages.

At this moment, she just felt remorse in her heart, but she didn't intend to think about it too much.

Now that we have come to this point.

Then he opened his bow without looking back, and everything, even kneeling, would go on.

Let's talk about the stage scene.

After the market value is finished, what is left is the last opinion expressed by Lin Xue.

That art is priceless in this statement.

Everyone was also looking forward to it, wondering how Shen Fei would debate this statement.

You know, there is nothing wrong with this statement.

Art is priceless, there is nothing wrong with this statement, and there is no place to refute it.

If someone you don't know comes up today.

Then no one expects anything.

Because everyone thinks there is nothing wrong with this sentence.

But, now Shen Fei is on stage.

Everyone didn't know why, but they thought that Shen Fei must have a reason to refute.

with that in mind.

Everyone continued to watch.

More than 30 million pairs of eyes stared at Shen Fei intently, each of them wanting to know what objection Shen Fei had to this statement.

And let's talk about Shen Fei.

He knew that the elaboration of his point of view had reached the last moment.

So, he wasted no time.

Looking at everyone, facing the camera, saying a little bit.

"Now that we've talked, let's talk about the remarks in "Art is Priceless"."

"Art is priceless, I definitely agree with this sentence!"

"Including things photographed by celebrities are also art."

"I also agree with this sentence."

Open your mouth.

The audience couldn't help being surprised.

But soon everyone was relieved.

Indeed, although Lin Xue is cheap, some of her remarks are quite reasonable.

Just like art is priceless.

In this case, Shen Fei agrees with this sentence, and does not refute it, and everyone feels nothing.

In the face of the truth, no matter what you say, you can't change a fact.

Including Lin Xue, when he heard this, his tense heart suddenly relaxed.

The first four remarks were severely criticized by Shen Fei, without even a chance to stand up.

But this remark, after hearing Shen Fei's words again, she felt that she was finally right once again.

It was finally a small win.

But it wasn't long before she was happy.

Shen Fei's next words directly made her feel that she was severely slapped in the face.

The audience only listened to Shen Fei.

"Art is priceless, yes!"

"But shit isn't!!!"

"First of all, I want to say that there is a reason why Tang Bohu's paintings are valuable. y

"The first reason is that it has collection value."

"Under his fame, his paintings will naturally have certain collection significance."

"Of course, fame alone can't add too much value. For example, the calligraphy of Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty and the calligraphy of Emperor Huizong of Song Dynasty. Two authentic calligraphy works. Which one is more valuable????"

"Obviously Song Huizong's thin gold calligraphy is extremely valuable!"

"But both of them are emperors. It is even said that Emperor Qianlong is far more famous than Emperor Huizong of Song Dynasty in some senses. Then why is Emperor Qianlong's calligraphy not as valuable as that of Song Huizong?"

"The reason is very simple, because of the quality of the work itself!"

"Song Huizong's calligraphy, Wang Xizhi's cursive script, Tang Bohu's landscape paintings, all of them are at the pinnacle, and it is not an exaggeration to describe them as supernatural works!"

"However, Emperor Qianlong's calligraphy is just for the sake of fame and royal property. Other than that, his works are unsightly. Naturally, his price is not as good as the previous ones.

"And let's talk about the circle of celebrities."

"A good work, a classic work, and a movie that can make the audience linger, have commercial value, and only then can art be priceless."

"For example, we have seen big movies and TV shows since we were young, such as The Legend of the Condor Heroes, Yitian Tulongji, The Legend of Condor Heroes, Tianya Mingyue Dao, and so on. Which one was not because the quality was excellent after it was shot, so caused the audience to like it very much.

"Because of this, every once in a while, someone will remake these works."

"Slowly these works become valuable."

"But let's talk about some TV shows."

"Such as sweet crit, this TV series, may I ask, will someone remake it?"

"For example, what about guarding the fortress of the devil's capital, this movie, may I ask, will someone remake it?"

"For example, What Causes Youth, this movie, will someone remake it?"

"The answer is obvious, everyone understands, no one will make a remake!!!"

"Why isn't there a remake?"

"Simple, because it's hardly art at all."

"That's shit."

"A pile of shit."

"This shit has no artistic value, no artistic depth, no artistic sense."

"Because of this, I want to ask, why give this shit, so much money???"

When Shen Fei finished speaking.

Tian Ye's expression changed instantly.

If it is said that his previous remarks were all about the matter and not about the person.

So now Shen Fei made a huge mistake, that is, he directly called out some people by name.

He even said that with his words, he scolded all the little fresh meats in the circle one by one.

And directly call the other party a piece of shit.

If these remarks are well controlled, at most Shen Fei will be scolded by some NC fans.

But once the control is not good, it is not as simple as scolding.

It's a big deal right away!!

Thinking of this, Tian Ye kept blinking, trying to get Shen Fei to change the subject quickly, or to explain something quickly.

But Shen Fei went her own way, and Jiang didn't care about these words.

For him, since he said it, he would not be afraid of anything.

And when the field is panicking.

The fans in the entire live broadcast room immediately ignited one by one.

They stood up one after another and cheered one by one.

"Okay, well said.

"I've never heard such a pleasant voice of cursing."

"It's true that art is priceless, but shit isn't.

"Hahaha, when I go to scold those bad actors in the future, I will use this sentence directly."

"Six six six six six six six!!"


"I gave you 108 points in this wave, and the extra 8 points are not afraid of your pride.

"One person fights the whole network, I am convinced, Mr. Shen!!!"

The audience shouted excitedly and praised with all their might.

But soon, many viewers realized that Shen Fei's words had offended countless people.

Therefore, many viewers spoke directly.

0…ask for flowers……

"Brothers, don't praise our Teacher Shen crazily now. When you say these words, it will definitely cause an uproar. At that time, everyone should not be silent."

"Yes, Mr. Shen is speaking for us now, so we shouldn't be intimidated when the time comes!"

"Brothers, I plan to build an alliance, an alliance against Mr. Shen. Once Mr. Shen is caught in a fishing boat storm, we will immediately start to fight back.

"Mr. Shen said so much today, we must not fail Mr. Shen."

"In a word, if someone blackmails Teacher Shen, I will rush up to fight him immediately!!"

Tens of millions of netizens sent barrages in unison.

They all expressed their support to the end, and would never wait for Mr. Shen to hide when he encountered problems.

Under the spontaneous propaganda of the people themselves.

Everyone is unknowingly ready.

As soon as something happens to Teacher Shen, they will stand up immediately!!!!

But at the same moment.

There are about seven million viewers, but at this moment they are already peeing in the snow,

Most of these people are little girls.

For their age, the so-called idols are the ones who occupy the most of their time, even surpassing their feelings for their parents.

Therefore, when Shen Fei scolded his idol so unscrupulously.

They are angry.

One by one, they started to burst into anger.

"Unblock this person in the future, thanks to the fact that I still liked him before."

"Another brainless black man!!"

"Sisters, we must resist this man.

"Go to hell, spray dung here every day!"

"I don't understand, our idols spent your money? Why do you say that about them?"

"Hey, I just want to find a way to make the idols make money, and I will piss you off, you, Shen Fei, a badass."

"Okay, okay, okay, you wait, you will pay a painful price for all your remarks today!"

"Sisters, let's go!!!"

Everyone attacked Shen Fei with the most vicious words.

But as soon as they finished speaking, they were immediately bombarded by the rest of the fans.

When an NC fan said a word, he was surrounded by more than a dozen people, who then frantically insulted him at a rate of hundreds of words per minute.

Those who scolded them were autistic, those who scolded them broke down, and even scolded them directly to cry.

Also in this case.

In an instant, the number of people in the live broadcast room began to decline.

More than 34 million online views.

In one minute, more than two million people were directly evaporated.

And the speed is still dropping crazily.

Until it dropped to 27 million.

Only when the number of people in the live broadcast room stabilized.

After stabilizing.

Everyone also understands that most of those NC fans have left.

But nothing happened.

It's better for the audience that they're gone.

In this way, they don't need to spend time talking to these people, which is a waste of time.

And let's talk about the stage of the show.

Because most of the NC fans are gone.

So Shen Fei's approval rate has risen again.







When the time passed two minutes.

Shen Fei's approval rate has reached 98.77%.

In the form of crushing, Lin Xue was directly restrained.

But at the same time, when Lin Xue saw this approval rate, instead of being sad, her eyes became extremely excited.

Because of the full attention of the broker.

She found that her Weibo fans began to increase, and the fans of all major platforms also increased like crazy.

This means that their evolution has been completely successful.

Although when the game was played again, she lost.

But in terms of life, she won, completely won.

For this reason, how about a mere competition???

For the adult world, right and wrong have nothing to do, the pros and cons are the biggest.

With this in mind, Lin Xue was no longer so self-contained, but looked at Shen Fei with a very annoying smile on her face.

As for Shen Fei.

After refuting all of Lin Xue's previous remarks, he thanked Lin Xue and walked to his place.

when sitting in your position.

The host also came to the stage as scheduled.

Because Shen Fei's speech was too violent, the host didn't dare to say more.

Just a normal remark.

"Thank you, Mr. Shen, for your defense. Next, there will be a five-minute break. After five minutes, we will enter the second session. Both sides will debate.

On the link!!!”

After speaking, the host also walked down, and the audience began to enter a state of rest.

When it was time to rest, the manager directly pulled Lin Xue out of here.

The two went to the lounge again and began to discuss.

Shen Fei sat on the seat without saying a word.

It's just that Tian Ye couldn't help but said with a wry smile: "Xiao Fei, you've been stabbing me for a long time this time.

Regarding Tian Ye's words, Shen Fei just smiled and did not speak.

He naturally knew that what he said just now would definitely cause an uproar.

But he didn't care, he wasn't afraid.

As a man with a system, a mere fresh meat is a mob in his eyes.

He just hoped that the other party would not trouble him.

Once the other party finds himself in trouble.

That unlucky one is not Shen Fei, but these people.

Of course, Tian Ye didn't know he had the system.

If he knew, he wouldn't think so.

It's just that it's impossible for Shen Fei to say it.

And let's talk about Xue Lin's side.

In the lounge.

Before she could speak, the manager said excitedly.

"Lin Xue, do you know how many fans we have gained???"

"How much???" For Lin Xue now, gaining followers is the happiest thing.

"1.34 million!!!!!"

"And the speed of increasing fans is still going up, and these fans are fans with commercial value.

"At that time, if you bring any goods, you will earn tens of millions!"

"Also, these fans are all fans of the film and television industry. According to this rate, as long as you can gain 5 million to 10 million fans, we can directly bring you into the film and television industry.

Then you will be really popular!!"

The manager was not ashamed but proud, and told Lin Xue excitedly.

When finished.

Lin Xue was so excited that she jumped up and down on the spot twice.

All of a sudden, she felt that all her efforts were right!!

"But don't be too happy, the next is the real critical time.

"Later, you have to think about all kinds of remarks, and then scold Shen Fei in various ways."

"Of course, this scolding is not for you to scold with swear words, but to speak for those fans, for those stars!!"

"No matter how vexatious you are, how rascal you are, even when necessary, you can be a bitch!"

"In a word, it is to help those stars to the end."

"Once you do it well, even many stars will pay attention to you, and then you will really become famous."

"At that time, some big names will directly name you to participate in their movies and TV series. Think about it, what kind of scene is that!!"

Seeing that Lin Xue was so excited, the manager quickly reminded her.

This reminder.

Lin Xue also became quiet from an excited state.

She is a very smart person, so she naturally knows what the manager means.

Therefore, Lin Xue immediately said, "No problem."

After finishing speaking, the two discussed a little issue again.

Then he returned to the stage.

When the two returned to the stage, the host checked the time, and the five-minute break had passed.

So he didn't procrastinate, and said directly to all the audience.

"Okay, next is the second part of the program, when the two debaters start to debate!"

"Everyone is free to express their opinions, and to refute each other's opinions at will!"

After speaking, the host gave up his seat.

Just leave the stage to Shen Fei and Lin Xue!

[Kneel begging for flowers to reward evaluation votes!!!!!].

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