Speech Program: Crying Millions Of Parents At The Beginning

Chapter 72 No Contribution, No Strength, High Salary And Disrupting Society?

Chapter 72 No contribution, no strength, high salary and disrupting society?

At this time, all the college students present were full of excitement.

To be honest, Shen Fei was a bit out of his expectations.

This speech has only just begun, why did this group of people react so violently all of a sudden?

It is also possible that many young people have had resentment towards actors for a long time, and now there will be such a reaction, it may be that the accumulated emotions have exploded.

And after a brief moment of surprise,

Professor Wang next to him looked sideways and saw that the student he had just accepted, this boy who was only fourteen years old, was boiling with the voices of hundreds of predecessors below him, and his expression did not change much.

This really surprised Professor Wang.

To know.

As a nearly seventy-year-old professor himself, he has given speeches many times, and many of them have had times when the audience below were emotionally excited.

It's really scary when there are so many voices.

That sound was much louder than the thunder of a torrential rain.

He himself may not be so calm even standing on the podium.

While nodding secretly, he naturally wouldn't look at his disciple standing here in vain embarrassment.

The voice below was so loud that he couldn't start his speech at all. It can be said that the scene was a bit too hot.

"Huh! Shen Fei, according to what you say, all actors are evil? The social contribution of actors is indeed inferior to many other professions, but can it be said that they have no effect at all?"

Professor Wang is very angry.

The suspended sound picker accurately captured and played it throughout the venue.

It has to be said that the difference in age makes Professor Wang's breath when speaking compared with Shen Fei's, it is indeed heavier and much deeper.

But as soon as the words came out.

Many people were stunned for an instant.


What did he just say?

Why didn't Professor Wang still admire Shen Fei just now, and was eager to love her.

Why now, in front of so many people, began to question his lover?

The key is.

This problem is indeed an unavoidable point, which is equivalent to solving the pain point of one's own side directly in front of the cheering crowd.

Is it really that absolute?

How evil are these actors?

When hearing this question.

The noisy voices in the audience immediately became more chaotic, and many people were discussing with each other about this issue and why the bishop would speak up about it.

In the live broadcast room, 04 also caused a lot of discussions in an instant.

this time.

It can be seen at a glance in an instant that Professor Wang is looking at himself meticulously, but his eyes have a kind of protective meaning.

His question seemed to be dismantling his own platform, like an inner ghost.

But in fact, that is just right!

In the middle of the speech, the atmosphere became too excited, which is very bad for the speaker’s control. It’s okay if there is no exciting part, but if there is a part that the speaker thinks is more important.

The excitement in the middle is easy to be too strong, and grab the core of the last story.

Professor Wang's question is equivalent to a basin of cold water to cool down the atmosphere, and at the same time, like the host, he throws questions to Shen Fei.

This question, raised by Professor Wang, is much better than those questioned by those idiots or actors with ulterior motives!

It can be said that the initiative is firmly in the hands of Shen Fei.

"Hahaha! They are fighting among themselves!"

"Hehe, this kid, really thinks he is the number one genius in the world? Didn't this professor discover the loophole in the first place!"

"It seems that Shen Fei has nothing to be afraid of. Although he has a backing, now he will be speechless because of his backing."

Many little fresh meats who were staring at the screen cheered after seeing this scene.

It's just that it's a little worse on the despicable face.

Compared to these little fresh meats, it took half a minute for an old fritter like Despicable to figure out the twists and turns.

"Infighting ass!"

Listening to Xiao Xianrou's remarks in the video voice, he was extremely despicable and speechless.

"Originally, we could directly make an article on this issue and post it on the Internet! But if no one speaks at the speech site, Shen Fei will know nothing about it, and he will not know about this loophole until the speech is over."

"His speech is equivalent to a waste."

"But once the old professor opened his mouth, no matter what Shen Fei said now, in short, he had already answered this question in his speech!"

"This old professor is obviously helping Shen Fei!!"

Speaking of this, Despicable stared at the other little fresh meat actors in the video voice speechless.

"I don't even understand this stuff, no wonder Shen Fei wants to take you to fight with me!"

This is called real infighting!

But after those little fresh meats heard the despicable words, their faces turned blue and red, and they finally held back.

After all, they really didn't want to understand just now...

And speaking of which.

The despicable expression changed slightly again.

He looked at the screen in the live broadcast room suspiciously.

"But even so, in fact, we may not be able to notice this problem at the first time."

"The old professor did this to help Shen Fei find the initiative."

"But he trusts so much that this fourteen-year-old child can regain control of the situation after the speech room cools down?"

"Besides, if you don't answer this question well, you're going to blow yourself up."

Despicable can't figure it out.

Where did this old professor get his confidence?

Where did Shen Fei get her confidence?

Looking at the screen, the old and the young on the podium, neither of them showed any fear on their expressions.

It was as if they were not speaking in front of a group of college students in Tsinghua University, but chatting casually, relaxed and freehand.


Ji Ji felt that she should be able to watch a good show next.

You know, there are more than 10 million fans in the live broadcast room. Although they watched the enthusiasm just now, the bullet screens seem to support Shen Fei.

But there are still quite a few of them who are waiting to make trouble, the brainless fans of those little fresh meats.

It’s not that they are mean and ugly, but that these fans are indeed a group of people who do things regardless of the consequences. They have no brains, and the swearing is particularly harsh. Usually, many people in the circle have a headache, but now they are not afraid of Shen Fei.

Even if you spray it, it doesn't matter anyway. With such antagonism, how big a basket can it create?

Let's talk about the picture.

After Professor Wang asked this question, the college students at the scene were all talking.

"That's right, according to this, even if an actor has achieved the ultimate, his contribution may not be as high as that of soldiers, doctors, scientific researchers, teachers, and farmers!

"But in this way, are actors really worthless?"

"This is a very serious topic. To be honest, it is good that Shen Fei can spark discussion. "What else can we ask ten fourteen-year-olds to do?"

"Well, you are right to say that!"

Many people discussed to the end.

The conclusion he came to was that with Shen Fei's age, he definitely couldn't come up with the answer.

After a while, everyone's voices gradually stopped.

As for Shen Fei, she didn't speak for a long time.


Professor Wang was a little puzzled.

Is Shen Fei really stumped?

Maybe it was too noisy just now, Shen Fei didn't hear his question clearly.

Professor Wang comforted himself in his heart, and repeated it again.

"Shen Fei, just now you finished telling the story of Uncle Wang. Does that mean all actors are evil? None of them have more obvious professional contributions than those other ones!"

At this point, the professor repeated his question for the second time.

Everyone's eyes were fixed on it, the entire playground college students, the audience in the live broadcast room, those little fresh meats, and Despicable Sister.

And Shen Fei has developed his acting skills.

She turned her head cutely.


"Professor, you asked me this question..."

"I don't understand either!"

"I never said that all actors are evil, and I never said that actors have no contribution..."

"I just told a story about Uncle Wang, and in this story, isn't the actor most admired and respected, and the one who lives the best?"

"As for their contribution, I can't comment on it, and I don't understand it!"


Why did Shen Fei suddenly whitewash the actors?

He skirted the question without answering.

Is it really impossible to answer??

Even the despicable sister who didn't like him at first felt a little wary when she saw that Shen Fei was obviously different from before.

Shen Fei is not admitting cowardice to whitewash the actor.

Instead, retreat to advance.

In today's speech, Shen Fei never thought of using all kinds of fierce arguments, or answering questions, or explaining his views, to say anything.

That, of course, is simple.

But it's hard to get into people's hearts.

He wants to reveal the reality for everyone to see.

Step by step, little by little, let everyone think for themselves and come up with answers by themselves, and even those brainless fans have to be speechless about it.

This caused him to say a few words, and many people thought that Shen Fei had confessed.

The barrage instantly became lively.

"Hahaha! This is the so-called child prodigy Shen Fei? You're still ironic, why are you cleaning the floor again now? I'm afraid it's time to catch a wave of enthusiasm!"

"Hehe, I thought you were some kind of upright gentleman, but thanks to your high X, others simply came here to show their affection to these actors!"

"Why are you pretending to be lofty, and return to Haiyan, now facing the dark clouds, don't you just shrink back?"

People are good people step on.

Not only those brainless fans, but also many people who are psychologically distorted and abnormal, who don't like others, are also ridiculed in various ways.

It was as if they had seen Shen Fei's true colors for a long time.

In an instant, the audience in the live broadcast room were directly divided into three factions.

One faction supports Shen Fei, but is a bit confused now.

One group was the tumbleweed who looked at the jokes with a cold eye, and now they are cynical.

The other faction is the brainless fans of those little fresh meats, and they are all kinds of sprays.

For a moment, the barrage actually changed direction.

When Professor Wang was a little hesitant and puzzled.

Shen Fei continued to speak.

"Brothers and sisters, Shen Fei is still young, so I don't dare to say anything in front of everyone. After all, my own opinions are definitely not as good as yours."

"In this case, I told a story about Uncle Wang, and next, I want to tell a question about myself.

"I don't know, would you like to listen to it?"

After Shen Fei finished speaking, although the college students present were a little confused, they all nodded.

As for the insults on the barrage, they were ignored by Shen Fei.

"Brothers and sisters, the pride just now reminded me of myself!"

"It's just... I'm not as dedicated as my brothers and sisters.

One, I am a little fiddly.

"When I was young, I admired soldiers. I thought that soldiers defended the country, tough, tough, proud, and handsome!"

"The world's toughest tough guy."

"Then I really admire the uncles who put out the fire. I feel that if they are the most courageous in daily life, they are the ones who carry their lives and families."

Listen to what Shen Fei said.

Many people frowned slightly.

That said, why are these still the same?

To be honest, although I didn't mention these just now.

But the story of Uncle Wang also tells about the same content from the side.

Many people shook their heads, thinking that Shen Fei was really at the end of his talents. Haiyan at the beginning was probably at his highest level, but now, he is already talking nonsense.

Nai shook her head.

Even those viewers who believed in Shen Fei are now silent and silent.

"I watched a TV series about doctors every night. Although I couldn't understand it at the time, the doctors saved so many families like mine, and I felt that it must be great.


"One day, there was an event in the school."

"It asks us to write about the careers we dream of becoming."

"Qiqi in the class dreams of becoming a scientist; Wang Wen said he wanted to be a soldier;

For astronauts!"

"As for me, my dreams are very fickle. I want to do everything they say, even teachers and farmers.

"I think it's all good."

"Lying in the rice field, enjoying the shade under the grass, seems to be quite pleasant."

"And thinking that the rice I planted can fill the stomachs of countless people, what a sense of accomplishment it is!"

Gradually, following Shen Fei's incomparably innocent words that day.

At the age of fourteen, the boy completely let go of the youthful atmosphere of his predecessor for the first time. Such simple words and simple stories made the college students at the scene,

The audience in the live broadcast room were all a little immersed in it.

No one thinks about whether Shen Fei is exhausted.

Instead, a picture appears in my mind,

Yeah, their dreams are all kinds of strange things, but they are true.

And right away.

Shen Fei's next sentence was like a heavy hammer, hitting everyone's imaginations, instantly pulling everyone back to reality, and at the same time, making their brows start to frown, "I can't think about it."


"Brother and sister."

"The most amazing thing is that I didn't realize until I grew up that many of the professions I admire are performed by those amazing actors!"

"But I have never heard of them in reality, I just met them on the screen."

"I know the soldiers who defend the country, the brave firefighters, the great doctors, the proud astronauts, the smart scientists..."

"How strange!"

"Why is it different from many TVs now!"

When Shen Fei said these words.

What he wanted to say was already ready to come out.

Everyone was shocked for a moment.

Good guy.

Where is Jiang Lang's talent exhausted!

This foreshadows so much.

in order.

It is to answer that question, but it is not just answering the question.

This is a more realistic and objective scar uncovered by the tricksters!

That is, when did the actors change from performing works to selling their own lives and their personalities?

The acting skills of those old drama bones made a character come alive on paper.

Everyone remembers the super inspector, the serious doctor, and the energetic astronaut!

And immediately, Shen Fei's final words were like beating on the drum, leaving everyone speechless.

"I'm a little curious about the children who are younger than me, brothers and sisters."

"What career do they want to do now, what career do they want to be?"


What Shen Fei said.

Indeed, it did not directly answer the question raised by Professor Wang.

But, isn't this also a comparison?

Whoever said that actors are evil, those old actors, deduced each image, so that people can learn more on the screen, and can also feel awe of the untouchable soldiers,

It can also eliminate prejudice to doctors, and can also pay respect to aerospace and scientific research!

Isn't this their great contribution?


These little fresh meats are simply not done!

Not to mention deducing an admirable image.

If they can't be on camera, if they can't act, they don't act, if they can sell their characters in variety shows, they just make all kinds of poses...

It’s eye-catching, but how much has it done?


"This wave, call it lore!"

"I called my cousin just now. He just entered elementary school this year and told me...he wants to become an internet celebrity!"

"Fuck, my cousin is also learning to dance. It's nothing, but she said that she doesn't want to go to school anymore. She thinks that she will make her debut directly, and she will be popular just because of her looks!"

"Hey, you may not know, but because I am a teacher, I am more clear about what Shen Fei said! I am over 50 years old this year and have taught many sessions.

The students, the former students, yearn for careers that serve the country and the people, but now, entertainment is the most important thing. After statistics, more than half of the people in the class say that they are

I want to be a star!"

In an instant in the live broadcast room, voices of discussion arose in all directions.

The little fresh meats were instantly dumbfounded!

This move really made them never think of it.

So simple a few words.

Shen Fei actually put many of their little fresh meats in the column of genuine non-contributions, and even the audiences themselves thought of them!

Combined with the previous ones.

Aren't they just people who have no contribution, no strength, and high salaries to disrupt society?

broken, broken!

They all know now.

Shen Fei followed every step of the way, followed the guidance carefully, did not express opinions, but was very instructive.

Obviously, it is to make them completely cool rhythm!


Shen Fei must not be allowed to continue talking like this!

[Kneel begging for flowers to reward evaluation votes!!!!!].

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