Speech Program: Crying Millions Of Parents At The Beginning

Chapter 92: Shocking Remarks, Abolishing Eagle Language?

"Damn it, is Shen Fei so brave!!"

"I'm shocked, zh said such things casually? Are you really afraid that this show will disappear?"

"Hehe, that is to say, a fourteen-year-old child can say such a thing. I'm afraid he hasn't understood the importance of Eagle Language yet!"

All of a sudden, everyone's opinions surged and bounced crazily in the comment area, the barrage area, and the big screen.

Perch was confused again.


What did Shen Fei say just now?

He said....……

Want to ban eagle language???

Among the nine-year compulsory education, eagle language is the most useless course???

To know.

From the last century to the present, at the beginning, some schools used the language of the Rising Sun to teach, some schools used the language of the Bear, and some schools taught the language of the Eagle.

And now.

But they all teach the foreign language Eagle Language as a nine-year compulsory course.

Even in kindergarten, there are teachers who teach students some basic letters "61"

Even Huaxia's pinyin is very similar to the basic words of Eagle Language.

To talk about banning it, this is something that many people dare to think about, but they don't dare to say it at all!!

"Shen, Shen Fei......"

"You, just now..."

Bass swallowed his saliva and wondered why there was no cup of tea in front of him.

She also needs tea now.

It's just that you want to drink tea to suppress the shock!!

Looking at Shen Fei's expression, he was clearly not joking.

This kid, he is serious!!

And this time.

All the audience reacted to what Shen Fei said just now.

In an instant, everyone was dumbfounded.


"Shen Fei's operation is amazing!"

"Other people say what they think about education, and he directly said, suggesting that the nine-year compulsory education should ban the eagle language?"

"This is a student! Just say this to Shen Fei, brother Shen will be my idol from now on!!"

"Eagle language is so disgusting! I originally learned some Chinese, but I was tired of memorizing formulas. I also need to understand other people's languages? Then I asked for all kinds of standard grammar that people in the Lighthouse country can't use. ...Even we have dialects in China, why do I have to be extremely standard when learning Eagle language!!"

"It's outrageous. To be honest, if I didn't have Eagle Language in high school, my life would be different now. At that time, I was not very good at it. At the same time, I was very interested in this history, but Because the score of Yingyu is important, I have to recite all kinds of complicated and difficult questions in the test paper. Then there is no chance to study history."

After Shen Fei's words.

Countless audiences instantly agreed!

He raised his hands and felt that Shen Fei's words were perfect.


It doesn't work at all!

Speaking the eagle language is common all over the world.

But actually?

In China, there is almost no chance of using it at all.

Except for some times, some manufacturers want to pretend to be aggressive, pretending to be very aggressive, and add some eagle language on their brand name, or some eagle language on the manual, or some restaurants, specially, make eagle language Language menu...

Other times, it's really useless!

Who in China does not use Chinese language to communicate every day, but needs to communicate in the Eagle language of other countries???

It doesn't make sense!

Even when foreigners come to China, they follow the Romans to learn Huaxia.

Otherwise, those who insist on using the eagle language are mostly people who have no preference or interest in China.

Why bother with such a person?


There are those who agree.

Naturally, there are also objections.

And there are a lot of people who are against it!

For a while on the big screen, more than half of the people can be seen holding opposing views.

"What Shen Fei said seems to make sense, but in fact it is just a single sentence. In fact, there are still many times when he uses eagle language. However, he doesn't know, and neither do you. It's your eyes, Ignorance only limits you!"

"Also ban the eagle language, can't it, there will be no one who doesn't know that the common language in the world is now the eagle language?"

"I am the owner of a bar. To be honest, there are really a lot of foreigners here, and I often use Eagle to communicate. Although the native languages ​​of people in different countries are different, as long as they have Eagle , we can at least have basic communication!!”

"What the upstairs said is true, because of the status of Eagle Language in the world, in fact, when we learn Eagle Language well, it is more than just simple communication. We can be better people and have better channels... ..”

"For example, if you don't learn Eagle language very well, then if you communicate with some native speakers of Eagle language with basic words and wrong grammar, the other party can roughly understand and help you."

"And if you learn Eagle language very well, then you can learn Eagle language with those whose mother tongue is not Eagle language, such as the people of Romance, such as the people of Rising Sun, and everyone will learn Eagle language! You can understand the poor Grammar and accent are all because of your mastery and mastery, and you are more proficient in learning!"

"Yes, I am an educator. I agree with the above remarks. Eagle language is actually a very important skill whether you learn it well or not."


These are all remarks made by some relatively reasonable people.

It also allows people to look at it a little bit.

Many people read it and found it very reasonable.

Even some fans of Shen Fei didn't want to understand which kind of statement is more reasonable and worthy of trust...

But looking at the harmonious remarks of these people, they all couldn't help but nodded their heads in agreement.

But of course.

It cannot be required that everyone's qualities are taught by their family members.

There are a lot of people with poor quality, that can be said to be poor.

"Stop talking, Shen Fei is stupid, hit 1 if you agree [die if you don't agree!"


"Hehe, I just want to laugh! You, Shen Fei, are fourteen years old. Have you ever learned about the history of Eagle Language? Have you ever understood the usage scenarios of Eagle Language? Have you ever learned that learning Eagle Language can broaden people's horizons??? Really, if you don’t understand, I suggest you go back to school and study again! Otherwise, don’t talk nonsense here!”

"It's absolutely amazing. A child, on the show, is just talking nonsense here because of his young age?"

"I suggest that this kind of person should not come to participate in the show in the future!"

There were even more disgusting insults, all of which flashed across the screen quickly.

Even Ba Yu's yin-yang-loving character is now frowning after seeing these remarks.

"Please don't be so excited, audience."

"This is just a discussion on the program, radical remarks are not advisable! Besides, we haven't heard anything from Shen Fei yet.

After the perch finished speaking, he turned to look at Shen Fei.

There were also some doubts and scrutiny in his eyes.

Perch's ideas are very detached and changeable.

Just now, she began to appreciate Shen Fei.

But now.

She questioned Shen Fei again.

Why would you say such a thing.

Outlaw Eagle??

Say nothing else.

Just talking about the point mentioned above on the barrage.

Eagle language is now the common language of the world! It can be said that it is an important ticket besides visas.

To learn the language of 4.1 is to have the opportunity to contact more worlds.

Even the world's cutting-edge scientific research magazines and papers that Shen Fei watched in Tsinghua Garden all used Eagle script, and even these electronic devices, the foundation and core parts of system software.

They are all written based on Eagle Language.

to be honest.

I don't understand, it really doesn't work!

And amidst so much abuse.

Someone discovered that Shen Fei's expression......

It still seems to be very calm!

Even, there was a slight hint of wanting to laugh in his eyes.

It's just that in the mouths of some people with ulterior motives, Shen Fei's expression is very bad.

"Look at Shen Fei, hehe, discussing such a serious topic right now, and being opposed by so many people, still laughing, I'm afraid it's not that he is just like some people say, just wanting to sing against the public ?”

And this time.


There was a clanging and forceful sound on the desktop. .

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