Spell Devour: I Only Need One Fireball

Chapter 13 Shark Leather Armor!

"Fake! Why is this Dragon Country player named "Zhou Nan" on the list again, can you block his announcement?"

"What's the use of mere golden skills, high talent is king!"

"The president of the Angels Guild, Butters, has a talent for mythology. I dare to bet with my future sexual blessings that the Lighthouse Kingdom will dominate the world of the sky!"

Seeing the words of the foreign players, the Dragon Kingdom players began to fight back.

"Are you kidding me, your dog guild has been beaten by the Kyushu gang for two years!"

"[Zhou Nan] The boss has made two announcements in a row, how do you know that he has no talent for mythology?"

"I declare that Zhou Nan is the eternal god in my heart!"

The two sides began a fierce verbal exchange.

Zhou Nan doesn't know the outside world.

Not interested either.

He focused all his attention on the system reward.

Zhou Nan took the essence of the sky decisively, and the attribute synchronization rate increased to 10%.

Real body strength becomes more powerful.


Another bonus is the Skill EXP Token (Medium).

After using it, Zhou Nan gained a full 100,000 experience points.

Of course, these experience can only be used to upgrade skills, not to upgrade the player's level.

There is no need to upgrade common skills.

Only gold skills have upgrade value.

"Ding, you spend 1600 experience points to upgrade [Earth Thunder] to: lv2."


Zhou Nan raised his skills to level 4 in one breath.

Costs 57600 experience points.

【Earth Thunder (Gold)】


Upgrade: 4.24w/32w experience

Effect: Summons the thunder of the earth, paralyzes the enemy for 2 seconds, and causes "1200+magic x3.3+spirit x4.3" points of lightning damage. Cooldown 8.4 seconds.

As a skill of gold quality.

Every level up, the boost is huge.

The damage of lv4's Earth Mine has more than doubled.

Up to 1871 points.

Zhou Nan's fireball is enough to instantly kill a player of the same level wearing a full black iron suit.

If you add [Severe Injury Passive].

that hurt...

It can only be described as "horrible".

Zhou Nan is very satisfied with today's harvest.

Not to mention, submit a task to the village chief, and you can also harvest a piece of gold-quality professional equipment.

I believe that the expressions on the faces of players around the world must be very interesting after hearing the third announcement.

"It's not too late. After handing in the task, just go offline and rest."

Zhou Nan thought to himself.


He quickened his pace and returned to Feiyue Village.

Rao is that Zhou Nan has risen to level 6, which is several times faster, and it took more than half an hour to return to the village chief's house.

If you have the opportunity, you must walk with a whole horse.

Because there is no teleportation array.

Hurrying is a waste of time.

At this time, the village chief saw Zhou Nan's figure and couldn't help but smile and said, "Zhou Nan, you are finally back. Has the task given to you by the old man been completed?"

"Well." Zhou Nan nodded.

He took out 200 Elite Soul Crystals.

The village chief shifted his gaze to the task props, and just glanced at it, his eyeballs almost popped out.

"My God! It's actually all the crystals of the skeleton warriors' souls!" The village chief said excitedly, "Mr. Zhou Nan, did you destroy a necromancer's lair?"

"Almost." Zhou Nan replied vaguely.

The village chief praised: "Your strength is beyond the old man's expectations."

As if remembering something, he said solemnly: "Zhou Nan, I have a difficult task here and I need your help, as long as you agree." "The old man is willing to give a piece of gold equipment as the reward for this task."

Say it.

The village chief stared closely at Zhou Nan, for fear that he would not agree.

"Ding, trigger the village chief's hidden mission, do you accept it?"

"Hint: After accepting, the reward of the [Destroy the Undead] quest will be increased."

"I am willing to serve." Zhou Nan nodded with a smile: "It is my duty to contribute to the village."

Hearing this, the village chief looked at him with more admiration.

"Ding, the village chief's favorability towards you is +30, current: 70 points."

In [Sky World], as long as you get 80 favorability points of NPCs, you can get treasures or receive hidden quests from NPCs.

For example, the mayor of Feiyue Village.

He has a lot of good things about him.

By completing this hidden task, Zhou Nan can spend money to buy rare goods from the village chief.

After Zhou Nan agreed to the request of the village chief.

The village chief took out a leather armor that shone with golden light from the house.

Zhou Nan's eyes suddenly brightened.

I just need a defensive outfit.

The village chief said, "This is a treasure bestowed by the empire to the old man. Now, it will be handed over to you."

The system prompt sounds.


"Congratulations on completing the main quest: [Destroy the Undead], get: experience x1000, gold coins x10, professional gold equipment x1."

"Congratulations on reaching level 7, you have obtained: four-dimensional attribute +1, free attribute +1."

Zhou Nan reached out and took the leather armor.

He didn't check the attributes of the equipment, but asked the village chief, "Village chief, can you tell me the specific content of the task?"


The village chief nodded and said solemnly, "Yesterday, when the village militia patrolled, a large number of undead were found in the Black Nest Mountains. We suspect that a large undead lair was born."

"And the Divine Army Corps needs to guard the ancient forest, and there is no extra manpower."

"So I hope you can assist the village to explore the situation in the mountains."

Zhou Nan said, "Leave this to me."

"Ding, congratulations on receiving the main quest: Explore the Black Nest Mountains."

the emergence of this task.

It means the birth of the first instance of Feiyue Village.

Zhou Nan had some expectations in his heart.

Afterwards, he took out the golden leather armor rewarded by the task.

【Mackerel Leather Armor (Gold)】

Parts: upper body

Life +400

Defense +20

Constitution +20

Feature: Life Regeneration +5 points/sec

Equipment Requirements: Level 5 Mage

It is indeed golden equipment.

Attributes are explosive.

Traits are also very suitable for him.

Zhou Nan decided to put on a new leather armor.

Health, defense and endurance have been greatly improved.

at the same time.

After putting on the first piece of gold quality equipment.

The equipment rankings of [Sky World] are officially activated.

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