Spell Devour: I Only Need One Fireball

Chapter 85: Void Jump! Heavenly Beads!

The Bandit King has 100,000 HP left.

This blood line is too high!

Some more must be cut.

Soon, the Bandit King had tens of thousands of blood remaining, and his whole body was burnt black by the flames.

"Where's the treasure? Bring it." Zhou Nan said indifferently.

"I can take it, but...hope...you can swear not to kill me!" the bandit stammered.

His eyes flickered a little.

Still undecided.

"Hehe." Zhou Nan smiled coldly.

He then agreed to the terms.

After thinking for a while, Zhou Nan continued: "I, Zhou Nan, swear to the rules that as long as Tu Sha hands over all the treasures, I will not attack him.

"Ding, the contract is established."

A ray of light was born out of thin air - and merged into the bodies of the two.

Hearing the content of the oath, the Bandit King's eyes lit up.

Zhou Nan can't attack himself.

But I didn't ask myself not to attack him!

Doesn't it mean that Zhou Nan can only be beaten?

"Where's the stuff?" Zhou Nan said indifferently.

"I'll give it."

The Bandit King hurriedly handed over all the treasures on his body according to the content of the contract. The ground piled up into a hill, most of which were jewelry, gold coins, weapons and armor.

Props only take up a small part.

While putting things down, he quietly approached the weapon rack.

"Zhou Nan, all my treasures are here." The Bandit King said.

Since there is no response to the rules, it means that what the Bandit King said is true.

Zhou Nan nodded.

He pretended to be ready to look at the treasure.

Seeing this, the Bandit King suddenly pulled out two long swords and laughed wildly: "Hahaha, Zhou Nan, you've been fooled!!!"

"Die to me!"


He held two swords and instantly stabbed Zhou Nan in the body.

-5978! -5978!


Injuries popped up on both sides.

Before that, the Bandit King still had more than 20,000 points of blood.


Because of the bleeding and poisonous effects, his HP has been reduced to more than 2,000.

So he was directly killed by two counter-injuries.

"You lied to me...……"

The bandit king's face was full of disbelief.

Zhou Nan waved his hand and said innocently: "It's none of my business, I didn't attack you, you attacked me on my own initiative."


The thief king spit out a mouthful of blood, his eyes became dull and lifeless. Puff!

The body of the Bandit King crashed to the ground.

"Ding, you killed the Bandit King Tu Sha and gained 450,000 experience points (+10%)."

"Ding, your mount Sky Dragon Eagle has been upgraded to level 19."

Zhou Nan's gaze shifted to the treasure of the Bandit King.

With a big wave of his hand, he put the things into his backpack.

"Congratulations on your spoils: 1.36 million gold coins, [Void Jump Skill Book], [Earth War Axe], [Skill Experience Talisman (Large)] x5, ... 11

Zhou Nan probably browsed through the spoils.

Great value though.

But most of them are warriors and knights.

There are very few items for other classes.

There is not even a single priest item.


Zhou Nan picks out the items he can use.

【Hero Cloak (Diamond)】

Part: Cloak

Life +2000

Defense +100

Constitution +120

Dexterity +30

Trait: Life Regeneration +12%

Equipment Requirements: Level 25 Universal

He put on the cloak directly.

The blood volume rose sharply, reaching 91608 points, not far from the 100,000 mark.

"After participating in the celebration of the East God Chamber of Commerce, I should be able to achieve the goal of 100,000 health points." Zhou Nan thought secretly.

After changing the equipment.

He looked at the only epic quality prop in the pile of loot.

This is a stealth skill book common to all occupations!

[Void Leap] The value is comparable to a normal legendary skill book.

Zhou Nan did not hesitate to learn skills.

Clap both hands.

The skill book turned into light and melted into his body.

"Ding, congratulations on learning the skill: Void Jump (Epic)."

【Void Leap (Epic)】

Level: Iv1

Level up: 0/6400 experience

Effect 1: Hide yourself in the shadow world, ignore physical terrain and attacks, and leave an invisible clone, use it again to return to the original place, the farthest is "spirit x2" meters.

Effect 2: Active attack will not reveal itself once.

Consumes 100 mana per second.

Cooldown 60 seconds. (calculated after the skill ends)

Effect description is very brief.

But its strength is self-evident.

As an epic skill.

Only when the priority reaches the epic stealth breaking effect can it affect the empty jump.

The same goes for perceptual effects.

Then Zhou Nan used eight Skill Experience Talismans (Large).

"Ding, you consume 6080 experience points to upgrade [Void Jump] to: Iv2."


Zhou Nan spent 8 million experience to upgrade the skill to level 6.

【Void Leap (Epic)】

Level: Iv6

Upgrade: 48.5w/3200w experience


After being invisible. As long as the moving distance does not exceed 3348 meters, Zhou Nan can return to the original place.


The first three active attacks did not allow him to exit the hidden state.

This skill is also convenient for Zhou Nan to do certain things.

He is very satisfied with this harvest.

"Okay, it's time to go back to the northern main city."

Zhou Nan summoned the dragon sculpture.


The Sky Dragon Eagle flapped its wings and flew into the sky.

After half an hour.

Zhou Nan returned to the main city of Saint Star through the teleportation array.

Dongshen Chamber of Commerce.

"Zhou Nan? Why did you come back?!"

Seeing Zhou Nan's figure, President Peel was quite surprised.


President Peel seemed to remember something, and he said with a smile: "Could it be that you want to inquire about the news of Scorching Sun Feather from this old man?"

‥…For flowers…

"No." Zhou Nan shook his head and said, "I've already got it!"

Say it.

He took out the Sun Feather.


President Peel's voice suddenly rose a few degrees.

He said in shock: "It's only been over an hour, where did you get the Feather of the Scorching Sun?"

Zhou Nan frowned slightly, and said, "Is this important?"

"Uh, it's not important." President Peel laughed a few times and reached out to take the items.


"Congratulations on completing the task: [Collect materials]. Rewards: 100,000 experience, Dongshen Chamber of Commerce reputation +1000, Dongshen's guidance x1."

Tsk tsk... As expected of the Toshin Chamber of Commerce's mission.

It really is nothing.

Fortunately, Zhou Nan was mentally prepared.

At this time, President Peel thoughtfully suggested: "Zhou Nan, you can give that orb to the old man. By the way, this time I want 20 million gold coins."

Row. 11 Zhou Nan agreed calmly.

A total of 25 million gold coins were spent.

He remembered the number in his heart.

Tomorrow, if the money cannot be doubled from President Peel.

Write your name upside down!

At this moment.

Zhou Nan only has more than 18 million gold coins left.


He immediately contacted Heiye Yueyao and asked her to bring over fifty million gold coins.

President Peel led Zhou Nan into the hall.

Inside stands a statue of a god.

The idol is dragging a disc in one hand and an open treasure chest in the other.

President Peel put the strange orb on the disc.

Put coins into the box.

However, he clearly saw that the number of gold coins that President Peel put into the treasure chest was reduced by a quarter.

Zhou Nan:

He didn't say much.

Instead, quietly wait for the result.

The idol lights up.

About half an hour later.

"This is your thing."

President Peel fetched the orb after breaking the seal.

Zhou Nan took a look.

【Heavenly Beads (evolvable)】

Quality: Myth

Effect: lucky value +10.

Effect: [Heaven's Blessing]: After opening, within five seconds, luck value +5 points. Chill for 48 hours.

Evolution rate: 0% (swallowing props/equipment containing luck value can increase the progress)


Zhou Nan couldn't help taking a breath.

It's really scary.

He has never seen a mythical item that can add 10 points of luck.

Generally speaking, 7 to 9 o'clock is the normal range.


Once the active effect of [Heavenly Bead] is activated.

You will get 15 lucky points.

This can no longer be described as "strong".

Instead, use "invincible" to describe it.

If it evolves into a prop of high quality.

Then its effect...

How perverted?

It's just unimaginable. .

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