
the person in the original legend really exist?" I thought this was a wild history that was found everywhere, and I don't know who wrote it.

Shirt Athletics heard, or rather, he saw Shangshirt Qiu's heart, understood that Qiu had misunderstood, raised his eyebrows lightly, and added with a smile: "

In fact, the two-faced supreme is not his real name, it is the title given to him by people after he challenged the spell world after the first war, based on the fact that he is a ghost-like existence with four hands and two faces, so people crowned the title of two-faced supreme, I heard that he was very fond of killing, but after more than ten years, it suddenly evaporated from the world, disappeared, and even the body could not be found, only 20 fingers representing the inheritance of strength remained, and his soul was stored in the fingers.

"Some of them are still in the country's major parts of the country as expellents to drive away spells, and some of them are kept in the secret realm of the spell world. "

Qiu, you don't want to lose to the thousand-year mortal enemy of this family, come on, more than two-faced, beyond the six eyes, didn't you inspire to create a beautiful world without spells when you were a child?

Shangyi Qiu understood, and after listening to the previous words, he secretly vowed to kill this two-faced duppet with his own hands.

But hearing the back, he couldn't help but laugh

, "Hehe, that's just stupid things that I didn't understand when I was a child, it's meaningless to me, I can't think you remember it now, it's really surprising."

"I understand what you said, the time technique is the only hope of the family, not me, I am the carrier of this hope and inseparable, and the family's focus has never been me."

"It's the timing that matters, not me, right."

"Hahaha, don't talk about this, you said that I want to become the strongest spell master, but how can I improve my strength now? Reverse the Technique? The field is unfolded? This is not something that can be done in a short time, and besides, you are so sure that I am stronger than the Two-Faced Shuku and the Six Eyes? And as far as I know, the ten shadow spells of the Zen Academy family are not bad, that is the existence side by side with the Six Eyes." "

Bet all the hopes of the family on me, if I lose everything, then the family will also be doomed, is it worth it? Is it worth you to bet on the entire Shangyi family?" Shangyi

Qiu pointed the spearhead at his father, but his eyes swept to the sky, and he didn't know what to think

, he didn't understand a little, what did his father want?

The top shirt Qiu's eyes are deep, his hands are very naturally hanging in his trouser pockets, looking down at the top shirt track sitting on the sofa, the top shirt

track is smiling, his eyebrows are bent as if he is a little sad, but his mouth is still raised and he smiled and said:

"Qiu, it seems that you still haven't noticed your own weight."

"Born with the close logic and thoughts of an adult, although there is something special about the purple streamer's eyes, I don't know, but there must be a special ability, you who were born with the time spell have already stood at the top of the pyramid of the spell world."

"Spell master is the most talented profession, good talent is born very strong, poor talent can not even have a decent technique, even if the day after tomorrow countless efforts still can not keep up with the real genius small step." "

Seven-year-old awakening technique, strength up to the first level, nine-year-old use freely without pressure, strength is close to the special grade spell, this is only the limit of the total amount of spell power, this kind of talent can be said to be a thousand years of rare encounter, or even ten thousand years of hard encounter

!" "As long as you don't encounter enemies that can expand in the realm, you are almost an invincible existence!" But it doesn't matter, with your talent, it is difficult to learn whether to expand the field, and when the time comes, teach you the extended usage of a field, and at that time you will be invincible, far beyond the upper shirt of the year.

"Such you deserve the trust of the entire family,"

"It's not just because of the time technique, I trust you more than it, Cho."

"So, promise me, lead the shirt family, and keep going." "


Shirt Athletics stood up, straightened his collar, the fortitude in his eyes was self-evident, the desire to become a son and carry forward the family had long been exposed, and

Shangshirt Qiu could clearly feel his father's emotions, excitement, and joy.

I saw that he raised his right hand and opened his palm, he laughed, did not laugh out loud, his eyes narrowed, and his mouth bent into the moon, all of which heralded the happy mood of the shirt athletics.

At the same time, Shangyi Qiu also stood up and looked at his father, noticing his movements.

This is to ...

Seeing the raised right hand of the shirt athletics, Shangyi Qiu smiled when he thought of this, he didn't think it was ridiculous, but he felt that his father paid too much attention to etiquette, and even shaking hands was too redundant.

But thinking so, Shangyi Qiu still stretched out his hand and put it on the big hand that was rough but full of security on the shirt, and he also had a smile on his face,


The hands of the two people clasped together, the upper shirt Qiu smiled, and the upper shirt track also smiled, and the restraints stood down.

The same philosophy, I've seen, I'd love to work with you, Father.

Thank you for not being disappointed and angry about my killing, thank you for understanding my psychology, as a spell master I apologize for my dereliction of duty, but it is certainly false, and I will not apologize to the monkey.

But thank you for being able to trust me and entrust the whole family to me, no matter what the outcome is, I will fight my best to revitalize my own family, bet on my glory and life, even if I die, father, you must cheer ah, don't just rely on me.

How can there be a father who lives by his son, ahahahah.

Thank you father for giving me a sincere smile, although the world can no longer make me really laugh, but father you can, mother too, although it is a pity not to see my mother, but I can feel that my mother brought what she wanted to say to my father, and my father brought it to me.

Anyway, I still hate the hateful monkey, but I never hate really kind people and dedicated and powerful spellmakers, and I will distinguish monkeys from ordinary people in the future, but I don't regret the stupid thing I did today.

You say I'm the hope of the family, and if I'm really as powerful as you say, then I feel the same way, hahaha.

I hope I can really be as good as you say.

I also remember it now, I swore before, to create a world without spells, everyone is happy

, but I will not aim for this, because I know that this will never be achieved, this is a child's fantasy, growing up, it is normal to forget, hahaha, I am still shy of my ignorance, it's really not like me.

But I will set a new goal, since you bet on the whole family, for what you say....


Shangyi Qiu's slightly low head suddenly raised

, the purple streamer eyes that had been silent for a long time shone with confidence again, the

corners of his mouth raised slightly from a smile, his eyes reflected his father's face, and he said confidently: Bet

on the family?

"Bet on my life, I will definitely do it!" ——————

PS: I worked overtime to finish a chapter, in fact, I am not writing now, the manuscript was finished last time, and my studies are a little too late to write.

Cherish it, the youth of the upper shirt autumn will end immediately, and immediately enter the main chapter of the spell high school.

(Thank you for the small gifts).

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