Soon after, the frequent"V5" sound of a police car sounded at the door outside the store.

Before leaving, Luohu burned all the humans present, and the police who learned the news quickly set off. But their investigation was doomed to be fruitless, and they could only feed it back to the Magic College for investigation.

After the curse spirits of Kensuo and Luohu separated, they set out to test Su Nuo's power.

The thousand years of waiting are about to come to fruition.

At this time, Kensuo did not allow any surprises in his plan.

The prison gate has been obtained, most of Su Nuo's fingers have been recovered, the key spiritual master's body has been obtained, and a waiting curse spirit has been conceived.

Everything is ready!

"The weather is so good today."

He raised his head and looked at the dazzling scorching sun, with a look of anticipation in his eyes.

At the same time, on the other side, in Ming Ming's office, she had just received the news of Su Nuo's resurrection and was hesitating whether to send Luo - Cheng called back.

Strictly speaking, this had nothing to do with Luo Cheng. It was something done by the Conjuration Specialist himself.

But as a woman's intuition, she kept telling her that this matter was not as simple as it seemed.

For humans Speaking of Su Nuo's finger, which is comparable to deadly poison, why is it okay after swallowing it by Polygonum cuspidatum Youren?

How can a non-magician remove the seal wrapped around Su Nuo's finger?

All of this is too coincidental, as if someone Pushing her secretly behind her back.

Suddenly, she thought of something, called her assistant to the office, and said,"Ask Ji Kuli from the senior college how many of Su Nuo's fingers are still preserved?""

"By the way, don't contact other people in the high school, ask Principal Noctua or Gojo Satoru in person."

The Jiku is something like a warehouse, specially used to store curse tools and cursed objects.

In recent years, the Conjuration High School has stored almost all the curse tools and cursed objects collected in the Jiku.

His subordinates took orders, Walked out.

After a while, he came back again and brought a message to Ming Ming, confirming her thoughts.

"Principal Noctua said that the Su Nuo fingers originally stored in Ji's library were stolen during the war a few years ago."

Sure enough.

Ming Ming was even more sure that Su Nuo's resurrection was no accident.

She frowned, and finally took out her satellite phone and dialed a number.

After a while, a reassuring voice came from the phone.

"What's wrong, Ming Ming"

"I missed you, so I called you"

"It's night here now, but it's daytime for you."

The implication is that Ming Ming will not call him at this time if there is nothing wrong. During the day, it is the time to make money, and at night, Ming Ming will think about other things, including calling himself of course.

Luo Cheng knows this well.

Ming Ming covered her mouth and smiled, not embarrassed by being discovered, because the man opposite her was the person closest to her.

She did not intend to get entangled in this topic, and asked again,"Did you find what you were looking for?" Luo

Cheng on the other end of the phone was silent for a moment before saying,"I found four, but the most critical one is missing.""

"Yeah."Mingming didn't know why Luo Cheng was looking for the arrows, and she didn't ask, so she quickly got to the point.

"You may need to come back here"

"What happened?"

"Liangmian Sunuo was resurrected, and a very strange child swallowed his finger into his stomach."

Mingming simply told Luo Cheng what happened.

"In short, Gojo Satoru brought Su Nuo's container back to the Curse High School and trained it. The other party and Fushiguro Megumi were both first-year students in the high school this year."

Megumi Fushiguro.

There was silence again on the other end of the phone.

This was a name that felt familiar yet strange to him, because it was Fushiguro Shiji's son. He had not taken care of him for many years and had renounced all ties. Fushiguro Megumi. Before Heishier died, he entrusted his child to Gojo Satoru instead of his apprentice Luo Cheng.

That was the last tenderness Fuheisher showed to his child, allowing him to stay away from the dark world of the Curse Master.

He Two years after his death, Gojo Satoru brought Fushiguro Megumi back to the Gojo clan, protected him and taught him.

Luo Cheng had always known about these things, but he only paid attention to them silently and did not take the initiative to contact him. He did not want the other party to be affected by I was implicated.

I just didn’t expect that Gojo Satoru would place a time bomb next to Fushiguro Megumi.

"I get it, I'll go back in a heartbeat."


Compared to the bright sunshine in Tokyo, it has been shrouded in night.

Looking up at the sky, there is an endless galaxy, vast and mysterious, which makes people truly realize that they are just a tiny grain of dust in this universe.

"Yitzhak."He called his men over.

Asking for flowers.

"Lord Luo Cheng."

Many years have passed, and now Yitzhak has transformed into a ruthless underworld emperor.

Only when facing Luo Cheng, will he be like a devout believer. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu novels net!)

"Keep asking people to look for that arrow, I'm leaving"


"Well, I need a Japanese"

"Japan? Please allow me to go with you"

"Just keep watching here, and if you find the whereabouts of the last arrow, let me know immediately. By the way, book me a ticket to Japan."

After saying that, Luo Cheng walked in the direction of Cairo.

Two days later, after more than ten hours of flight, Luo Cheng stepped into the land of Japan again after many years.

Some people say that after seeing each other for three days, people should look at each other with new eyes. What's more, it only takes a few years. The world today is on a track of rapid development. Technology is changing with each passing day, and the speed of progress is beyond your imagination. After not coming back for several years, Luo Cheng discovered that there are many differences between the Tokyo in front of him and his memory. Deviation.

He did not fly from Cairo to Japan immediately and come back after finishing his instructions.

When he landed, night had fallen in Tokyo.[]

"Yoxi, Tokyo, your great God of Death, God of Judgment, and God of Embalming, Uncle Anubis, has arrived!"

Luo Cheng was still lamenting the changes in the world, but a kobold jumped out from the secret pattern of the tiger and wolf head in his hand.

It was Anubis. It opened its arms and shouted, like a heavenly dog ​​roaring at the moon.

Then, After this guy shouted a very domineering slogan, he got under the skirt of a nearby JK and observed it carefully.

There is no doubt that this is a pervert. Luo Cheng knew it very early and started to I understand that the pharaoh of that generation wanted to seal this kobold with a barrier.

Other than that,.......

"Hey, Luo Cheng, let's go to Akihabara, Maid Coffee, Beast Ear Girl, Dessert!"

Luo Cheng's face darkened visibly.

Seeing this black kobold licking the women around him under his gaze, he regretted that he didn't chop this guy to death.

So. Even his eyes are dirty!

In just a few years, this cursed spirit bred from ancient Egyptian mythology has become a senior dead man.

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