Luo Cheng pointed forward with one hand and called out the name of the Crimson King.

The next second, the Red King opened his arms and activated his strongest ability. The waves erupted from his body, covering the entire world, even the entire universe.

Time is deleted again


Xia Youjie is indeed one of the most outstanding genius magicians in the history of the Conjuration College.

In the constant collision with Luo Cheng, although he was always at a disadvantage and suppressed by Luo Cheng.

But he finally discovered the scarlet The only weakness of the king's time deletion cannot be said to be a weakness.

He is indeed unable to detect what happened during the deleted time, but he can find the flaw through some clues.

For example, the boulder chopped up by Luo Cheng, lost After controlling it, it will fall freely.

When Luo Cheng activates the technique, what should happen will still happen. The world will not stop turning, but will be as if it has been deleted. Everyone except Luo Cheng will lose this period of time. memory.

And now, Xia Youjie can judge whether Luo Cheng's spell has been activated through the subtle fluctuations of gravel falling into the water.

"With a"pop" sound, the gravel dropped like rain into the flood below.

Xia Youjie knew that the flow of time had returned to normal.

Then, he controlled the incarnation of Tamamo to carry out an indiscriminate bombardment, and the six tails danced at the same time, curling Strong winds arose, setting off mountain torrents, shattering the earth, and causing boulders to come across the sky.

This was a very thrilling scene, and the power of the special curse spirit was fully demonstrated at this moment. In the distance, those watching the battle felt a chill on their backs and cold sweat on their foreheads. Dropping.

So far apart, they all felt the strong fluctuations in the center of the battlefield, like an energy storm. If they went in now, they would be strangled to pieces in a second.

This was even the case outside the battlefield, let alone Luo in the center. To be honest, it’s hard to imagine how he could remain undefeated.

This special-level curse spirit is very extraordinary, because it is an imaginary curse spirit. To a certain extent, it can be said to be created by humans.

So it has as many as nine abilities. Even if three tails were cut off by Luo Cheng, he could still launch such an indiscriminate large-scale offensive.


Luo Cheng opened and closed, like a victor, bathed in golden ripples, and fought forward with the Crimson King.

He spread out all the boulders coming from the sky, and the heat wave could not hurt the burned wounds, and the ripples Continuously repairing under the healing force, he fought all the way through. Although he faced several attacks at the same time, they could not stop him at all.


Xia Youjie's face changed. He held a three-section stick in the clouds to meet the enemy, but was caught by Luo Cheng with one hand.

"Youyun, that’s not how it works."

The cold words made people feel chilled in their hearts.

Luo Cheng used his arms to forcefully snatch You Yun away from Xia Youjie.

Then, holding a three-section stick with one hand, he smashed it with all his strength, hitting Tamamo who came for support. Xia Youjie followed closely behind and was swept away by Luo Cheng with a flying kick. Two huge waves splashed into the flood below, as if deep-water torpedoes had been detonated.

"Lord Xia You was actually shot down?"

"Impossible, Lord Xiayou, who has an army of cursed spirits and the assistance of special-grade cursed spirits, will not lose!"

The two little girls Mimiko and Nanako didn't believe it.

In their minds, Xia Youjie was a god-like existence.

Luo Cheng's bravery broke their illusions.

He quickly swooped down and launched a pursuit.

Xia Youjie Jie saw it, opened his hands, and more black vortexes surged again, and curse spirits rushed out of them to attack Luo Cheng.

"Even if your curse spirit is doubled, it will still be defeated."

Luo Cheng's expression was filled with chills. You Yun was like another weapon in his hands, completely different from the one used by Xia Youjie.

Facing the army of cursed spirits coming from all directions, Luo Cheng danced with his hands one after another, using three sticks. As if he had come alive, in a daze, one by one the cursed spirits fell from the air.

Finally, Luo Cheng thrust out with all his strength, and connected the three-section stick of Youyun into one, stringing dozens of cursed spirits into skewers, and then injected them into ripples. Everything was burned up.

Xia Youjie's face changed wildly. The person in front of him was too powerful.

The last person who gave him this feeling was his former companion Gojo Satoru.

After the astral body incident, Gojo Satoru understood the power of the curse. With his extraordinary talent, he has completely mastered all the spells of the Gojo clan.

His use of spells has reached an extreme. Every time he activates a spell, the consumption of mantra power is close to nothing.

Even more so with the reversal spell. His mastery of the formulas has made rapid progress, and he can maintain an unlimited defensive posture at all times, because the reversal technique will continuously repair his brain, and there is no need to worry about his brain being burned out due to excessive thinking.

Then, Gojo Satoru became a super magician, and also He has become the strongest person in the contemporary era. He no longer needs help from anyone to perform tasks. As long as he is given a coordinate, any cursed spirit can be exorcised.

0 Request for Flowers

Nowadays, Luo Cheng also gives Xia Youjie such a feeling.

Predict the future and change the future!

An invincible technique that can be called a weapon of the law of cause and effect, innately invincible!

His blood energy has been trained to the point of inhumanity. It only takes one punch to blast away the body of a super-grade curse spirit. It has Chasing the destructive power of Black Flash.

The problem is that the conditions for launching Black Flash are extremely harsh, and no one has been able to hit it continuously so far.

Luo Cheng just punched an ordinary punch, but it has the destructive power close to Black Flash.

While thinking, As soon as Luo Cheng killed him, he fell from the sky and slashed down with a long sword.

As if he had a telepathic connection with his heart, Chou Bao spit out the soul-releasing knife before the attack came. Xia Youjie drew it out to resist.


There was an explosion, and the huge giant The waves rose, and Luo Cheng looked down with his sword. The power was so great that it only shook the flood away, revealing his original face. The two of them briefly saw the ground.

"That's not how the soul-releasing knife is used."(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!) When

Luo Cheng saw the familiar spell tool, his mind flashed with memories, because he had been knocked away by this knife many times in the past.

He called out the Crimson King , tightly grasped Xia Youjie's arm, like an iron pliers, forcing him to let go of the soul-releasing knife.

Then, Luo Cheng snatched the soul-releasing knife away, activated time deletion and came to the back of the incarnation of Tamamo. Let Xia You Jie saw the true power of the Soul Release Sword

"Swish Swish Swish~"


It roared angrily in front of the transformed Tamamo, with a hint of panic.

Just now, three more of its tails were cut off, leaving only the last three.

Also, the soul-releasing sword has the effect of ignoring all hardness. , and also has the ability to directly attack the soul.

Those three swords just now killed the special curse spirits with fear.

At this point, the battle can be declared over.

Xia Youjie does not have the perfect closed loop to break the Crimson King's ability.

He wins Without Gojou Satori, Luo Cheng can't be defeated either

"You and Satoru both have the power to change the world, why not try to do something for this world?"

At this moment, what he was thinking about was still his own righteousness, which was to free the world of magic from the curse of thousands of years.

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