"Seeing that you are sweating profusely, are you sick?"

Listening to this voice, Hades was also startled and fell to the ground.

Looking up, I saw a handsome man lying in front of his window, looking at himself.

"Did it scare you?" Fuheishir said with a chuckle.

"Didn't... No, this is an old problem. A pair of eyes stared at Fuhei'er tightly, not daring to make the slightest move.

Recalling everything I saw just now, I couldn't help but feel a little afraid of this handsome man in front of me.

But in his heart, he was more curious about Fuheihir.

"Father, where did you just go? Your meal is going to be cold. "

Just as he was meditating on what to say, Miki Fugurotsu ran out from another house and shouted at Fuheshir.

"Don't eat it anymore when it's cold, by the way, this young lady may be a little uncomfortable, I'll help her see, you go back first."

Fuhei Shir stretched out his hand and touched Tsumiki's head, and said with a smile on his face.

"Okay, then I'll go back to sleep with Ah Hui first."

As Miki Fugurotsu faded away, he turned his head and found that Fuhei Shir had walked to his side.

Then he picked himself up from the floor and walked towards the inside of the room.

"I know a little about medical skills, can I help you see, what kind of disease do you have?"

"Many beautiful ladies will keep coming to me for follow-up consultations after being treated by me."

Fuheishir said as he walked towards the bedroom with his arms in his arms.

Looking at Fuhei Shier's handsome face, even if there is an old scar on the corner of his mouth, it can only be said that it adds a heroic spirit.

So Hades let Fuheishir hold her, but the blush on his face had already betrayed her.

After a night of upheaval and toppling, Fuheishir walked out of the room refreshed.

Looking at the dazzling sunshine, the mood is also extremely comfortable.

It was at this time that a crow flew towards here.

Fuheishir grabbed it, and then he walked out of the room, his steps still shaking slightly.

"Fuhei teacher, please give me the crow, there should be a task coming."

"But this time I actually let the crow come to send it, which shows that this task is very tricky."

The underworld holding the crow suddenly frowned and said softly.

"In that case, then I'll go with you."

"After all, this disease is still very serious."

Fuheishir said lightly, but a hint of pride flashed in his eyes.

But it still made Hades notice, and then two blushing spots appeared on his face.

"Let's go, let's go to the principal's room, and the task will be collected there." Hades said in a shy tone.

"Underworld, this mission is a first-level spell spirit, I believe that with your strength, it should be able to be completed easily."

The night moth looked at Fuheihir, who was standing on the side, and kept thinking in his heart what he had done wrong?

Why did you invite this big Buddha again?

"Yes, Headmaster." Answered faintly.

Then Fuheishir took the lead in walking out of the principal's room, which made the night moth righteous and relieved.

"This time the mission was in a building that was still under construction, and it is said that construction workers smashed several bodies out of cement columns."

"By the second day, the number of workers was decreasing."

"The exact words of their site manager were that at night there were strange noises coming from inside the building."

"Then the workers went in and looked at the results and they were gone."

At this time, on a car, Hades and Fuheishir were sitting in the back seat of the car.

Listening to a middle-aged man driving in front of him, talking about the intelligence of this mission.

"Based on this information, it can be inferred that the curse spirit this time should be bred by the curse power left behind after those corpses were killed."

Hades held the information in his hand and analyzed it word by word.

But then she frowned, looking at the intelligence that said that the few workers who were gone were still alive.

Because the people there, who had reported seeing those workers during the day, kept banging on the windows as if calling for help.

"This shows that we don't just want to get rid of the spell, we also need to get those workers out."

"That's right, that's why this mission is so difficult."

"But for Miss Hades, completing this mission is just a hand-to-hand capture." The man who was driving said with a smile.

"That's right, this mission should indeed be solved easily."

Hades said as he turned his head to look at Fuheihir, who was sitting on the side.

And the man who saw Fuheishir through the rearview mirror also said with a sneer.

"Of course, Mr. Fuhei is here, and I believe that this mission will be solved soon."

"After all, Mr. Fuhei is a special level, and our entire spell world is only three special grades."

PS: Kneel for data, guys, if the data can, the little brother update will definitely keep up!

If you have any questions, please speak to me directly in the book review section.

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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