After the five realms were lifted, several people walked out together.

The family who had been waiting outside also hurriedly came over.

"Fuhei-sensei, I think you must have succeeded."

"After all, Teacher Fuhei has made a move, where is there something that cannot be solved."

"That is, how can there be failure in front of Fuhei teacher?" Gojo grinned.

Xia Youjie, on the other hand, walked silently in front of Fuhei'er.

Then he bowed and said in a respectful tone.

"Thank you, Fuhei-sensei."

Looking at Xia Youjie in front of him, Fuheishir walked to his side, and only patted his shoulder and said lightly.

"I will recommend you to become a special sorcerer, of course, whether you can succeed in the end depends on yourself."

As soon as the words fell, Gojo Goku and Jia Jin laughed together with Xia Youjie.

Fuheihir, who was walking in front of them, just smiled, and then entered the system space to check the multiple shadow avatar technique that he had just obtained.

In this way, after a while, several people walked out of the tent.

And the mustard who had been waiting outside for a long time also wiped the sweat on his head.

The pale face made him look even more obscene, and it was obvious that this was caused by too much spell consumption.

He already wanted to ask for help, but what he didn't expect was that Fuheshil would be able to come out so quickly.

Immediately afterward, he looked down at his watch and found that it had only been ten minutes.

"Fuhei Special Grade, has it already been dealt with inside?"

"It has been processed, as for the mission report, it will be handed in after returning to the high school."

Xia Youjie, who followed behind, said softly.

From south to north.

It didn't take long for the four to return to the Spell High School.

And at the moment when the four of them had just stepped into the Spell High School Enchantment.

Immediately, a group of people gathered around, including many old men who were already gray-haired.

Gojo looked at the crowd that was about to crowd them, and also directly unfolded, with no lower limit technique, blocking them in front.

"Fuhei Special Class, have you completed this mission?" One of the old men asked with a little excitement in his eyes.

"Old man, of course, it has already been completed, will there still be a task that cannot be completed by the two special shots?"

"Regarding this mission, I will submit a mission report, you can go and see it, don't surround here." Fuheihir said lightly.

After that, Fuheihir pushed away the people on the side and walked outside.

Only Gojo Goku, Xia Youjie, and the three of Jia Jin Glass remained in place and messed alone.

In this way, after Fuheishir walked out of the enchantment, he saw a hot figure next to the street.

A beautiful woman riding a motorcycle carries a wrapped thing behind her back.

Looking at the woman in front of him, Fuhei Shier also instantly remembered who she was.

Ninety-nine Yuki, one of the current Spell Realm Grandmasters.

And the moment he came out, Ninety-nine Yuki stared at himself deadly.

It seems that most of them came for themselves.

So Fuheishir walked over, and then he heard the words.

I saw Ninety-nine Yuki asking with a smile on his face.

"What type of woman do you like?"

Listening to the words he expected, Fuheihir also smiled lightly.

Then he walked over to Ninety-nine Yuki's side, stretched out his hand and lifted her chin and said softly.

"I like you like that."

"Yes, then come with me."

A bold smile appeared on Ninety-nine Yuki's beautiful face, and then he pointed to the back seat of his car.

Motioning for Fuheshir to sit up, Fuheishir shook his head, then pointed to Ninety-nine Yuki and then pointed to the back seat.

But after seeing Ninety-nine Yuki, he also shook his head like him.

He also didn't say much, and directly reached out and grabbed Ninety-nine Yuki and threw it towards the back seat.

Riding directly on the locomotive, the roar resounded throughout the street, leaving only its own exhaust fumes in place.

Immediately, the two came to a bar in the city.

The dim light shone on everyone's face, and the music was just right in everyone's ears.

"I think you can come to the Spell High School, I think I want to see who has become a special class."

Fuheishir said lightly, holding a bottle of wheat juice in his right hand.

"That's right, after all these years, there is only one special grade for me, and now there are actually two special grades in a short period of time."

"I can't come back and see it."

Ninety-nine Yuki said while drinking.

"Now with the two of you, I think I will be able to save some things in the future and don't have to run around."

"No, if you think too much, I won't go on a mission, and the storm in the spell world today is hidden in the clouds."

"I believe that soon, there will be a wave in the spell world, and you and I will be in it at that time."

Fuheihir's voice suddenly became serious, which caused Ninety-nine Yuki to clear his eyes.

PS: Kneel for data, guys, if the data can, the little brother update will definitely keep up!

If you have any questions, please speak to me directly in the book review section.

Recently, I was preparing to double open and open a new book, so this one was not updated on time.

When the outline of the new book is written tomorrow, the book will be updated on time.

Please don't give up on this book.

This afternoon's update may be updated at 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 2

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