Step out of the sea of fire in front of you.

Four identical figures surrounded the two of them.

And Fuhei, who was standing on the tree, looked with interest at the two special spell spirits below who had made a big splash at the beginning.

"Don't you like two-on-one? I like it too. "

"So I'll let you experience two to one." Fuheihir said with a faint smile on his face.

After all, he hasn't used it much after getting multiple shadow doppelgangers.

Unexpectedly, there were two unlucky eggs specially sent to the door.

As soon as the words fell, Fuhei Shier, who was holding You Yun, directly threw You Yun and smashed towards the Hua Yu in front of him.

You Yun's special spell, because it is not inscribed with a special spell, is a special spell that can cause pure physical damage.

Therefore, if you want to use him, you must have extremely high physical fitness.

Otherwise, it will be difficult to play his real role.

And at this time, Hua Yu looked at You Yun who was smashing towards him, and also wanted to stretch out his hand to block.

But with the sound of gurgling, it came from not far away, and purple blood suddenly splashed everywhere.

It was Fuheishier, who had just come out of the sea of fire and carried the Soul Releasing Knife, and slashed off the arm that Hua Yu wanted to block.

When it fell to the ground, Hua Yu didn't even have time to react, and the stick was already in front of his eyes.

But he didn't know that it looked like just a stick, and when he approached him, he felt an extremely strong force contained in it.

He immediately changed his countermeasures and quickly turned his head to the side.

But this is used by Fuheihir, although it is only a shadow doppelganger.

But its strength and speed should not be underestimated, and You Yun finally wiped the small branches on Hua Yu's head.

The clouds swept by, bringing a burst of breaking sounds, and the small branches on the head of the flower emperor also fell to the ground in response.

The leaky pot standing on the side also had no way to help Hanami.

Because in front of him, there were two more Fuhei, one carrying a long knife, and the other holding a special spell in his hand.

And Fuheihir, who belongs to the body, is standing on a tree at this time with a mobile phone and making a call.

"Hey, Glass, have Natsu and Gojo-san returned to the high school?"

"They've already returned, Fuhei-sensei, do you have something to do with the two of them?"

"Then I'll send you a place for the two of them to come over quickly, here's a gift for them."

"Okay teacher, I'll go find them."

Immediately afterwards, Fuheishir looked down and found that there were already several more scars on the leaky pot at this time.

Hua Yu is injured while recovering, it can be said that it is very difficult to kill without delay.

Of course, it's not that there is no way to get rid of the two of them quickly.

Instead, Fuhei Shier wanted Xia Youjie to absorb these two special spells.

At that time, Xia Youjie will be promoted to the special level, which can only be said to be a matter of time.

Otherwise, Fuhei Shier could directly open the Eight Gates of Dun Jia, or directly use the Outer Path Golem to eliminate the two of them.

At the same time, the leaky pot below seemed to have red eyes, and he drank with his hands in ten gulps.

[Field Expansion · Cover Coffin Iron Wai Mountain].

The next moment the field unfolded, and a black curtain like an account fell.

Shrouded everything around him, including Fuheihir, who stood in the trees.

The leaky pot did not have the slightest hesitation at this time, and with a wave of his big hand, the flames instantly turned into fireballs and smashed towards Fuheihir everywhere.

Every Fuheihir wanted to dodge the fiery fireball, but there was very little room to dodge in such a small field.

What's more, there is also a necessary effect superimposed in the field, and it is useless to hide, and it can only be faced directly.

For a time, the fireballs fell on Fuhei's body like fireworks one by one, blooming beautiful sparks.

As one by one, the shadow doppelgangers turned into smoke and dispersed, and the spells fell to the ground, bringing a crackling sound.

Hana Yu and Leaky Jug also came together, and the two looked at the only remaining Fuhei Shir together, with a victorious smile on their faces in advance.

After all, after the unfolding field, its own strength has risen to a very strong point.

And it also superimposes the necessary effect, and if you want to counteract, you can only expand one more field.

"How? Human: Do you have a field? The heat emanating from the leaky pot distorted the surrounding space.

Hua Yu's body was also crawling with various wooden thorns at this time.

Once injured by the wooden thorns above, seeds will be planted in the body.

Those seeds can absorb their own spells and grow.

Looking at the two as if they were declaring their victory, Fuhei Shier only clapped his hands lightly.

"Eight doors of Dun Jia, the seventh door of shock, open!"

In an instant, a blue mist appeared on Fuheishier's body, and before he could wait for the leaky pot and the flower emperor to make a move.

The two saw a blue afterimage passing by them.

PS: Kneel for data, guys, if the data can, the little brother update will definitely keep up!

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Recently, I was preparing to double open and open a new book, so this one was not updated on time.

Please don't give up on this book.

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