Fuheshir's voice rang out in the room.

For a while, everyone looked closely at the figure standing.

Everyone looked at each other speechless, and Gojo Goku and Kujuku Yuki also cast supportive glances towards Fuheihir.

Then he stood up and expressed his support for Voheshir.

Looking at the scene in front of them, all the high-level officials were a little shocked.

You must know that Gojo Gojo and Ninety-nine Yuki were preceded, and each of them was unruly and extremely difficult to discipline.

It is difficult for them to convince one person, but now both of them actually support one person at the same time.

However, there are still some people who want to say something after seeing the statements of Gojo Gogo and Kujuku Yuki.

This was followed by the mature and deep voice of Fuheihir again.

"After I finished speaking, who approves? Who is against? "

"I object, this matter concerns the entire spell world, so you should be cautious and not make such a hasty decision."

A high-ranking official stood up and said this sentence despite fear on his face.

But soon a pressure blossomed in this room.

The icy aura permeated everyone's body, making people tremble.

"I am very much in agreement with Fuheihir as the leader of this exchange meeting, and I will fully support it."

As soon as he finished speaking, the Zen Monastery Naobi Ren gave Fuhei Shier a look.

"My Gojo family also agrees and will fully support it."

Gojo Goku stood beside Fuhehir and whispered, but the sunglasses on his face had been removed, revealing his brilliant six eyes.

"I also agree, after all, we also need a strongest crushing formation, don't we?" Ninety-nine Yuki said while throwing a wink at Fuheihir.

Seeing that two of the three royal families had already agreed, and Ninety-nine Yuki, who was a special sorcerer, also agreed at this time.

According to previous information, Fuheshir was fully capable of serving as the leader of the team of this exchange meeting.

"On behalf of the Tokyo High School of Spells, I agree."

While the high-ranking officials were still hesitating, the Night Moth Masamichi also stood up and expressed his support for Fuheihir.

With the consent of the Night Moth Righteous Way, most of the first-level sorcerers who graduated from the Spell Academy also agreed.

At this moment, all the high-ranking people looked at most of the people, and they had already thrown themselves into Fuheihir's team.

They knew that this time the matter must be a certainty.

"In that case, then the leader of this exchange meeting is Fuhei Special Class."

"There is another thing next, which is about Xia Youjie's promotion to a special level sorcerer."

"Our high-level meeting decided that Xia Youjie was successfully promoted to a special level sorcerer."

As soon as the words fell, Xia Youjie walked in from outside the conference room under the applause of everyone, and then cast a grateful look towards Fuheishier.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining the Sharingan (Evolutionary Version)"

Listening to the electronic voice that sounded in his head, Fuheshil just wanted to enter the system to check the reward.

Then the two people sitting on both sides of the night moth Masamichi and Leyanji spoke.

"This exchange meeting will not start until two months, so the juniors' training can only be worried about Fuhei Special Level."


"That's right, Fuhei Grand Class, since you have become the leader of this exchange meeting, then I should also be under your jurisdiction for these things."

"And the Ninety-Nine Special Class will also be in this mission."

"So please bother."

Before he could refuse, everyone in the conference room bent down and bowed.

Then, after confirming the matter, everyone quickly evacuated the conference room.

Only a few people remained, standing in the conference room next to Fuheihir.

"Teacher Fuhei, please advise more in the future." Ninety-nine Yuki stroked his long beautiful blonde hair.

"Fuhei-sensei, we can fight together! A little excited feeling. Gojo said enthusiastically.

"Fuhei-sensei, we'll see you tomorrow." The silver-haired underworld chuckled.

"Fuhei-sensei, I can become a special sorcerer thanks to your help, and I will always remember this love in my heart." Xia Youjie said with tears in his eyes and holding Fuhei's hand tightly.

"Fuhei Special Class, those children will be taken care of by you in the future, and we thank you for those children."

The Night Moth Masamichi and Rakuganji Temple bowed again to show respect and gratitude.

At this time, after sending him away at a nod, he also came to a clearing, and then opened the system space to check the wheel eye.

"Sharingan (Evolutionary Version).

The current item needs to be fused with the host

After fusion, you can write the wheel eye 100% adapted

All fully functional

Can be phylologically evolved. "

Looking at the Sharingan placed in the system space, Fuheishir also chose to fuse immediately without the slightest hesitation.

In an instant, Fuheishir felt two streams of heat flowing through his face.

PS: Kneel for data, guys, if the data can, the little brother update will definitely keep up!

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Recently, I was preparing to double open and open a new book, so this one was not updated on time.

Please don't give up on this book.

Ask for flowers and review votes, please, everyone.

The new book had an accident and was temporarily stranded, so I said that I would go all out on this book.

I also hope that everyone will support and update the library every day.

Updates may be updated at 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 2

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