Everyone present clasped their weapons in their hands and looked at Fuheihir.

After all, they could hear the horror of this man just from Xia Youjie's description.

"This is my gift to you." Fuheishir smiled, and then flicked it sharply.

The bag of spells used to contain the corpses fell to the ground with a little dust.

Then Fuheihir kicked on the bag, and the bag dispersed with a sound.

Two corpses slipped out of it.

Everyone looked at the two corpses and were speechless in shock.

I saw that Wujo Wujo had a heavenly rebellion stuck in his neck, and wisps of blood were still oozing out.

And the star slurry Tianriko is also lying quietly on the ground.

It's just that the blood hole on the head is still very obvious.

"How? Happy with these two gifts? "

"Of course, I didn't come here to do anything, I just wanted to join the Spell Academy."

"Of course, you only have two choices, one is to let me join the Spell High School as a teacher, and the other is that I will kill everyone here, and then personally join the Spell High School."

Fuheishir said as he took out the special grade spell You Yun from the mouth of the spell spirit.

Listening to Fuheihir's words, the Night Moth was the first to stand up, and with a wave of his big hand, he walked out of a pile of curses.

Most of their forms are different, and ordinary curses made by others need to consume the manipulator's spell power as power.

However, the Noctuary Moth is not needed for the time being, and the special curse he made not only has special consciousness, but also can generate spells on its own.

If it were not for the greater impact, and being detained and punished by the death penalty, it is estimated that it would have been elevated to the special level.

Of course, the reason why the Nocturnal Moth Masamichi survived was because of the existence of the five enlightenments.

Even if the current Gojo Enlightenment has not completely become the strongest, just by relying on him, the identity of the Gosan Family Gojo Family also pays attention to preserving the right path of the night moth.

"It seems that you don't want to settle this matter peacefully with me."

"If that's the case, then I can only send you to die."

As soon as the words changed, Fuheishir put away the unruly smile on his face.

Instead, he stretched out his finger and pointed it at his heart.

The next moment, everyone present heard a powerful heartbeat.

Then there was a sharp pause, and the next moment the heartbeat reappeared.

Everyone saw that the person in front of them had a red light on his body.

"Eight Doors Dun Jia, Eighth Gate, Door of Death, Open."

Feeling the coercion revealed by Fuheihir, everyone present couldn't help but be shocked.

This time, there were not a few strong people who came out, and most of them were first-level magicians.

But even so, no one dared to approach, they all knew very well, according to Xia Youjie's intelligence.

The man's physical technique in front of him has reached the pinnacle realm, and he can even directly kill the five realizations that possess the six eyes and master the Infinite Limit Technique.

Seeing that none of the people present dared to make a move, Fuheishir did not want to stand in place and respond with the enemy not moving, I not moving.

You must know that the door of death is playing with life, and you don't have time to play with them with your life.

Immediately accompanied by the figure of Fuheihir, it flickered back and forth in front of their eyes.

The speed is so fast that the naked eye can't tell the position of Fuheshir.

Everyone could only stand in place with weapons in hand, until the first curse of the right path of the night moth.

After being smashed by Fuhei's punch, it brought them great pressure.

Everyone couldn't help but step back, even the Second Uncle Zen Monastery Straight Man also felt a little murderous.

Along with the corpses of the species, each fell to the ground, but they could not see how Fuheihir had started.

This undoubtedly caused people to panic, they had faced many sorcerers, as well as first-level and special spells.

But never before has it brought them so much pressure, as if they were facing a big mountain.

All were immersed in not seeing the enemy, but could feel the lives of those around them being harvested.

After more than a dozen people died, Fuheshir's figure reappeared in place.

The blood stains on his face also proved that the person who had just died on his hands only touched him with blood.

"No kidding, I didn't feel a little spell from him."

"He didn't use the technique at all, he just relied on physical skills and killed so many of us."

"The people we came here this time are all first-level magicians, how can we be killed without the power to fight back, even in the face of special grade spells, we should be at ease."

"And what's with that red mist?"

"Is it the means of the Kamo family?"

The few remaining first-level sorcerers looked nervously at Fuhei, who was standing in place.

And Fuheihir's knife was still dripping blood.

"Red blood exercise, red scales jump."

The next moment, a first-level sorcerer of the Kamo family looked at Fuheishir standing in place and also directly punched.

You must know that the red scales of their Kamo family are jumping, but they can use their own blood to greatly improve their physical fitness.

He didn't believe that their Kamo ancestral technique would lose to the man in front of him.

PS: Kneel for data, you beautiful boys, kneel for data to support the little brother through the first day, if the data can, the little brother update will definitely keep up!

Data can, burst again tonight!

Feilu's 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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