Chapter 210 - Dream

"Are you saying that Crimson doesn't yet understand the fae language like Onyx?"

"Yes, you are right, princess." Zanya nodded with a smile, glad that the princess was very intelligent and quick to understand things.

"But didn't I call her using the fae language? How did she understand that and she listened to my call?" Evie asked, utterly confused.

"She responded to the word because they already recognized it as they had heard it many times before. Because the guardians who had been calling for them for many years now always used that same word to summon them. When they hear those words, they'll immediately respond but unlike Onyx, they don't understand other words yet as the fae language had disappeared from usage long before they were even hatched from their eggs." Zanya explained to Evie.

Evie bit her lower lips. So that was why Crimson suddenly took off to the skies before she could even command her. It seems it was her instinct that made her fly to the sky as soon as her rider was seated on her back.

"What should I do now then?" she asked Zanya, her expression now calm even though Crimson was still flying about aimlessly and somewhat a little unsteadily.

"Please do the same thing you did when you called for it! Imagine yourself being inside the dragon, as if your body and her body are one. Picture the two of you melding into one unit until you are seeing what she is seeing too. Then tell her to land on the spot your eyes are focusing on."

Evie immediately did as Zanya instructed and on the first try, she failed. But she immediately tried again and with this second try, the dragon finally landed on the bridge.

The vampires were all incredibly worried as Zolan immediately jumped to help her climb off the dragon's back. All of them had their hearts in their mouths when they saw the princess having troubles with the dragon and was swerving around in the air. They had thought she and the dragon would both come crashing down! Thankfully she managed to get it under control.

Zanya landed as well and approached Evie. The princess was panting, just like when she had released Zanya from the crystal earlier. It was clear that the exercise had drained some of her energy and tired her out.

"Are you alright, princess?!" the men all came running over and were checking her over, making sure she was completely safe and fine. Evie only nodded and smiled apologetically at them, realizing that she had given them quite a scare.

"I am alright." She quickly reassured them. Then she glanced back at Crimson and then a soft sigh escaped her lips, realizing that she had been quite desperate to immediately learn everything. She should have known there would be a limit to everything, especially when dealing with things related to magic. She berated herself inwardly for thinking that everything would be easy now since she was already in the fae's homeland. She should have expected that the world would never work that way. In order for her to earn the loyalty and trust of these magnificent and powerful creatures… and for her to be able to fully control them, she must work hard for it first.

"Please have a rest first. You've done so much already for today, and your wounds are still not fully healed." Zolan reminded her and Evie only let out a deep sigh. Realizing that she did overexert herself a little too much.

"Right, princess," Zanya spoke as well, "I understand you are in a rush to learn as much as you can. But please, you must not force yourself till it brings more negative impact on you instead of more good."

Realizing that she felt that same weakness she had felt after leaving the stream waters yesterday, Evie finally gave in to their advice and nodded at them. She needed to pace herself as well. It would be no use if she learnt everything but ended up getting hurt or even worse, incapable of moving or getting a backlash on the magic usage that she was still learning to get used to.

Once the princess nodded, Zanya immediately led them back into the castle.

Inside one of the spacious and incredibly beautiful room inside the castle, Evie finally laid down on the large and luxurious bed. It was still firm without being overly soft and seemed to be stuffed with some sort of feathers. Evie did not know what type, but all she knew was that it felt heavenly as her back came into contact with it.

The men also did not know what the light fae did, but when they entered the room as quietly as they could, they noted that it was already as good as new, as if it had not been abandoned for countless of years. They could only feel awed once again at the magical powers of these creatures.

Upon making sure that their princess was fine and resting well, the men agreed to stand guard outside of her room doors while Elias went to cook the princess' and everyone's food with Zanya's help.

When everyone was gone, Evie closed her eyes. Perhaps because of exhaustion, she almost immediately drifted off into dreamland as soon as she was fully stretched out and turned to her side. Even as her eyes closed in exhaustion, her mind was already not aware of her surroundings – that was a testament to how much she had exerted herself and her newfound powers.

And as it was usual since entering into the forbidden lands, the moment Evie slept, her mind drifted into the land of dreams. It was the same dream that had been haunting her every night since she was separated with Gavriel.

Then she began to dream.

In her dream, Evie could see herself wielding her bow and arrows. Her expression was so intense. The gentle wind was blowing her hair behind her as though it were waves of silvery silk. She could feel her heartbeat thumping loudly inside her ribcage even as it thundered in her ears as she aimed at the tall figure wearing a dark cloak. His face was fully covered with his hood drawn low over his chin.

It did not take long, and she saw herself released the arrow she had been aiming and it flew straight and true towards the man's face. But to her surprise, he caught it just before it pierces him. The wind came from the opposite direction this time, and when his hood was blown back over his head, it revealed his face causing Evie to catch her breath. Her eyes widened in utter shock as her body suddenly became frozen and paralyzed.


A/N: I am going to join winwin event again this month so i am hoping for your support again spellbounders. Please buy privilege if you can. Buying tier 1 which cost 1 coin is already a huge support to me. Thank you in advance for the support. <3

P.s. If we reach rank 1 in golden ranking until sunday, I will give bunos chaps on monday. ^^

Follow me on instagram @kazzenlx.x

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