Chapter 234 - No One

How much had these men sacrificed for her! They who were the elites and cream of the crop, had given their best to protect an initially weak human like her until they were hurt. And now, they had been turned into these blank, unfeeling, and unthinking bodies, just to be used as tools for others' pleasure. No! She would not allow this to continue. She had to somehow get this effect reversed and return the men to their original states. She owed them that at the very least.

He stared at her for a long while and then his gaze fell to the men behind the bars.

"Fine," he said and then he stepped closer to her. Before she knew it, he had wiped her tears away delicately with his thumb. His touch was warm, and Evie could not resist revelling in it for a short moment, only to turn her face sideways a little with much effort. "I will release them, so stop crying now." His tone came out gentle and it surprised Evie.

However, his jaws worked as if he was angry again. Evie did not know if he was angry with her or with the fact that he had to release the men. But Evie was not too hung up on that because she was surprised again that he was going to release them from his control.

She watched him stretched his hand towards the inside of the cell. The entire space became heavy with something strong and terrifying which she could clearly feel but could not see. Then Evie saw a dark and smoke-like wisp come curling out from the men's bodies before returning into the opened palms of his hand.

When he closed his hand, the men all suddenly coughed out, as though trying to expel something from their lungs. Their eyes had thankfully returned to normal as they looked all around them before landing on her form outside of the cells, clearly confused and disoriented for a moment. They were puzzled on how their princess was standing there, a place that was supposed to serve as their prison.

Evie sighed in great relief, seeing that her men were back to their normal selves.

"P-princess!!!" all of them exclaimed. Their eyes filled with worry and then fear and wariness as they looked at the man next to Evie. "Are you alright? He didn't do anything bad to you, right?" they asked frantically as they grabbed onto the bars and pressed themselves to it, as if to get out of there.

However, Gavriel lifted his hand again, his palm facing them, and the men all found themselves suddenly not being able to speak nor move.

Evie glared at him.

"Let me speak with them." She demanded firmly and loudly, enough for her men to hear her standing up to him. And then there it goes again, the fury in his eyes. He suddenly slammed his hands against the bars and loomed over her, trapping her between his arms.

"There is no one else you should speak with here but me, Evie." He hissed. "I've waited for you for so long and you expect me to let you speak with other men?"

Evie swallowed at the intensity that was raging in his eyes. She could see the burning possessiveness and longing and desire that were way too strong it was almost scary.

"Not a chance, Evie. I have already told you… you are going to be mine." He whispered harshly, his voice even became so hoarse and seductive Evie could not help but remember those times earlier on when she was fighting off her feelings and desires towards Gavriel. That was still back when she could not decide whether to give in to her feelings or keep strong and hold onto her promise with her people.

Before Evie could form any response or even ask about the words he had uttered, that he had waited for her for so long, she heard peopled coming.

When she turned, she saw the vampires bringing Leon, Samuel, Elias and Zanya into the area. The vampires also threw them inside the cell. They were all still held immobile and could not freely speak.

Evie hurriedly did a quick scan on everyone to see if anyone was hurt. To her relief all of them seemed fine and Elias was already healing.

She took a deep breath as she watched the blue-eyed man spoke to one of the soldiers who seemed to be one of Kirzan's general.

"How about the woman, Your Highness? You're not going to put her in the cell?" the general-looking man checked with his leader and another soldier butted in.

"Of course he won't be doing that, general. He'd definitely imprison her in his room tonight. Right, Your Highness?" he crowed as he eyed Evie like a maniac, causing Evie to flare in disgust and anger. "She's such a goddamn beauty, once you're done with her –"

Suddenly, something red splashed all across the walls, shocking Evie and everyone else present. He had blocked Evie's view, so she did not quite catch what had happened in that split second but the blood that flowed on the floor was enough for Evie to realize what the blue-eyed man just did.

Even the soldiers looked at him with terror.

"No one is allowed to look at my woman like that and talk about her in that manner… and is allowed to live." he said in a calm yet terrifying voice. Then he shoved the limp body of the mouthy soldier towards the general. The general took the body and after bowing at him, all of them left in haste.

When he turned towards Evie, he looked as though nothing big had happened at all. It was as if he had only killed off an annoying mosquito.

He walked closer to her, and Evie subconsciously stepped back. He halted and his jaws worked as if he was fighting something inside him.

"Fear not, Evie…" he uttered in a controlled voice, and then he loomed over her again, his gaze burning so sinfully intense. "I will not touch you without your consent... I already told you, I will make you choose me, and fall for me."


A/N: If we stay rank 1 in golden ranking until an hour before weekly reset, i will give bunos chapters again next monday. So don't forget to cast your Golden Tickets for our Evie and Gav. ^^

P.s. Hellbound With You regular updates will resume later. See you there as well guys.


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