Chapter 245 - Gavrael (Part II)

"If that happens, I guess I'll just accept my fate and return to fight my brother to the death and be the next king of the Under Land." The young man smiled wickedly, teasing his mother and the queen's eyes widened.

"Gavrael!" the queen scolded as she lightly smacked him on his arm, not liking his last line at all. Gavrael laughed as he pulled away from his mother.

"See? You don't like me to stay back here and fight for the throne, right? Because my poor brother will be beaten into a pulp if I ever get serious." He smirked confidently, his blue eyes flaming with wicked mischief. "Not to mention that I don't want to fight him too. Since I don't want to disrupt the peace in this empire, so I won't be doing that. I know the dark faes will revolt if they end up being ruled by someone who look nothing like them and that's why I am holding back. However, if I don't find something that can keep me occupied soon… I might change my mind. So don't you think I think I would be better off diverting my attention to what's out there on the surface rather than focus in here?"

"Fine, fine, you win!" the queen finally gave in, exasperated at her son's intelligence and quick wit. She already knew how dangerous this son of hers was. Coupled with his extreme sharp intellect, there was hardly anyone who can be his equal. Given more years and experience, he would only grow to be more powerful and secure in his own right. Only kings and the most powerful dark fae warriors were supposed to be strong enough to open the gate but this son of hers could already open it at his young age – for a mix blood vampire-fae that is. To top it off, he was as wicked and powerful as his father. "But please, son. If you manage to leave, make sure to remember and keep track of the time for you to return. I cannot take it if you can never return to us again."

"Worry not, mother. I will keep that in mind. I'll only be there during what the surface creatures called nights." Her mischievous son smiled and then after bowing at his mother, he picked up his sword. "I know you're going to go and tell this to father. But could you please wait a little while longer before telling him, mother? He… Father might come to stop me from leaving."

The young man disappeared before the echoes of his words could even fade off. The queen sighed heavily when she suddenly felt a formidable presence appear behind her.

A man, dark and breathtakingly beautiful was standing behind her. His long hair cascaded down the front of the queen's shoulders as he leaned forward and hugged her close from behind. The queen sighed before relaxing into her husband's strong and warm embrace.

"Don't worry about him, my beloved wife." The dark voice came as he kissed the queen's neck. "I somehow expected that one day, he would end up doing this. He's my son after all." Chuckles followed that statement.

"I'm worried because he's your son!" The queen retorted a little angrily, looking over her shoulders and pouting at the man who was still hugging her. "What if he kidnaps a girl and brings her back here like what you did to me?" She rolled her eyes at her husband before huffing and turning to look at where her son had sat earlier.

The king laughed then he cocked his head. "Aren't you the one who asked me to kidnap you? I just granted your wish, remember My Lady?"

"Lies! You brute! You clearly knew that I was just kidding but you still had the gall and went ahead and executed the kidnapping."

"But I was quite certain you were a willing participant." The king waggled his brows playfully at his queen.

The queen was speechless at his teasing and the king laughed again in triumph. He lifted her in his arms and cradled her lovingly.

"Don't worry about that son of ours. He's strong enough to do what he wants to. I have taught and trained him well enough for him to handle this. I also think that leaving the Under Land and seeing the surface himself is better. Now let him do what he wants and let's get ourselves to bed." He smiled at her hungrily and the queen could only surrender.

As expected, Gavrael did managed to open the gate. The walls of dark and ancient stones blocking the tunnel seemed to have melted and turned into dust and the stones became something like a small black hole.

Gavrael put his arm into the dark hole and his hand went through.

With a smile on his face, he looked behind him before he jumped through into the portal. The moment his feet landed on the ground the portal closed behind him.

Gavrael smiled as he looked ahead. Intrigue and curiosity flashing across his eyes. What will the surface look like? He had heard many stories from his mother when he was younger on how it was like and now, he was finally going to see it for himself.

However, as soon as the young man was out of the cave, what welcomed him was a forest. He was surprised at how different the forest on the surface compared to their forest in Under Land. He already heard about the trees and the moon which was not present in Under Land. Still, he found the new sights interesting.

For a long while, Gavrael wandered around the forest, and he found it strange because he had yet to find any creatures around. He wanted to see someone. But it seemed as though the place he was in happened to be unoccupied.

Until he saw something bright flew above him. Gavrael followed the glowing object. He only saw it in a very short period but with the vampiric ability of his eyes, he had clearly seen a winged, glowing creature.

Thrill rose within him as he chased after the winged creature. But before long, he lost track of it. Gritting his teeth, he angrily landed on the ground and continued surveying the place, still looking for that flying creature he saw.

Then his feet suddenly halted at the sight of a girl sitting by a stone. Her hair was waist long and silvery white. She was dipping her feet into the water that was glowing with an amber colour. He was certain this was the creature he saw flying in the sky earlier.

Slowly, he walked closer. His heart strangely beating hard which he told himself was perhaps simply due to the thrill. He was planning to capture her, as he thought that she might fly off suddenly and he would lose sight of her again.

But before he could leap to grab at her, the girl turned around and looked at him with wide clear amber eyes.


A/N: If we stay rank 1 in golden ranking until an hour before weekly reset, i will give bunos chapters again next monday. So don't forget to cast your Golden Tickets for our Evie and Gav. ^^


P.s. I see that some of you are confused. But dont worry guys you will eventually learn the truth as we go on. ^^

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