Chapter 353 - Die!

The combination of Gavrael and Evie's powers was incredibly strong. It gave out a low humming roar like it had a life of its own as it left them and sped towards their target.

Upon contact with Thundrann, his body was flung against the walls. The potency of that combined magic must have been very powerful as Thundrann flew through the air effortlessly, not being able to resist nor use his own powers to reduce the impact. He had initially created a barrier to counter the attack but despite that, the combined power of Evie and Gav was just too overwhelming. It just dispersed Thundrann's magical barrier like a hand brushing away a spider's webbing, slamming him hard into the ancient stone wall in the blink of an eye.

Galleous's body inside the crystal then released an even darker and stronger dark magic. It leaked out from the base of the crystal and crawled around on the ground like a shifty and creepy miasma.

Evie and Gav knew that Galleous was angered now. Their last combined attack must have finally triggered him. They could feel he was now taking them seriously as it was obvious that he was not expecting that attack to be so strong.

"Let's not give him time to recuperate. We'll kill him now!" Gav said and he leapt forward, launching himself towards Thundrann. Evie lifted her arms towards Gavrael. Her magic coming from her palms were now enveloping Gavrael's entire body. His body no longer shrouded by dark magic alone, but by both light and dark magic. His sword was blazing, a black and amber fire licking along the edges of his dangerous looking blade, as he pointed it towards Thundrann. Looking at the fire that was coating the blade of his sword gave anyone looking the chills. The rippling fire seemed to promise a wealth of pain and agony if it touches the surface of anything living.

The man saw him coming as he was rising from the rubbles and his murky green eyes suddenly shifted. The black of his pupil rippled along the rims before spreading throughout the whites of his eyes in an instant and turned both orbs completely black. Gavrael knew that those pitch-black eyes should be belong to Galleous as dark faes who have been swallowed by their dark magic will have eyes as dark as the lightless abyss of hell. It was a literal reflection of the unilluminated regions of hell itself.

Galleous threw up a barrier a split second before Gavrael's sword was about to touch the tip of his head. The impact between Thundrann's erected barrier and Gav's sword was so intense it created a thundering blast. Still, Gavrael did not allow himself to get pushed back by the recoiling effect of that clash. He was in the air while Thundrann was on the ground. He refused to back off! However, the effort of holding his position and not allowing the recoil force to take effect, Gav could feel his fingers that were still tightly gripping the hilt of his sword become slightly numbed as his whole arm shook from the weight of going head to head with that powerful barrier.

Gavrael then felt an even stronger force – but one that only brought on a cool and soothing feel that flowed gently over him – and he instantly knew that Evie was the one who was increasing the amount of magic she was giving him. It streamed into him continuously like an endless spring. As he channelled it out of him, it pushed and shoved at their enemy, until Thundrann's barrier began to show minute cracks that were like spiderwebs all over. And as Gavrael continued to pour even more power out, those cracks grew larger and threatened to give way.

"Die!" Gavrael shouted as he called forth more power to finally deliver the finishing blow onto the barrier that was already so fragile.

Galleous on the other hand, only poured out more magic into his vessel. He refused to be defeated. With the insane amount of magic poured into him, the darkness that had enveloped Thundrann's body thickened to a degree like never before. Evie and Gav saw that the cracks that had been created on his barrier had started to mend!

Seeing the amount of dark magic literally flooding out from the dark crystal Galleous was in, Evie closed her eyes and when she opened them, the twin orbs shone with a radiance so bright, it could rival the noonday sun. She screamed and her magic surged out, surging powerfully into Gavrael.

The scene was heart stopping. No one was backing out.

With the amount of magic flowing out from Evie, Gavrael felt even more powerful. He felt invincible! Giving his all, he exerted his all and pushed on the barrier. The damage that had been mended on the surface of the barrier started to crack again, and this time the cracks ran even longer and deeper. He understood now that this battle was a battle of purely magic and how strong the magic was. And it was incredible that Evie's power could counter a mad dark fae's magic. It was his blessing and privilege to have her on his side.

However, he knew the source of Evie's magic might not be as infinite as Galleous'. She would get tired and weaken sooner or later. And that was why he was not going to waste any of her efforts now. There was no way he would put all of these to waste! This was his beloved's power, and he is going to make sure that none of it will be wasted!

With his renewed strength and power, added on by his determination, and heightened by Evie's incredibly strong magic, Gavrael gritted his teeth as he applied more pressure on Thundrann. He was giving his all.

Galleous tried to mend the growing cracks that were appearing everywhere, his eyes shifting from one crack to the next, starting to get a little nervous.

Gavrael could see blood starting to flow from Thundrann's eyes, nose, and mouth. This was evidence that the dark magic Galleous was forcing into Thundrann's body had already gone way past his limit. Galleous was desperate to save his vessel.

"DIE!!" Gavrael shouted again and at last his sword pierced through Thundrann's barrier. The sword then aimed straight to the middle of Thundrann's chest.

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