Chapter 440 - Cure


"Forgive me but I didn't ask why My Lord. But she implied that it will be bad for her." the female dark fae responded to Gideon in a low tone.

His jaws worked at what he heard. He dismissed the dark fae after that and returned to Vera's room, telling himself that the fever would eventually subside.

But time passed and Vera's fever did not subside as he had hoped. Gideon could not even count how many times he had checked her temperature now. And in the end, he could not take it anymore.

He appeared in Kione's room in the next instant. The so-called lord of the rakes was already in bed and there were three women with him, in various state of undress before him.

"Damn it, Gideon! What the –" Kione growled at him.

"Get up. Go fetch the light fae queen." He barked out his orders with a severe face and Kione groaned hard in frustration as he could only drag himself up from the bed as he waved at the women, gesturing to them to leave for now. The gravity of Gideon's face made him unable to refute. However, as he was getting dressed, he muttered and grumbled about unfair situations and unreliable friends.

Groaning again, Kione rushed over to look for Evie but returned to Gideon empty handed. As he found Gideon, the look on his face was sulky as all the effort and an interrupted session of pleasure was all for naught.

"She said she can't come, My Lord." Kione reported with a flat tone.

"And why is that so?" Gideon's face was no better than Kione's was at the moment.

"She seemed unwell."


"Why don't you go yourself, My Lord, if you don't believe me?" Kione challenged him.

Left without a choice, Gideon could only do the only thing left – he went to visit Evie's bed chamber in person. When he arrived, he knocked on her door and Evie came to the door in her sleep wear. It was obvious that she was about to go to bed, or perhaps she was already lying down when he came to disturb her rest.

"She's not getting better. I need you to go see her." He informed Evie without even giving Evie a greeting. It was obvious he was struggling just asking her to do that.

"She's still burning up?" Evie yawned after asking her question.

"Yes." The simple reply held a wealth of information that told Evie what she wanted to know.

Evie sighed. "I am feeling a bit unwell, Gideon." Evie massaged her temples as she shut her eyes closed.

"My dear little sister-in-law," his voice echoed out and Evie looked up at him. "Do you need to make another bargain to do me a favour? Fine, just state it. What is it that you want?" Gideon pinched the area between his brows, feeling a headache coming on. This little sister-in-law of his was no simple persona to deal with. But he just wanted her to get this problem solved as soon as possible.

Evie could barely stop herself from grinning ear to ear.

"My dear big brother-in-law," Evie replied in the same annoying manner he had called her, opening her eyes to look at him. "I'd willingly help you with this without any bargains because Vera is my friend as well. But… the thing is, even I can't help her even if I go over." Evie replied.

He frowned at her cryptic response.

"This is one complicated human matter. But it's okay. All you need to do is just sit and stay with her and she'll be fine in no time at all." Evie gave her verdict and followed up with a reassurance on Vera's recovery.

Gideon narrowed his eyes at Evie's statement.

"I know you're thinking it is stupid. But believe me or not, this is human matters. That is how things work. Just go back to her, Gideon. Try and hug her if she begins to shiver terribly. That might help her recover even faster."

Suspicion gleamed in Gideon's eyes again and Evie finally realized she had mistaken that look in his eyes as utter coldness. However, it was not. This man, she had come to realise now, that he was just so extremely guarded. But this was why she is more determined now.

"If you don't believe, I can't do anything about it. But I'm telling you again, hugging is a human way to cure fevers. The opposite sex works better in this matter. So, I am asking you to do it for her sake. If you think that can't make yourself give one simple hug for her, then please ask another man to do it. No matter what, as long as Vera gets a man to hug her and weather through this phase, she would get well soon." Evie insisted on this method of helping out with Vera's fever.

And with that, Evie closed the door in his face, causing Gideon to stand there like a statue. He raked his hand through his hair and returned to Vera's room with a dark expression clouding over his face. Why the hell was he even doing all this? What the hell was he even doing?

He gritted his teeth, unable to believe what was going on and all the things he had been doing.

Angered at himself, Gideon turned around to leave when he heard Vera calling out from her bed.

"No, stop. Please. Help. Help me!" Her voice sounds so tortured that Gideon immediately turned around and approached her, wondering if she was actually awake. He thought she was conscious and in pain. To his surprise, she was sleep talking and crying out in her sleep.

"Please… help me…" she continued asking for help and Gideon did not know when and how but the next time he was aware, he was already hugging her tight and holding her close to himself.


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