Chapter 622: Unsettling

Chapter 622: Unsettling

"Stop this madness, Klauz!" Evie yelled at him as she struggled from his hold. But Klauz ignored her struggles and did not let her go. Instead, his grip on her tightened even more.

The man dragged her towards the altar surrounded with crescent crystals. And Evie could not even fight back nor use any magic to escape from him because of the dangerous magic he had cast around her belly.

"I said stop!" she screamed as loud as she could.

Klauz finally halted and faced her. The cruelty in his eyes gleaming dangerously.

"What are you so afraid of? Light Queen? Weren't you so confident that I am not your mate?" he asked harshly, rendering Evie immobile. "Stop struggling! This is the last time I am warning you." His rough voice reeked with a dangerous threat. "My patience is running out."

"You can't force me." Evie slowly shook her head. Her eyes shot back at him with intense rejection and an unwavering resolve. "I refuse to accept you as my mate, Klauz."

He snorted sardonically and then his expression changed. The danger that lurked in his eyes as his gaze travelled from her face as it trailed down to her belly made Evie's entire being shook in utter fear. She felt as though ice was running through her veins at the cruel glint that flashed when his eyes landed on her belly. "Really? You're going to refuse me even if I kill your baby right now?" his cold voice echoed. His statement was like a bucket of ice that had splashed over her head.

At that moment, Evie felt that her world was about to crumble down. Her throat dried up, her fear consumed her. She could feel her vision spin – as though the whole world around her was whirling around in circles. Gav… she whispered her husband's name in her head.

"Take my hand. Now." Klauz ordered. The urgency in his voice and the look in his eyes told her that she could no longer stall him. She should not continue to stall as well. His impatience coupled with that menacing aura surrounding him was just too overwhelming. She could feel it, that this man's patience was now like a thin thread about to snap. As though any little provocation to his wishes would trigger him and cause that thread to break. "Or your child will die this instant." He snarled out with a perverse pleasure that flashed for an instant across his face.

Evie held his eyes for a long while, her gaze sharp as serrated ice blades piercing him as she poured her anger and hatred through her eyes alone. If looks could kill, Klauz must have died a hundred times by now.

A shaky and long breath escaped from her lips before she finally but reluctantly lifted her hand and placed it in his outstretched one.

'Gav…' her mind could only utter his name again desperately as Klauz led her inside the circle of crystals. As soon as Klauz halted, the person standing in the middle then raised her hand.

Klauz placed his hand in the person's already outstretched hand without hesitation before looking over at Evie. She swallowed the lump in her throat. Her heartbeat was loud and fast inside her ribcage.

But something here was strange. There seemed to be something off with the fear she was feeling right now. It was extremely disturbing, unsettling even in its strangeness.

And the most haunting part was the fact that these feelings were not seemed to be caused by what was about to happen to her and Klauz. Something that felt stronger than just pure fear was gripping her now.

"Light Queen!" a voice full of threat boomed out beside her but Evie looked around instead of putting her focus on Klauz. He was so angered at her being distracted that he even growled out at her. Evie heard it but she could not be bothered about that for the moment as she looked around even more frantically.

When her gaze landed up in the sky, her pulse drummed even faster. Something just felt terribly off…

Just as Evie was trying to figure out what exactly was going on, she felt the magic tightened around her. That instantly pulled her attention back to Klauz. Looking back at him, she noticed his eyes were bloodshot and his face was twisted in anger.

"Your hand. Now." he ordered. His eyes that were locked onto hers blazed as they were warning her to not try anything funny nor delay this any longer than she already had.

The intense worry that Klauz will snap and really harm her child made her immediately listened to him. She could feel the magic that was concentrated around her belly tighten a little more when he asked her hand again for the umpteenth time.

But just as her hand was about to land on the priestess' hand, something powerful and as black as an obsidian lightning hit the ground with a bang. All three of them – Evie, Klauz and the priestess – were knocked off balance at the furious shaking caused by the impact of that lightning hitting the ground.

The next thing Evie knew, there was a short but sharp scream before it was abruptly cut off. When she turned to the side to look at what happened, the priestess had already turned into a pile of black ash where she previously standing. Completely incinerated.

Wide-eyed, Evie looked up, her heart not being able to help but thump in hopeful anticipation. But it was also mixed in with that unsettling jitteriness that she could not explain.

However, that feeling which was worse than fear threatened to devour her as she saw how the familiar darkness was now looming like a thick storm of clouds above them, slowly circling and menacing in its movements.

It was the source of the black lightning.

Evie's hands trembled as her hands lifted to the front of her dress and she clutched at the fabric at her chest. No… this could not be… this should not be happening… please tell me this is… not you… Gav!

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