Spellcasting Heavens

Chapter 1365: Ancas

"Where is this?"

After several hours of drifting in time and space, Luke began to look around the environment as soon as his feet landed.

As a child who grew up in a relatively closed environment, he has never left the world where he grew up, so he is extremely sensitive to changes in the environment.

In contrast, although boys rarely leave the place where they live, Darent is a powerful magical civilization after all, and both books and video materials have recorded a lot of details about other worlds.

So he just glanced at the dark underground tunnels around him, and quickly responded without thinking: "This is Ankas, a special planet where all life is concentrated in the underground world. It seems that we are lucky."

"Are you lucky?"

Luke frowned subconsciously, completely ignorant of what the other party was trying to convey.

You must know that a dark and claustrophobic environment often means extreme danger.

And when you are attacked, you can't use teleportation magic at will, otherwise God knows if you will be stuck in a stone and squeezed into minced meat in the next second.

"Of course! Ankas is the only place that was abandoned by the Darents. To be precise, they once tried to conquer this place, but they failed unexpectedly. Because the core of this planet will exude strange energy all the time. All the spells that can be used normally in other worlds will have a certain degree of mutation..."

Speaking of this, the boy suddenly paused, with a meaningful expression on his face: "Do you know what the mutation means?"

"Could it be the area of ​​chaotic magic?" Luke asked rhetorically in an uncertain tone.

In the knowledge he has come into contact with, the only situation that can make the spell with a stable model mutate is the chaotic magic area.

The boy smiled and shook his head: "No! If it were that simple, the Darrentes would have conquered this place long ago. In fact, until the end, they couldn't figure out what that strange energy field was. But one thing can Confirm that if you use a spell here, no matter how powerful it is, there is a 90% chance that the caster will die on the spot. Trust me, you won't be as painful as you want to die in this way."

"So... on this planet, neither you nor I can use the power of magic?" Luke's pupils shrank suddenly.

"That's right! Whether it's you or me, unless absolutely necessary, you must never use magic. Because once you use it, it's the same as giving your life to fate to decide."

After all, the boy took off all the magic items on his body one by one, stuffed them into the magic pocket he carried with him, followed by picking them from the inside, and took out a short sword emitting a light blue light and inserted it into the pocket. belt.

"Damn it! Now I really hope that when the elders taught martial arts, I didn't slack off." Luke complained helplessly, and took off all kinds of magic rings, amulets and other gadgets.

Because he was so obsessed with the power of magic at a young age, he inevitably ignored other aspects, especially the hand-to-hand combat skills that were regarded as "primitive", "ignorant", "savage" and "stupid".

If he didn't apply magic, he wasn't even sure if he could beat a small or medium-sized carnivore.

"Hahahaha! Relax. Maybe we lost our powerful spellcasting abilities, but our brains and wisdom are still perfectly preserved. This alone will allow you to integrate well into the world. Also, I suggest you take a little time. Come and learn the language of this world with me."

"Okay, I'll listen to you."

"Hurry up! The Shadow Guard will not sit by and watch us decipher the truth that the Darents have been trying to hide."


It is never easy to integrate into a strange environment, or even a strange world.

Just the complicated pronunciation and strange grammar in this world made Luke, who is self-proclaimed smart, suffer a lot. ,

It took the boy half a month of hard work to let him learn the most basic communication and corners.

Due to the urgency of time, the two had no more time to stay to learn the language in depth, and immediately headed for the depths of the underground along the empty tunnel.

Ankas is a huge underground world composed of countless tunnels, caves, underground rivers, lakes and oceans.

Of course, the underground world does not mean that there is no light.

The moss on the top of the head that exudes light spots like stars is the best lighting equipment in this world.

Although the light was so dim that Luke, who was accustomed to living on the surface, was very uncomfortable, he could barely see the surroundings within a few dozen meters.

In addition, those grotesque plants and small animals also attracted his attention all the time.

For example, crustaceans that look like stones but hide a dozen legs underneath, or flat flying creatures that constantly wander around the fluorescent moss, swallowing the glowing buns that fall from the edge of the moss, while also themselves. Will emit colorful light.

This underground world is so beautiful and wonderful, no worse than the surface world.

If there is anything regrettable, it is undoubtedly the voice.

I don't know why, the animals and plants here are very quiet~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Only the water dripping from the huge stalagmites above the head will make a crisp collision sound.

"How long do we have to walk to reach a safe place?" Luke asked without looking back while nibbling on an unknown blue moss.

Since the two of them have been in this world for more than sixteen days, and they rely on a small amount of "nutrient-rich" plants to satisfy their hunger almost every day, his mouth is filled with a bitter taste, and he is about to go crazy.

If it weren't for the inability to use magic, he would definitely kill a few animals and try to see if the other party's meat could be eaten.

The boy bent down and checked the ground of the nearby passage carefully. After a while, he stood up and responded, "Don't worry, we'll be there soon. If nothing else happens, we can reach a small town in a few hours at most. . But before that, I have a few caveats to remind you."

"Oh? What is it?" Luke asked impatiently.

"First, don't communicate with any woman alone. Because in this world, women are a hundred times more dangerous than men. Some women even brutally kill their spouses and devour each other's flesh and soul. Your drinks, even seemingly innocuous water, because those drinks tend to have fun stuff added to them that will drive us outsiders out of their minds. Lastly, and most importantly, pretend you don't know me… …”


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