Spellcasting Heavens

Chapter 757: Skill

"Oh - my God! Baby, you're finally getting out of the bedroom. Also, what's up with your smooth skin? Some kind of beauty magic? Give mom a treat too..."

No sooner had they descended the stairs when Mrs. Granger rushed up and took her daughter in her arms, asking this question like any mother who cares for her children.

Especially for my daughter's sudden beauty, I am full of excitement and anticipation...

"Mom! Let me go! Also! Don't touch my face and neck!" Hermione blushed and struggled desperately, trying to break free from her mother's arms.

If there is no outsider present, of course she doesn't mind being a little closer to her mother, but the problem is that not only is there an outsider present, but she is also a man, and some small acts of intimacy are slightly embarrassing.

Mrs. Granger seemed to have discovered this as well. Yiyi was reluctant to let go of her daughter, and still asked persistently, "Is there really no spells and potions that can make the skin smooth?"

"Of course not! I look like this out of an accident!" Hermione bit the word "accident" to death.

Although at the beginning, she hoped to let her parents understand the magic of the British magic world, but the more she learned, the more she discovered that there were terrible dangers hidden behind it, so she gradually changed her attitude and began to hide the truth, and finally even what happened in the school. unwilling to disclose.

Zhang Cheng no doubt sensed this estrangement, took out a small bottle of life-extending potion rich in life essence, and handed it to the girl's mother with a smile: "Mrs. Granger, if you don't mind, please try this, I promise After using it, you will be as young and beautiful as twenty years old."

"Really! Give it to me? It's too precious! I don't even know what to say..."

The latter was clearly surprised, took it over carefully, opened it and put it under his nose to smell it, followed by dripping two drops on the back of his hand.


The places where the slight wrinkles originally appeared have disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the large pores have gradually tightened, replaced by a delicate and delicate indescribable language, as if returning to the most beautiful eighteen to twenty white women all at once. scene.

After discovering this incredible change, Mrs. Granger immediately went crazy and poured it out and smeared on her face, neck, shoulders, arms, lower abdomen, etc. After a while, her whole body became completely new and stood with her daughter. More like sisters than mother and daughter.

Staring at her brand new self in the mirror, she couldn't help but exclaimed, "Unbelievable! My God! I...I just don't know what to say! Thank you, Professor, this magic potion must be precious. ?"

"Of course! This is made from a special material called life essence. Its greatest effect is not only to restore youth, but also to forcibly prolong the lifespan of human beings. If you can take it every once in a while, you can live until A few hundred years old is not a problem." Zhang Cheng explained with a serious look on purpose.

"Extend...extension?!" Hermione's voice suddenly became sharp.

According to what she learned in school, there is only one person in the magical world who has the ability to concoct life-extending potions, and that is the famous alchemist Nicole Lemay, who created the "Sorcerer's Stone".

Other than that, even Dumbledore and Voldemort couldn't do it.

But with the destruction of the magic stone, the life extension potion disappeared completely, and no one could make it again.

Seeing her daughter's surprised expression, the mother immediately realized the value of the small bottle of green liquid in her hand, and asked cautiously, "Granger, tell me, is this medicine very valuable?"

The girl obviously hesitated for a few seconds, and finally nodded lightly: "Yes, Mom. Even in the magical world, its preciousness cannot be measured by money."

When Mrs. Granger heard this, her eyes suddenly showed strong contradictions and entanglements. On the one hand, as a woman, she was extremely eager to keep this potion that keeps her youthful and beautiful, on the other hand, she was unwilling to keep it. Accept this expensive gift for no reason.

Seeing that the "little gift" he sent had already had the corresponding effect, Zhang Cheng's eyes flashed with a hint of playfulness that was not easy to detect, and he took the initiative to comfort him: "Please accept it, madam, for me, this kind of potion does not have any effect. It's as valuable as outsiders think. To be exact, with time, Hermione can concoct a potion with similar effects. You can't imagine how good your daughter is, her talent in magic is like love in the world of ordinary people Einstein, Newton, Marie Curie."

"Really...really?!" Mrs. Granger subconsciously stared at Hermione, who was also at a loss.

Although she knew that her daughter had always outperformed her peers and learned faster, she couldn't imagine her future achievements comparable to those of the great scientists who laid the foundations of modern science.

"Of course it's true! Time will prove everything." Zhang Cheng pursed his lips into a confident smile.

Because with the huge knowledge base he currently has, even an ordinary little wizard can be trained into a magic master, not to mention a girl who is far smarter than her peers and has received both science and magic education.

Not many teenage boys and girls can resist being complimented in front of their parents, no matter how smart or mature he or she appears to be.


Hermione, whose brain was in a blank state, even forgot what happened next. She returned to her room in a daze and put on a beautiful dress. It was not until she walked a hundred meters away from the house that she finally regained consciousness. She raised her head and asked in a low voice, "Why? Why are you being so nice to me?"

"I think you know why, don't you? You're a special being to me, even more special than Harry. There's a beautiful gem hidden inside of you that no one has found yet, but I believe It will one day burst into a light that destroys beauty."

Looking at the street under the sunlight~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Zhang Chengcheng gave a very vague reason.

But it was this extremely vague reason that made the girl involuntarily have some associations. She lowered her head and showed a shy expression, and responded with a mosquito-like voice: "Thank you..."

Then the two fell into an eerie atmosphere where neither of them spoke again until they cast teleportation magic and disappeared without a trace until they passed through the deserted alley at the corner of the street.

At the same time, Voldemort, who was hiding in Riddle's old house, was staring at his new minions with terrifying eyes through his extremely twisted and simple body.

After a good few minutes, he made a jerky hoarse voice: "Remember, this mission is only allowed to succeed and not fail. You must show your strength and let everyone know that I am coming back, and no one can stop this matter. occur."

"Understood! We will make the entire magical world tremble under the Dark Mark!" A man wrapped in a cloak shouted frantically.

"That's right! For the pride of pure blood! For the future of the magic world!" Another woman also echoed. ( )

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