SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

216 [Bonus chapter] Equal Exchange

Silence enveloped the office.

It wasn't the dreary and uncomfortable kin. No, rather, it was a calm that signified how the both of us evaluated each other. The barrier of student and teacher was thin now, almost nonexistent.

It was as if we sat face to face, as equals.

"You want to know what I know…?" I muttered.

"The same can be said about you." He fired back.

Neron Kaelid wasn't wrong. Despite being a White Core Grade like myself, he had achieved a realm in Magic that I couldn't fathom. The amount of Mana dwelling within this man was the highest I had ever seen in my life.

It made me wonder what would happen if he used Mage Mode.

I wanted to know how he did it!

How did he achieve something like that despite his Core Grade? Unless he used my method, that would be impossible! Then, did he? I found that hard to believe since I could only think in that line thanks to the knowledge I hoarded for myself. Unless he thought in that line, it would be impossible.

It wasn't like I was proud of my advanced intellect. After all, I had spent a lifetime in search of the truth. My current duplicate Mana Cores was simply an application of my previous life's knowledge. There was no way anyone could replicate it… unless they were reincarnated as well!

'Maybe, he too…'

I was stuck, but this was an opportunity for me to find out the truth!

"Who's going to go first?" I smiled a bit nervously.

Information was vital! That was the very reason we were having this conversation.

If Neron wanted to benefit off my knowledge, it meant his was no longer sufficient for him. After all, there would be no need for someone superior to ask for an inferior method of obtaining power. The same could be somewhat said about me.

While I was confident in my methods, I had hit a wall and nearly reached the limits of my current state. Unless I grew a bit more, more body wouldn't be able to handle the strain of so much power. That was why I simply improved the Grade of my Core rather than creating new ones.

If Neron could achieve such unfathomable prowess at such an age, it was clear the man was doing something that I wasn't. Since I was aware of the ability to create multiple Cores, I could somewhat decipher if a person had them. Neron didn't!

The fact that he hadn't mentioned my multiple Cores was also because he hadn't noticed as well. He wasn't aware of my special trick, but that in itself told me he wasn't using it as well.

'What other method can a White Core Grade use to grow stronger?' The more I racked my brain, I couldn't figure it out.

Ultimately, we could only ask!

"Naturally, you should. I'm your master, right? So, tell me, disciple… how did you achieve your current estate?" Neron smiled smugly.

'Using that card, eh? However…'

"Since you're master, shouldn't you be the one teaching me?" My response was innocent and precise.

We both laughed at the intellectual game we played, but I knew he was just as curious as I was. To achieve my goals, I couldn't afford to miss this chance. For that, there was very little I wouldn't do to achieve my goals.

That was why…

"Fine, I'll go first."

… I needed to throw in the bait!

'There's a risk I'll be giving more than I will get in return, but I'll take that chance! Neron's power isn't fake, after all…'

And so… I told him all about it; about my Multiple Mana Cores… and how I coined it!


Neron seemed awestruck, no, dumbfounded by my genius!

He listened, without interruptions, as I explained my means to him, and it was as if his eyes had just opened for the first time.

For someone who had not even considered the possibilities that existed in making multiple Cores, or that it was actually possible, Neron was simply amazed by the concept.

"Wow! Amazing! I never even thought about that!"

Neron had already told me about how impenetrable this office was against any interference or information leaks, so I didn't withhold the details. It would be foolish to lie to someone as intelligent and powerful as him.

Plus, he wasn't my master for nothing!

I truly respected the man and wanted to learn from him. I may have been a Sage in the past, but in the use of Magic, I was most likely more inferior to him. I had no intention of holding on to pride and limit my learning.

"Wow, Jared! This is truly groundbreaking!" He exclaimed and we had a bit of a discussion revolving around the topic.

Not once did Neron ask me how exactly I was able to get such knowledge, neither did he ask why I hoarded it to myself. Since his situation was probably similar to mine, he probably didn't want to me ask questions that he wouldn't be able to answer when his turn came.

'That's a relief… I don't want to lie to him.'

I mean, how could I reveal myself to be an old man who reincarnated as a young Noble. How surprised would he be if he realized he was in the presence of the great Lewis Griffith?

'Pfft, I can only imagine!'


"Now, then… I suppose it's my turn…" Neron said in a more serious tone, and I made sure to focus all of my attention on him.

My words would prove very useful to the Professor; that much was guaranteed!

Unlike others, he still had a White Mana Core, so he could create other Mana Cores. His growth would increase by leaps and bounds… a prospect that even scared me a little.

Still, I had no regrets… as long as I would be able to gain something worth equal value.

'It's now the moment of truth, Neron Kaelid… what are you hiding?'

"My method is similar to yours, but also completely different…" He began, causing to narrow my eyes even more.

"… I create Multiple Mana Cores as well… but all of them are within the same Mana Core!"

My eyes bulged the moment I heard this, and a picture flashed in my mind.

"Y-you mean…?!" I exclaimed in shock and awe.

"Yes. I only have one Mana Core… but within it exists a million more!"

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