Spend Money to Play the World

Five hundred and fifty-one, two programs

Chen Fang said: "What is the specific way? Well, this matter is actually related to stocks, but it is not domestic, but abroad."

Luo Xu asked, "Are US stocks?"

Chen Fang nodded: "Yes, U.S. stocks, in fact, this plan, I originally wanted to make a fortune alone, but Zhao Hao found me a few days ago and asked me to take him with me, I thought about it and agreed, development Now that you have joined again..."

After a pause, Chen Fang continued: "As for why I am willing to promise to bring you rich, let's not hide it, open the skylight and say something bright.

You want to make money with me, this is your purpose.

And my purpose is to use your money to help me expand the investment principal. After I make money, I will take the big head and you will take the small head.

The relationship is very clear and very clear, and it is mutually beneficial and win-win. "

Luo Xu smiled and said, "Chen is always a straightforward person, and he speaks clearly!"

Chen Fangdao: "The reason why I have said it thoroughly is also to tell everyone that if you think that I have the big head and you have the small head, and you are unbalanced in your heart, then leave by yourself, and I will not stop you."

Xue Qi hurriedly said: "What did President Chen say? Your way of making a fortune, you bring us money, you should take the big money, no one will object!"

Others also responded again and again.

Seeing this, Chen Fang nodded in satisfaction and said, "Then, let's talk about the investment situation and share ratio, I have two options here.

The first option is that we set up an investment company in the United States. I will personally invest 6 billion RMB, accounting for 60% of the shares, and the remaining 40% of the shares, attracting an investment of 10 billion yuan.

The second option is that I don’t invest personally, you can set up a company by yourself, and you can invest as much as you want. Then I bring you some money, and I want 50% of the profits to be distributed. "

"Mr. Chen, can we discuss it?" Luo Xu's eyes flashed slightly.

"Of course." Chen Fang made a casual gesture, then buried his head and started eating and drinking.

Luo Xu and the others gathered aside and began to mutter.

The first option is for Chen to release a small amount of money and take a large share.

The second option, Chen Fangkong's glove with white wolf, will not pay a penny, but also 50% of the dividends.

In Chen Fang's view, for Luo Xu and others, the second type is the most profitable, because Chen Fang only takes 50% of the profit.

The first is that once they sign the contract, according to the equity ratio, Chen Fang will pick them up for 3.6 billion in vain, and also take 60% of the profit.

However, in the eyes of Luo Xu, Xue Qi and others, they felt that the second type was not very safe.

Because Chen Fang did not participate in the investment.

The first one, although the share distribution ratio mentioned by Chen Fang did make them suffer a bit, but it is actually within a reasonable range. The most important thing is that Chen Fang participated in the investment of 6 billion, which is equivalent to giving them a reassurance.

Therefore, after a long discussion, Luo Xu and others chose the first option.

Zhao Hao said at this time: "Then if I invest 2 billion, I will have 8% of the shares, right?"

Chen Fang nodded: "That's right."

Xue Qi's eyes flickered a few times and said, "I don't have much money on hand, I can only invest 1.5 billion at most."

Chen Fang calculated the following: "1.5 billion accounts for 6% of the shares."

Luo Xu thought for a while and said, "I can probably get 3 billion in cash from my side, accounting for 12% of the shares."

Huang Xiaotian said: "If you divide it like this, you still have a quota of 3.5 billion and 14% of the shares. I am not as rich as you. I will invest 1 billion and take 4% of the shares."

Yao Fei complained: "I'll go, you guys, you guys usually say that you have no money and no money, but when it comes to a critical moment, you are so violent, my dad won't give me too much money, after losing money in Guoxuan Hi-Tech last time, he I won't be given any more money, I can only invest up to 50 million..."

Yao Fei is different from Huang Xiaotian and others. The main reason is that he is not involved in the operation of his family's company, so he does not have much money in his hands. 50 million is the money that can be squeezed out by tightening his belt.

Xue Qi smiled and said: "50 million is a bit too little.

Even if you make it, you won't make much money. If you invest 200 million, you will have a 100% net rate of return and earn 200 million directly, which is enough for you for a long time, isn't it sweet? "

Yao Fei cried and said, "I said it, I have no money."

Xue Qi: "I don't have the money to borrow it. I don't believe you can't borrow it."

Yao Fei's eyes flickered a few times: "Okay, I'll borrow it, then I'll invest 200 million!"

Seeing this, the other rich second generation also began to discuss how much to invest.

Except for Bei Yiming's investment of 500 million yuan, the economic situation of the other rich second generation is not much better than that of Yao Fei.

The family's assets are tens of billions, but the problem is that it is their parents' money, not their own.

They have no control until their parents die.

Therefore, some invested 300 million, some invested 200 million, and some invested 100 million.

Of course, the least has invested 100 million.

It is worth mentioning that people who have no spare money on hand basically intend to inject capital in the name of the company.

Since then, the 10 billion investment quota and 40% of the equity have been allocated.

Chen Fang holds 60%, Luo Xu 12%, Zhao Hao 8%, Xue Qi 6%, Huang Xiaotian 4%, Bei Yiming 2%, and the remaining 10 rich second generation including Yao Fei, holding a total of 8%.

Of course, it is only a verbal agreement, without payment, and before the contract is signed, it has no legal significance.

After the negotiation on the share allocation, Xue Qi asked: "Mr. Chen, if we do this, the valuation of this company will directly reach 25 billion RMB.

According to what you said before, even if we use some tax avoidance methods, in the end we have to earn nearly 500RMB in the investment to be worthy of the 100% net tax rate, right?

Of course, I'm not doubting your ability, Mr. Chen. I'm just curious. Which U.S. stock can you make so much money? Is it a new energy type? "

The question of Xue Qi was also a question in the minds of everyone present.

They have confidence in Chen Fang, but that doesn't prevent them from expressing doubts about this matter.

Chen Fang said solemnly: "The stocks I plan to invest in this time have nothing to do with new energy. The specific content can't be told to you now, because this matter is of great importance. Once the secret is leaked..."

Luo Xu hurriedly said: "Mr. Chen, don't worry, all of us here are our own people, no one will leak secrets, please believe me!

Take a ten thousand steps back and say, if anyone really dares to leak the secret, we will unite our forces to directly target his family business, let his family be destroyed, and regret it for the rest of his life! "

What Luo Xu said made people shudder, but there was nothing wrong with it. It was obvious that Chen Fang had invested his own money this time, and it was the rhythm that he really wanted to make them rich.

Anyone who dares to leak out secrets and make trouble at this time will be blocking people's fortunes, like murdering their parents!

However, Chen Fang shook his head: "It's not that I don't believe Mr. Luo and you, but that I don't like to pin the key to victory or defeat on whether or not others will go out of business.

So, I won't tell you the specifics until everyone has invested the money and signed the contract.

This is not only responsible for myself, but also for all of you. "

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